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Lecture 24 WEB: Go to TEXT: Text UCIBIO to After joining session, text your question.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 24 WEB: Go to TEXT: Text UCIBIO to After joining session, text your question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 24 WEB: Go to TEXT: Text UCIBIO to 37607 After joining session, text your question

2 Lecture 24 objectives Understand how nitrogen metabolism is regulated Understand the source of carbons for amino acid synthesis Understand the source of carbons and nitrogens for nucleotide synthesis Synthesize and unify the various metabolic pathways Understand how deoxy nucleotides are made Understand how amounts of the 4 NTPS are kept balanced

3 Fixing N 2

4 Nitrogen fixing adaptations

5 Legumes & nodules

6 Symbiosis

7 Regulation

8 Increase transcription Decrease transcription

9 Carbons for amino acids

10 Amino acids = More than proteins! Creatine Glutathione Heme Nitric oxide Hormones Neurotransmitters

11 Nucleotide synthesis from many molecules

12 Synthesis of purines…

13 …starts on a ribose molecule

14 A & G from I

15 Regulation of purine synthesis

16 Pyrimidine biosynthesis

17 Regulation

18 Data analysis Which graph describes ATCase activity when [CTP] and [ATP] are high? DCB KmKm V max Kinetic parameter NormalA A B CD

19 Oxy  deOxy

20 Regulation by reduction!

21 Regulation of ribonucleotide reductase

22 The deal with THF


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