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ACP Practicum Orientation Let the process begin!.

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1 ACP Practicum Orientation Let the process begin!

2 Dr. Ann Riley, Field Education Coordinator 405-325-1395 Pam Sanford, MSW, LCSW, Faculty Liaison 405-325-7569 Linda Smith, MSW, CWPEP Coordinator 405-325-7174 Levi Heperi, Field Education Support Specialist 405-325-8569 Elizabeth Hicks, Grad. Assist. for Field office 405-325-9063

3 Top Ten Things to Know about Getting ACP Practicum Started 1. What is the purpose of the ACP practicum? 2. When is practicum & what courses do I enroll in? 3. How many practicum hours are required? 4. What are my choices for a practicum placement? 5. How does the placement process work & what is the timeline? 6. How do I apply for practicum? 7. What’s the purpose of the Individual Planning Session? 8. How do I find a placement? 9. What do I need to know about interviewing? 10. Can I get paid for practicum & what will my schedule be? No worries! The Field office is here to help!

4 1. ACP Practicum Purpose  Field Education: Practicum integrates coursework with real life field experience in an agency setting with real clients, bringing together essential knowledge, values & skills. Practicum is the “signature pedagogy” for social work professional competency development.  At the Concentration level, the focus is on Advanced Practice. Building on the generalist foundation experience, students completing the Administration & Community Practice practicum experience social work practice settings and roles that emphasize change efforts with groups, organizations & communities. Authentic learning opportunities connect field and classroom activities.

5 2. ACP Practicum Format & Enrollment CONCURRENT Fall/Spring: Fall: SWK 5836 ACP Practicum III - 6 hours credit Spring: SWK 5846 ACP Practicum IV - 6 hours credit Course credit over two semesters = 12 hours total Once all orientation requirements are complete, students will be given an override for practicum enrollment. It will help to know your schedule when you conduct interviews.

6 3. Practicum Hours: by Weekly, Semester, Total Weekly: 18 – 20 hours per week required Semester: 16 weeks required //275 hour minimum Total: 275 + 275 = 550 total minimum Hour Examples: 18 – 20 hours per week x 32 weeks. [16 weeks (Fall) + 16 weeks (Spring) = 32 weeks] Notice: 20 hours x 15 weeks worth =300 – nice 18 hours x 15 weeks worth =270 – problem!

7 4. ACP Practicum Agencies Agencies are assessed as appropriate for each cohort level; Are retained under contract for the purpose of practicum; Offered to students primarily in the Norman/OKC metro; But also located for those residing beyond a 50 mile radius. Keep in mind that agencies are ever evolving! Children, Youth & Family services Corrections/Victim’s programs Counseling, Mental Health & Substance Abuse agencies DHS services ~ Child Welfare, Permanency Planning Disability Services ~ Adults & Children Gerontology/Older Adult programs Healthcare settings ~ Hospitals, Clinics and Hospice Homelessness services LGBTQ services School-based social work services Veterans ~ VA Centers, Support Services

8 5. Practicum Placement Process Three phases: 1) Planning for your placement 2) Interviewing at placements 3) Securing your placement STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET ALL PRACTICUM DEADLINES Communication is the key! Handout: ACP Practicum Calendar ~~This will be your guide for the year~~ Website: Education/Practicum Calendars

9 6. Applying for Practicum Phase I: Planning – for ALL students Since you are here today ~ Next: Online Video Training Links will be sent to your OU email for completion Subject: PRACTICUM – (for all field correspondence) 1) Basic Practicum Orientation Overview (~30 mins) 2) Applying for Practicum through IPT (~6 mins) (Intern Placement Tracking is our practicum platform) 3) Google Forms Quiz must be completed Note: Updated professional Resume is required! See website: Education /Norman Forms & Reference Materials/ Resume sample

10 Information Sharing Policy Information Sharing (Field Manual, p. 17-18) Practicum Application – Information Sharing items Remember: Social work is a Professional Program

11 7. Individual Planning Sessions Then: Individual Planning Session – Sign up today! Field Office, room 215. Discuss you needs & option ideas. Participation in the individual planning session is a crucial step of the placement planning process. All students meet with field office staff (OKDHS and CWPEP students are with Linda Smith) to review their application, resume, needs, interests & goals. This aids the field office staff in determining recommended site options for the student. Sign Up Today! (30 minutes) July 5 – 8, 2016 Morning, noon, & afternoon appointments are available

12 8. Finding a Placement Phase II: Interviewing Students do not ‘find’ a placement on their own Field office considers individual student needs & interests, plus agency availability, & cohort needs overall Students will receive two referrals from the Field office Field office manages the competition by screening & referring students to the field instructor/agencies Best fit is then up to you and the agency to determine

13 9. Interviewing for Practicum Phase II: Interviewing cont’d Education/Norman Forms & Reference Materials Student Performance Policy Pre-Placement Interview Information Student Placement Form Practicum Readiness Self-Assessment Checklist Complete for strengths + areas for growth & overall Use self-assessment info on practicum application Share self-assessment info - Indv Planning Session

14  Employment-Based Practicum Proposal (EBPP): See -- Field Education Manual (p. 15-18) & online orientation training Top Points  Must represent new learning different from job responsibilities  Must have different Field Instructor from job Supervisor  Student must negotiate the practicum/employment placement  Final approval determined by the Field Education Coordinator Application process  To apply, additional application documents are required for the EBPP:  Practicum Application Part III – located on website + Two Job Descriptions: current position & proposed practicum position + Recent Job Performance Review + A schedule reflecting work, school & practicum For your protection: Proposals are carefully and thoroughly reviewed.

15  Practicum begins on site: The Week of August 22, 2016 Students negotiate weekly schedule with the site.  Field Training is required for you & your Field Instructor Required Training in the new hybrid format Online + Friday, Sept. 2, 2016 ~ 2:00 – 4:00 (3 hours total) Location: Zarrow Hall, Community Room

16 (We hope you’re excited. We are!!)

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