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Tourism as a driving force for regional cooperation across the EU

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Presentation on theme: "Tourism as a driving force for regional cooperation across the EU"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tourism as a driving force for regional cooperation across the EU
Rapporteur: Hanspeter Wagner (AT/EPP) Mayor of Breitenwang in Tirol Commission for Natural Ressources 27 September 2016

2 Economic importance of tourism
the third largest socio-economic factor in the EU Europe is the most attractive and visited continent 10% GDP 9.7 mio. jobs EUR bn. 600 mio. tourists EUR 560 per person

3 Top priorities for European tourism policy

4 European tourism needs a common strategy+ cooperation + qualification + investments

An integrated European tourism strategy based on Multi-Level-Governance European and macro-regional tourism strategies Cross-border strategies and European groupings of territorial cooperation (EGTCs) MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE Local, regional and national tourism strategies

6 Strengthening the backbone of tourism: supporting SMEs and reducing bureaucracy

7 Pushing concrete investments in tourism
Introduce budget heading for promoting European tourism into annual EU budget Create regional investment platforms Support cross-border small and micro-projects and "people- to-people" projects Facilitate public investments in regions where tourism is economically and socially critical and helps to create jobs

8 Investing in digital solutions

9 Creating jobs and mobility across the EU
Ensure formal cross-border recognition of tourism qualifications European-wide placement of qualified workers in tourism-intensive regions via EURES Qualification partnerships of regions, local authorities, employment agencies and the tourism industry

10 Tourism: drawing benefits from European Citizenship

11 European Citizenship: Tourism in practice

12 European Citizenship: Discover Europe as a citizen and a tourist

13 Thank You!

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