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NNDC Services B. Pritychenko National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY , USA.

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Presentation on theme: "NNDC Services B. Pritychenko National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY , USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 NNDC Services B. Pritychenko National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA

2 NNDC Web Services,  Remote access - 1986  Web implementation -1994  More than 99% operational  Computer networks could create access problems  Additional details in: B. Pritychenko, M. Herman “National Nuclear Data Center: A Worldwide User Facility,” Nuclear Physics News 22, No.3, 23 (2012).

3 NNDC Web User Statistics  Free access worldwide  Almost 3 M retrievals in FY 2011  More than 13500 different Internet addresses  Plenty of other user statistics: operating systems, Web browsers, user loyalty, per institute, per week day, …  Web statistics helps to improve services and provide the best evidence of usage

4  First nuclear database for nuclear industry data needs: theory + experiment  ENDF/B-VII.1 was released in December 2011  Mark Chadwick is leading the CIELO project  “Neutron Thermal Cross Sections, Westcott Factors, Resonance Integrals, Maxwellian Averaged Cross Sections and Astrophysical Reaction Rates Calculated from the ENDF/B- VII.1, JEFF-3.1.2, JENDL-4.0, ROSFOND- 2010, CENDL-3.1 and EAF-2010 Evaluated Data Libraries” will appear in December 2012 issue of Nuclear Data Sheets  We will still produce Astrophysical reaction rates for a wide range of temperatures Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF)

5 Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File  Vertical evaluation by mass chain (A)  Evaluated experimental data, no theory  NSR based, 3172 nuclides, 17578 data sets  NuDat 2.6 Web application is based on ENSDF database  Important resource for decay data  Presently evaluation of delayed neutron emitters is underway as a part of IAEA CRP: B. Singh (McMaster University), A.A. Sonzogni (NNDC), I. Dillmann (GSI), et al. Potential implications for r-process nucleosynthesis.

6 Nuclear Science References  A prime source of nuclear bibliography: experiment & theory  Low- and intermediate-energy nuclear physics bibliographic information for more than 208000 articles, 89400 authors, 5188 nuclides, 7204 reactions, 123 decays  Fully integrated with ENSDF and EXFOR  More than 60% keyworded with topics: ATOMIC MASSES ATOMIC PHYSICS COMPILATION NUCLEAR MOMENTS NUCLEAR REACTIONS NUCLEAR STRUCTURE RADIOACTIVITY  Indexed quantities: nuclides, incoming & outgoing, , T 1/2, B( ), …  The weekly updated database is used for evaluations

7 EXFOR (Experimental Format)  Compilation of experimental nuclear reaction data  Mostly Neutrons  Recently, charged particles and photonuclear  More than 19610 experiments  In support ENDF and research activities  Truly international project: NNDC, NEA, IAEA, Obninsk  EXFOR should have more user groups  How to make it more friendly for nuclear astrophysics ???

8  Missing experimental nuclear reaction data  KADoNiS is in EXFOR  Atlas of Neutron Resonances is in EXFOR prelims  Many nuclear astrophysics articles  Viktor Zerkin (IAEA) developed Web Interfaces  Correction of data sets using new monitors  Direct PDF access for evaluators EXFOR

9 Nuclear Codes  NNDC is Worldwide code repository  Many very specialized nuclear reaction and structure codes  Nuclear reaction model code EMPIRE (M.W.Herman et al.)  EMPIRE works on Linux and Mac, Viktor Zerkin (IAEA) developed Windows flash memory system  Universal cloud computing, IAEA mirror- sites, ZVView - universal plotting, experience in covariances, xml-formats

10 Nuclear Codes Webpage  Reaction & structure codes repository with B.A. Brown (UNEDF,MSU):  More codes from Alex Brown in a future  Example of UMADAC code for  -decay T1/2 calculations from Denisov & Khudenko, KINR  Nuclear astrophysics codes contribution ???

11 Nuclear Data 2013  March 4-8, 2013  New York City, Sheraton  Regular meeting, 3 years intervals  Mostly nuclear reaction and energy  More than 550 registered 

12 Conclusion & Outlook  NNDC Services are valuable resource for nuclear astrophysics  The center’s objective is to collect, evaluate and disseminate nuclear physics data for basic nuclear research and applied nuclear technologies  We will continue to serve the needs of physics community  Many challenges still remain  We actively seek cooperation with nuclear astrophysics community

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