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Unit2 Module 1 People and places Oxford English Period 1 Travelling around the world Reading (1)

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1 Unit2 Module 1 People and places Oxford English Period 1 Travelling around the world Reading (1)

2 Oxford English


4 Oxford English Where do you want to go to travel? Why do you want to travel there?

5 Oxford English Where will I go for travelling? Tom


7 Oxford English Which of these is the French flag? France 法国 A B C French 法国的 flag 旗帜

8 Oxford English What interested Tom in France after reading the magazine?

9 food wine 葡萄酒 baguette 长棍面包 snail 蜗牛... vineyard 葡萄园 food

10 the French Alps places the Eiffel TowerTower the Louvre Museum the Champs-Elysees 埃菲尔铁塔 香榭丽舍大街 卢浮宫博物馆 阿尔卑斯山

11 Fast Reading Western Paris the Eiffel Tower the Louvre Museum the Champs-Elysees wine Exercise1:

12 Discuss in groups and find out the structure of the article. Fast Reading Exercise2:

13 enjoy excellent French wine The Eiffel Tower & The Louvre Museum The Champs-Elysees enjoy art visit some shops and department stores Vineyards Match the places and activities In summer In winter go to wonderful beaches try skiing on the moutains in the French Alps Exercise2: Detail Reading

14 The most famous street in Paris is the Champs-Elysees. This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores. 百货商店

15 enjoy excellent French wine The Eiffel Tower & The Louvre Museum The Champs-Elysees enjoy art visit some shops and department stores Vineyards Match the places and activities In summer In winter go to wonderful beaches try skiing on the moutains in the French Alps

16 France is very famous for its wine. There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine. very good

17 enjoy excellent French wine The Eiffel Tower & The Louvre Museum The Champs-Elysees enjoy art visit some shops and department stores Vineyards Match the places and activities In summer In winter go to wonderful beaches try skiing on the moutains in the French Alps

18 The south of France lies on the coast, so it is famous for its wonderful beaches. 海岸

19 enjoy excellent French wine The Eiffel Tower & The Louvre Museum The Champs-Elysees enjoy art visit some shops and department stores Vineyards Match the places and activities In summer In winter go to wonderful beaches try skiing on the moutains in the French Alps

20 But if you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps. 更喜欢 滑雪

21 enjoy excellent French wine The Eiffel Tower & The Louvre Museum The Champs- Elysees enjoy art visit some shops and department stores Vineyards In summer In winter go to wonderful beaches try skiing on the moutains in the French Alps The capital -Paris The centre of France The south of France

22 Exercise2 : Read the article again and answer questions 1 and 2 in complete sentences. Then discuss and answer questions 3 and 4 with your classmates. 1.Which place in Paris should a person visit if he or she likes shopping? 2.Where can tourists go in France for a summer holiday? Where for a winter holiday? 3.Why does the author say ‘France has something for everyone” (line 21)? 4.Can you think of another title for the article? Detail Reading

23 1.Which place in Paris should a person visit if he or she likes shopping? 2.Where can tourists go in France for a summer holiday? Where for a winter holiday? 3.Why does the author say ‘France has something for everyone” (line 21)? 4.Can you think of another title for the article? The champs-Elysees. A French town by the sea; The mountains in the French Alps. Everyone is interested in France. Welcome to France

24 Post- reading Complete the map Tom's friends are interested in his travel to France. If you were Tom, draw a map based on the text, and introduce to your friends. Group discussion wonderful beaches

25 Map of France wonderful beaches Paris the Eiffel Tower the Louvre Museum the Champs -Elysees vineyards Alps

26 Summary S 1. New words 2. Main idea:

27 Summary 3. Reading strategies: ① skimming: find out the main ideas ② scanning: find out the details ③ deducing the meaning of new words from the context S

28 H Homework Tom is in France now. He wants to send postcards to his friends. If you were Tom, write your postcard about France. 23 April Dear John, Hi, I'm in France now.____________________ ____________________ Best wishes, Tom John Wu Room 2503, Building 8 200 Garden Road Guangzhou 510000 PRC

29 Unit2 Oxford English Thank you! Reading

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