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 starter activity What sort of information can skeletons tell us about the health of ordinary people in the past?.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity What sort of information can skeletons tell us about the health of ordinary people in the past?."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity What sort of information can skeletons tell us about the health of ordinary people in the past?.

2 How healthy were pre- historic people? To find out about health & medicine in a prehistoric settlement To compare life in prehistoric times with surviving ancient tribes today  Aims

3  Your task Read about the ‘Tomb of the Eagles’ on the Orkney Islands. Read about the ‘Tomb of the Eagles’ on the Orkney Islands. What was so astonishing about this site? Note down 5 astonishing facts. Compare what you have chosen with your neighbour. What was so astonishing about this site? Note down 5 astonishing facts. Compare what you have chosen with your neighbour. Copy the chart on p.8 and answer the questions using sources 1-3. Copy the chart on p.8 and answer the questions using sources 1-3. Data sheet

4 Isbister Site discovered by chance by John Simison in 1958 Site discovered by chance by John Simison in 1958 Site had been buried for 1000s years Site had been buried for 1000s years Range of personal items, e.g. buttons, weapons & knives Range of personal items, e.g. buttons, weapons & knives 5000-year-old burial place with 16,000 bones 5000-year-old burial place with 16,000 bones Simison was self-taught archaeologist Simison was self-taught archaeologist Bones included eagle talons – hence tribal name, ‘Eagles’ Bones included eagle talons – hence tribal name, ‘Eagles’

5  Your task How can information about modern day tribes help us understand life in pre-historic times? How can information about modern day tribes help us understand life in pre-historic times? Read the information on modern day Aborigines to complete the table. Discuss questions 3-5 in your chart with your partner. Read the information on modern day Aborigines to complete the table. Discuss questions 3-5 in your chart with your partner. Read p.12 and complete your chart. Read p.12 and complete your chart.

6  Your task Produce a health & safety poster for the people of Isbister with pictures and labels explaining how to treat headaches. Your poster must explain these 4 problems: Produce a health & safety poster for the people of Isbister with pictures and labels explaining how to treat headaches. Your poster must explain these 4 problems: What you might think caused the headache What you might think caused the headache Who you could see about the problem Who you could see about the problem How you would have been treated How you would have been treated How well the treatment may have helped you How well the treatment may have helped you

7  Extension task Could healers in pre-historic times help people who were sick? Include the following points in your answer: Could healers in pre-historic times help people who were sick? Include the following points in your answer: Different kinds of healers Different kinds of healers Medical knowledge about causes of sickness Medical knowledge about causes of sickness Different methods of treatment Different methods of treatment Problems of pain Problems of pain Problems in answering this question Problems in answering this question

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