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Español 2 Sra. Lear. Youve already learned that you can use direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) with verbs. In this photo the girl.

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Presentation on theme: "Español 2 Sra. Lear. Youve already learned that you can use direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) with verbs. In this photo the girl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español 2 Sra. Lear

2 Youve already learned that you can use direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) with verbs. In this photo the girl is hiding a ball behind her back. She says… La escondo. (Im hiding it.) different Notice that the subject (yo) and the direct object (la) are different.

3 Reflexive verbs take a special pronoun called a reflexive pronoun. While the usual direct object is different from the subject, a reflexive pronoun is the same person, place or thing as the subject. Me escondo. Im hiding (myself). The subject (yo) and the Direct object (me) are The same person; You call this object Reflexive.


5 Step 1: Remove the ending –se. Step 2: Add the appropriate reflexive pronoun Step 3: conjugate the verb in the correct tense. me escondonos escondemos te escondesos escondéis se escondese esconden


7 A verb used reflexively tells you that only the subject of the verb is involved in the action. When using a reflexive verb in the infinitive form, attach the pronoun to the infinitive. Vamos a pelearnos por el cuaderno. We are going to fight over the notebook. Nos vamos a pelear por el cuaderno. We are going to fight over the notebook. Placement…the Pronoun can be attached to The infinitive or before the Conjugated verb.

8 1. You hide. Tu _______escondes. 2. María gets scared. María _______asusta. 3. They get tired Ellos_______cansan. 4. We worry. Nosotros______preocupamos. 5. You apologize. Tú ______despides. te se nos te

9 1. The kids misbehave.(portarse) Los niños se________ mal. 2. She falls down. (caerse) Se_______. 3. We get angry with our friends. (enojarse) Nos____________ con nuestros amigos. 4. I feel sick. (sentirse) Me________enfermo. 5. You say goodbye to your parents. (despedirse) Te__________de tus padres. portan cae enojamos siento despides

10 me aburro nos aburrimos te aburres os aburrís se aburre se aburren aburrirse- to get bored

11 me asusto nos asustamos te asustas os asustáis se asusta se asustan asustarse de- to be scared of

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