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Research Group Process Evaluation Ecological Footprint calculation using SPIonWeb Kollmann René Graz University of Technology Institute for Process and.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Group Process Evaluation Ecological Footprint calculation using SPIonWeb Kollmann René Graz University of Technology Institute for Process and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Group Process Evaluation Ecological Footprint calculation using SPIonWeb Kollmann René Graz University of Technology Institute for Process and Particle Engineering Petersgasse 116-118 A-8010 Graz, Austria International Seminar STD 7th UPC International Seminar on Sustainable Technology Development 9 – 20 June 2014, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain

2 Research Group Process Evaluation 2 What‘s an Ecological Footprint and why to calculate? Assessment Tools: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Sustainable Process Index (SPI) Examples Conclusions What will come up

3 Research Group Process Evaluation Ecological assessment – a case of rising diversity 3 De-materialisation? Too much carbon? Too much area? Too much water? Too much what????

4 Research Group Process Evaluation What‘s an Ecological Footprint and why to calculate? Quantification of ecological impacts (raw materials, energy and emissions) Footprint comparison for different kind of goods and services Identification of ecological hot spots along the life cycle chain Support on decision making Footprint comparison for marketing It not includes: Social impacts and impacts on biodiversity! 4

5 Research Group Process Evaluation Basic Idea of all ecological footprints 5 Generation Services Ecosphere Destruction „Embedding“ Raw materials, Energy Products, Emissions Provision of services

6 Research Group Process Evaluation The base for Ecological Footprints ? Performing Life Cycle Assessment is standardized (ISO- Norm 14040) 6 Goal and scope definition Goal and scope of the study System boundaries Inventory Analysis Data Collection Relating data to unit processes Allocation Impact Assessment SPI (as an possible Life Cycle Impact Assessment method ) Applications Product development and optimisation Strategic planning Public policy making Interpretation Evaluation of results Analysis of results

7 Research Group Process Evaluation 7 The Sustainable Process Index (SPI) Is member of the „ecological footprint“ family Summarises and compares different ecological pressures Is able to compare fossil based processes with those on renewable base Can compare widely different technologies and product life cycles Converts ecological pressures to area using sustainability principles Is based on (relatively) solid data i.e. popular ecological assessment methods, e.g. life cycle CO2 emissions and Global warming potential (GWP) Freely available web based tool which can be used on any computing device, equiped with a browser, regardless of operating system. available at:

8 Research Group Process Evaluation Principles of the Sustainable Process Index (SPI) Anthropogenic material fluxes must not change –… global natural material cycles (e.g. carbon cycle) –… qualities of local environmental compartments 8 air soil water It´s calculating the area which is necessary to implement a process in a “sustainable” way into the ecosphere!

9 Research Group Process Evaluation 9  The total area  The specific area  The SPI The algorithm a tot =A tot /N S [m²a/service] SPI=a tot /a in A tot =A R +A E +A I +A ST +A D [m²] Tottotal R raw material E energy I infra structure ST staff D dissipation N s number of services provided per year a in Area per inhabitant

10 Research Group Process Evaluation 10 Ecological Footprint calculation based on the Sustainable Process Index (SPI) SPI [m²/unit]

11 Research Group Process Evaluation Basic requirements Process Flow sheet –Material Flows (Chemicals, Metals etc.) –Energy consumption (electricity and heat including source) –Emissions (type and compartment) Consequences –Highly aggregated value for reporting –Carbon footprint (Life Cycle CO2 emissions) –Global Warming Potential (GWP) Questions –System boundaries (Cradle to gate or Cradle to grave)? –Base unit ? –Allocation? (primary aspect, output, value) 11

12 Research Group Process Evaluation 12 SPIonWeb Freeware Web based version (SPIonWeb): Life cycle based processes provided (e.g. energy, transport, chemicals,…)

13 Research Group Process Evaluation 13 Process Details Product + Sub-Processes + Impacts SPIonWeb Results

14 Research Group Process Evaluation Comparison of the SPI- Footprint of different products: 14 For 1 kg of produced fabric you can drive more than 50 km with your car, or drink almost 7 bottles of wine!

15 Research Group Process Evaluation Ecological Footprint: Cotton production in the USA and Peru 15 Huge differences in SPI Footprints for different products!

16 Research Group Process Evaluation Ecological Footprint: Cotton production in the USA and Peru 16 Footprint for 1 kg of conventional produced cotton in the US: mainly responsible are the machinery hours (Harvester and Tractor) and the Fertilizers. Footprint for 1 kg of organically produced cotton in Peru: mainly responsible are the Tractor hours: >90%!

17 Research Group Process Evaluation Hotspots: Ecological Footprint agricultural machines and fertilizers 17 Industrial chemical production, energy provision and emission as main contributions to the Footprint for 1 kg of mineral fertilizer Fuel consumption and emissions are mainly responsible for the impact of agricultural machines SPI for N-Fertilizer Ammonium nitrate phosphate SPI for Tractor (70-110 kW), heavy workload

18 Research Group Process Evaluation Process Graph for US Cotton production including all previous processes 18

19 Research Group Process Evaluation Changing a chain link in practice on SPIonWeb: as an example: Diesel vs. Biogas- Tractor Just to give you an impression how easy you can create different scenarios! 19

20 Research Group Process Evaluation Conclusions Process sharp Footprints to identify hot spots in production chains Optimization of ecological hot spots affects every consecutive process Footprint Process optimization decreases usually operating costs as well Personal Footprint Calculator Calculator for schools Calculator for farming Calculator for settlements 20 ….beyond:

21 Research Group Process Evaluation Thank you for your attention! 21 Kollmann René Graz University of Technology Institute for Process and Particle Engineering Petersgasse 116-118 8010 Graz/Austria

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