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Under 17 Junior Regional Performance Centre Nutrition for health and performance.

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1 Under 17 Junior Regional Performance Centre Nutrition for health and performance

2 “To create elite hockey players with the ability to make informed food choices to optimize health, wellbeing and performance.” England Hockey Vision of Nutrition

3 OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY Learn what to eat and drink during injury and illness Understand why hydration is important for health & performance Create your pre-, during & post- training & match-play hydration strategy

4 WHY IS NUTRITION IMPORTANT? Improves strength, speed, endurance, concentration and co-ordination Supports optimal body composition Provides energy for performance Optimizes recovery Supports a healthy immune system Improves the way you feel, think and behave

5 NUTRITION TO REDUCE RISK OF ILLNESS Follow these top tips to reduce the risk of illness: Eat breakfast containing some protein & is low in sugar Eat 3 meals a day plus snacks Eat 3 different vegetables and 2 different fruits each day Eat a source of protein with every meal Eat 2-3 sources of dairy every day Limit intake processed meats, pastry, chocolate, crisps, cakes, sugar and biscuits Drink 2-3 L of fluid per day

6 TASK 1: NUTRITION FOR INJURY Get into small groups (3/4’s) and discuss why you think diet is important during injury.

7 NUTRITION FOR INJURY During injury, nutrition can: Accelerate the healing process Reduce inflammation Help manage body weight Help build muscle mass and support strength gains Help repair broken bones or torn muscles

8 Nutrition during injury Reduce energy intake if you’re inactive (e.g. cut down on snacking, reduce portion size) Choose nutrient dense carbohydrates (e.g. vegetables, fruit, brown rice, granary bread, pulses, beans) Add protein to every meal Avoid inflammatory foods (e.g. fried foods, pastry, processed meats, cakes, chocolate, crisps, biscuits) Eat 2 sources of calcium each day (e.g. yoghurt, milk, cheese)

9 TASK 2: NUTRITION DURING INJURY Get into small groups (3/4’s) and discuss the types of foods you should eat during injury.

10 HYDRATION Drinking water is one of the easiest and cheapest performance aids What happens to the body if you are dehydrated? Reduced endurance capacity Increased fatigue Increased perception of fatigue Decreased cognitive function Decreased motor skills

11 HOW DO YOU STAY HYDRATED? Thirst is a poor indicator of hydration Your hydration needs vary – there is no one size fits all strategy How do you monitor dehydration? Urine chart Top Tips Use a 1 L water bottle Drink 2-3 L of water a day Keep your bottle clean and well labelled

12 HYDRATION STRATEGY Before Drink 300-400 ml 2 hours before to start session hydrated During Sip little and often during training Drink no more than 300 ml at half time After Replace fluid and electrolytes Drink 300-500 ml of fluid within an hour of finishing – sip little and often

13 WHAT TO DRINK Water and squash are great for sessions lasting up to 90 minutes or matches Hypotonic drinks are good for fluid & electrolyte replacement (Lucozade Lite) Isotonic drinks are good for fluid and fuel replacement (Lucozade Sport) Energy drinks should be avoided (Red Bull)

14 IMPORTANT POINTS FROM TODAY Eating for health and wellbeing every single day is vital for hockey performance Make informed food choices to help manage your injury Hydration is one of the cheapest and easiest performance aids Plan your own hydration strategy before, during and after training and matches to boost performance and recovery

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