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Published byDoreen Harper Modified over 8 years ago
Monterey Downs and Monterey Horse Park and Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Specific Plan STUDY SESSION REGARDING SPECIFIC PLAN, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONING CODE AMENDMENT, AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT City Council Study Session September 29, 2016 Item 5.A
Study Session Agenda Staff and EIR Consultant Presentations Applicant Presentation Public Comments Council Questions, Discussion, and Direction to Staff 2
Study Topics Specific Plan General Plan Amendment Zoning Code (Ordinance) (SMC Title 17) Amendment EIR 3
4 Project Site Background 711.1 Acres on Former Fort Ord 148.6 acres in Seaside city limits 562.5 acres in unincorporated Monterey County Closure of Fort Ord Base closed in 1994 Fort Ord Base Reuse Plan adopted in 1997 Designated the entire project site as a development parcel Seaside General Plan Adopted August 5, 2004 FORA Consistency Determination on December 10, 2004
5 Project Site Background East Garrison-Parker Flats Land Use Modification MOU Executed December 2005 (FORA, County, US BLM, US Army, Monterey Peninsula College) Affected approximately 520 acres of the project site in unincorporated County Cemetery Endowment Fund Parcel 31.5 acres of the project site 2009 MOU City of Seaside, County of Monterey, Fort Ord Reuse Authority. Revised in 2012 to add Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Foundation Residential (RES-1 Planning Area)
6 Project Site Background Exclusive Negotiating Agreement Seaside Redevelopment Agency and Monterey Downs, LLC - 2010 Applications and EIR Process Applications – 2012 EIR process (Draft was completed and published on June 19, 2015; Final was published on July 29, 2016) Study Sessions (May 30, 2013 and April 30, 2015) Site Tour on May 30, 2013 Board of Architectural Review (July 1, 2015 and August 17, 2016) Planning Commission (September 7, 2016 and September 21, 2016)
7 Site Location & Description Location 711 acres – 148.6 acres currently in the City of Seaside and 562.5 acres currently in unincorporated County Description Past use for military training Generally undeveloped with one large building and 9 very small structures and minimal paving
Project Location 8
9 Aerial Photo and Boundary Map
Base Reuse Plan Land Use Concept 10
1 st Study Topic - Specific Plan The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land The distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major components of public and private infrastructure. Standards and criteria by which development will proceed A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out the project. 11
Vested Development Rights Adoption of a specific plan (or approval of the general plan and zoning amendments) does not give the applicant vested development rights. Vested development rights would accompany the vesting tentative map, should it be approved. The vesting tentative map will be studied by the City Council and considered at a later date. 12
13 Specific Plan - Land Use Map
14 Illustrative Conceptual Site Plan
Veterans Cemetery Site Plan 15
General Plan Consistency The Specific Plan was evaluated for its consistency with relevant General Plan policies. The analysis is presented in Exhibit J of the staff report. The analysis concludes that the Specific Plan is consistent with relevant General Plan policies. 16
Base Reuse Plan Consistency The Specific Plan was evaluated for its consistency with the Fort Ord Base Reuse Plan, using the FORA Consistency Determination Analysis Table. A draft of that analysis is presented in Exhibit K of the staff report. The draft analysis concludes that the Specific Plan is generally consistent with the Base Reuse Plan. 17
Staff Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan In addition to various minor clarifications and corrections, the following substantive changes are recommended by staff: 18
Staff Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan continued 19 Chapter 2, Table 2.2, Permitted Uses. Eliminate horse racing as an allowed use within the Specific Plan and modify language throughout the Specific Plan where horse racing is referenced (modification). Staff believes that horse racing is not fiscally sustainable as the horse racing industry is in decline according to the California Horse Racing Board Annual Reports.
Staff Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan continued 20 Chapter 6, Development Standards. Add a standard that encourages the use of universal design principles to facilitate the development of housing to accommodate residents of all abilities (Consistency with General Plan Policy H-2.9). (Addition)
Staff Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan continued Chapter 7, Landscape and Grading Design Standards. Add section 7.4.7, Civic Art and include a standard that encourages providing civic art into both public and private development projects (Consistency with General Plan Policy UD-4.1). (Addition) 21
Staff Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan continued Chapter 8, Section 8.3.1, Tentative Map Review. The following shall be added after the 1st paragraph. “The process for identification of wooded areas and individual trees for development pursuant to the Specific Plan is as follows: a. Tentative Maps shall identify the location of all wooded areas; and b. Final Maps shall identify the locations, sizes, and types of existing trees that have circumference greater than 19 inches, and clearly identify which trees are proposed to be removed.” (Clarification) 22
BAR Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan On Table 6.1 of the Development Standards, modify the side setback standard for the construction of detached single family dwellings on lots less than 3,750 square feet to increase the minimum side setback from 3.5 feet to 4 feet. On Table 6.1 of the Development Standards, modify the minimum building separation between buildings to increase the minimum separation from 7’, to 8’ and 10’ on alternating lots. 23
BAR Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan On Table 6.1 of the Development Standards, insert the following language, “To ensure privacy is maintained between adjoining two-story dwellings on lots less than 3,750 square feet, off-set the second story windows to avoid having second story windows directly face each other.” On Table 6.1, Development Standards, SFD Courtyard Residential Building Height should not exceed two stories when located adjacent to a detached single family neighborhood. 24
BAR Recommended Changes to the Specific Plan Section, Development Review and Application Procedures, include requirements for the submittal of cross- sections as a design detail to provide perspective of the street contours and grading patterns between adjoining blocks. Section 6.3.1, Development Standards, All Developments, include a new bullet stating, “Opportunities for the placement of solar energy products and installation of wind protection barriers should be considered in the Urban Design process for each development Phase.” 25
2 nd Study Topic General Plan Amendment Amend General Plan figures (maps) to incorporate the project site Text addition to the General Plan Urban Design Element. “The 711.1-acre Specific Plan area provides for the development of 1,280 single-family and multi-family homes; 535,000 square feet of commercial, including two, 200-room hotels; a 256-unit qualified worker lodging facility; Monterey Horse Park equestrian facility; a 225,000 square foot sports arena, and a horse training track; a 72.5-acre “Oak Oval” open space; a public facility area for the Seaside Corporation Yard; and the Veterans Cemetery. The Specific Plan includes a land use plan, circulation plan, public facilities and services plan, architectural design guidelines, development standards, landscaping and grading design standards, and an implementation plan to guide the development of the Project site.” 26
General Plan Land Use Policy Map Amendment 27
3 rd Study Topic Zoning Ordinance Amendment Title 17 of the Seaside Municipal Code Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment to incorporate the project site Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to incorporate a discussion about the Specific Plan 28
Zoning Map Amendment 29
Zoning Text Amendment “A. Purpose and Intent. The Monterey Downs and Monterey Horse Park and Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Specific Plan was adopted by the City on ADD DATE, to reuse a key portion of the former Fort Ord for a mixed-use village including residential, commercial, recreational, and public facility uses, consistent with the General Plan and Base Reuse Plan. As adopted, the specific plan provides for up to 400 multi-family homes including student apartments on approximately 19 acres; up to 880 single-family homes including 26 detached courtyard homes on approximately 130 acres, up to 535,000 square feet of retail and commercial uses including two 200-room hotels on approximately 51 acres, an equestrian park on approximately 111 acres, an outdoor equestrian training track, indoor sports arena, and 256 worker lodging units on approximately 139 acres, the Veterans Cemetery with ancillary parcels on approximately 135 acres, public facilities including a City corporation yard and fire station on approximately 20 acres, approximately 34 acres of internal streets, and the 73-acre Oak Oval open space/habitat reserve. 30
Zoning Text Amendment continued B. Applicability. All land use policies, development standards and design guidelines, and infrastructure improvements applicable to proposed land uses and development project within the Monterey Downs and Monterey Horse Park and Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Specific Plan Area may be found in the adopted Monterey Downs and Monterey Horse Park and Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Specific Plan, available at the City of Seaside City Hall, on the City’s website, or by contacting Planning Division staff directly.
Zoning Text Amendment continued C. Specific Plan Area. The Monterey Downs and Monterey Horse Park and Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Specific Plan Area is located north of Monterey Peninsula College property, Fort Ord Recreational Habitat Area; south of the Department of Defense building (former Silas B. Hayes Hospital); the planned mixed-use area knowns as Surplus II, an Army parcel on Joe Lloyd Way, and CSUMB open space; east of Parker Flats Cutoff and Army housing; and west of the Fort Ord Recreational Habitat Area. Figure (insert number) shows the boundaries of the Specific Plan Area.”
EIR Certification Presentation by Rita Garcia, Project Manager with Michael Baker International 33
EIR Certification Certify EIR prior to taking action on the project Adopt findings pursuant to CEQA Adopt Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Adopt Statement of Overriding Considerations 34
Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations Provision of land sale revenue to the City for approximately 450 acres of land Provision of revenue to the City associated with increased population and retail other tax generating uses Provision of housing and jobs to assist the City in reaching their jobs/housing balance (General Plan Policy LU-1.2) Provision of high-density housing and residential- commercial mixed use projects (General Plan Policy H-2.3) 35
Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations Provision of a variety of housing types, sizes, and prices to increase housing choice (General Plan Policy H-2.1) Provision of housing affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households (City’s affordable housing ordinance and General Plan Policy H-2.4) 36
Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations Provision of large-scale commercial recreational facilities (General Plan Policy LU-1.5) Provision of a trail system and two staging areas to the Fort Ord Recreational Habitat Area, which leads to the Fort Ord National Monument (General Plan Policy C-3.4) Provision of parks and recreational facilities for Seaside residents (General Plan Policy COS-1.1) 37
Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations Utilizes vacant and underutilized parcels consistent with the Fort Ord Base Reuse Plan to support mixed uses including commercial facilities (General Plan Policy ED-1.1) Provision of opportunities to highlight cultural events and attractions in Seaside to help project a high quality of life image to potential visitors and business prospects (General Plan Policy ED-5.2) 38
Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations Provision of new jobs, assisting the region with replacing the approximately 21,000 jobs that were lost as a result of the Fort Ord closure Provision of a project that is consistent with the Fort Ord Base Reuse Plan and Fort Ord Habitat Management Plan, which includes preservation of the 73-acre Oak Oval Provision of mixed uses (residential including affordable student apartments, retail, recreational) close to CSUMB 39
Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations Provision of FORA impact fees Provides an opportunity for the City to fulfill its obligation in the Endowment Parcel MOU Provision of a walkable, mixed-use community (residential, commercial, recreational, institutional, open space) that incorporates principles of long-term environmental sustainability and resource conservation. 40
City Council Next Step City Council – October 13, 2016 Consider adopting a resolution certifying the EIR, making findings pursuant to CEQA, adopting a statement of overriding considerations, and adopting a mitigation monitoring and reporting program Consider adopting a resolution approving the General Plan Amendment Consider an ordinance (1 st reading) adopting the Specific Plan (2 nd reading October 20 th ) Consider an ordinance (1 st reading) amending the Zoning Ordinance (2 nd reading October 20 th ) 41
City Council Future Considerations Sphere-of-Influence Amendment (requires an agreement with County of Monterey regarding land disposition and water allocation) Annexation and Pre-zoning (requires a tax sharing agreement with County of Monterey) Disposition and Development Agreement Master Tentative Map and Vesting Tentative Map 42
Actions Required of Other Agencies Fort Ord Reuse Authority Consistency Determination County of Monterey Review and approval of a Pre-Sphere-of-Influence Agreement and Tax Sharing Agreement Monterey County LAFCO Review and approval of Sphere of Influence and Annexation Applications 43
Specific Plan Implementation Property Transfer Property is transferred to the City of Seaside and Seaside sells the all non-public property to the applicant Development Review and Applications Development Application submitted and reviewed under City procedures 44
Questions 45
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