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 The scientific study of behavior and mental processes that is tested through scientific research.  Four Goals of Psychology: 1. Describe 2. Explain.

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Presentation on theme: " The scientific study of behavior and mental processes that is tested through scientific research.  Four Goals of Psychology: 1. Describe 2. Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1  The scientific study of behavior and mental processes that is tested through scientific research.  Four Goals of Psychology: 1. Describe 2. Explain 3. Predict 4. Influence

2  Wilhelm Wundt (1832- 1920)  Father of Psychology  1 st Laboratory of Psychology  Structuralist ◦ a psychologist who studied the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences.  Introspection - “inner experiences”

3 William James (1842-1910)  1 st Psychology Class at Harvard  Influenced by Darwin’s Survival of the Species  Influenced Motivation & Emotion  Functionalist - a psychologist who studied the function (rather than the structure) of consciousness.

4 William James (1842-1910)  1 st Psychology Class at Harvard  Influenced by Darwin’s Survival of the Species  Influenced Motivation & Emotion  Functionalist - a psychologist who studied the function (rather than the structure) of consciousness. Why do we run away if we notice that we are in danger? Because we are afraid of what will happen if we don't. This obvious (and incorrect) answer to a seemingly trivial question has been the central concern of a century-old debate about the nature of our emotions. William James conceived of an emotion in terms of a sequence of events that starts with the occurrence of an arousing stimulus (the sympathetic nervous system or the parasympathetic nervous system); and ends with a passionate feeling, a conscious emotional experience. A major goal of emotion research is still to elucidate this stimulus-to-feeling sequence — to figure out what processes come between the stimulus and the feeling.

5  Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911)  World Traveler  Cousin of Charles Darwin - Heredity - coined the phrase “nature versus nurture”  “Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we could get rid of less desirable people?”  His theories are now discredited!

6  Point of View: Focus is on the unconscious  Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)  Stage Theorist (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital)  Studies in Hysteria  Unconscious Mind  Dream Interpretation  Free Association  Defense Mechanisms  Therapist’s Role: Objective

7  Point of View: Focus is on the unconscious  Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)  Stage Theorist (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital)  Studies in Hysteria  Unconscious Mind  Dream Interpretation  Free Association  Defense Mechanisms  Therapist’s Role: Objective In the Western world, until the 17th century, hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus (from the Greek ὑ στέρα "hystera" = uterus), such as when a baby emerges from the female birth canal. Freudian psychoanalytic theory attributed hysterical symptoms to the subconscious mind's attempt to protect the patient from psychic stress.

8  Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

9  Carl Jung (pronounced Young) (1875–1961)

10  Karen Horney (pronounced “Hornay”) (1885-1952)

11  Anna Freud (1895-1982)

12  John Bowlby (1907-1990)

13  Margaret Mahler (1897-1985)

14  Point of View: Behavior can be easily studied, shaped, and changed.  Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)  Classical Conditioning: Pavlov’s Dogs

15  John B. Watson (1878- 1958) Classical Conditioning ◦ Little Albert  B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) Operant Conditioning ◦ Skinner’s Rats ◦ Positive Reinforcement ◦ Negative Reinforcement

16  Point of View: Human nature is constantly evolving and self-directed.  Carl Rogers (1902-1987) ◦ Unconditional Positive Regard, Empathy, Congruence  Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) ◦ Hierarchy of Needs ◦ Father of Modern Management Psychology  Rollo May (1909-1994) ◦ Existential Psychology

17  Point of View: Focus on how we process, store, and use information, & how information influences our thinking, language, problem solving, & creativity.  Albert Ellis (1913-2007) ◦ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy ( REBT)  form of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) & was first expounded by Ellis in the mid 1950s; development continued until his death in 2007.

18  Aaron Beck (1921) ◦ Founder of Cognitive Therapy  seeks to help the patient overcome difficulties by identifying & changing dysfunctional thinking, behavior, & emotional responses

19  Point of View : studies the human lifespan & how changes in development affect one’s behavior and motivation.  Erik Erikson (1902-1994)  Jean Piaget  (1896-1980)

20  Point of View : Perception is more than the sum of its parts - it involves a “ whole pattern ” or, in German, a Gestalt.

21  Fritz Perls (1893-1970) – Founder of Gestalt ◦ Laura Perls ◦ Empty Chair Technique

22  Max Wertheimer (1880-1943)

23  Wolfgang Kohler (1887-1967)

24  Kurt Koffka (1886-1941)

25  Point of View : emphasizes the impact of biology on behavior.  PET scans and CAT scans  Neurotransmitters  Genetics

26  Point of View : involves studying the influence of cultural and ethnic similarities and differences on behavior and social functioning. Immigration ◦ Gender, Socioeconomic Status, Immigration  Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) ◦ Zone of Proximal Development  the difference btwn what a learner can do w/o help & what he can do with help.

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