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Defense Mechanisms. But first….. A little practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Defense Mechanisms. But first….. A little practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defense Mechanisms

2 But first….. A little practice

3 Habitat? Niche?






9 Another little refresher

10 Symbiosis All the relationships! Interactions between organisms

11 Symbiosis Mutualism- both species benefit from a relationship. Lichens (fungus and Algae)

12 Symbiosis Commensalism – One member of a symbiotic relationship benefits and the other is neither helped or harmed

13 Symbiosis Parasitism- One creature benefits and one creature is harmed Ex tapeworm. Feeds in a humans intestines absorbing his/her nutrients.

14 Predation Predation- when an organism captures and feeds on another organism. Predator- hunter Prey- hunted

15 Competition Intraspecific- same population/species Interspecific- two different species

16 Keystone Species A keystone species is one for which, if it were removed from its habitat, there would be a dramatic change in the species diversity of that habitat

17 Defenses!

18 Chemical Defense The Bomb

19 Physical Defense Spicebush Caterpillar A little Combo defense might helpA little Combo defense might help

20 The art of a Camouflage Camouflage Symbiotic relationships?

21 Territory Don't cross the line

22 Mimicry The best way to survive is to look like something you are not!The best way to survive is to look like something you are not!

23 Two Types of mimicry Batesian Mimicry is when a harmless species copies a harmful species Mullerian Mimicry is when TWO harmful or unpalatable species mimic each other. Meet the Master!

24 Just plain weird defenses Horned Lizard

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