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Peter Rob and Elie Semaan Databases: Design, Development, and Deployment Using Microsoft Access Second Edition Reports and Labels (Chapter 7)

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Rob and Elie Semaan Databases: Design, Development, and Deployment Using Microsoft Access Second Edition Reports and Labels (Chapter 7)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Rob and Elie Semaan Databases: Design, Development, and Deployment Using Microsoft Access Second Edition Reports and Labels (Chapter 7)

2 Creating a Report –Access is considered one of the best report generator for Window application. Access reports allow you to display dynamic data from tables or queries in a user friendly format. –To create a report follow these steps: 1.Click on the Reports tab in Microsoft Access window. 2.Click on the New option from the Toolbar and select the type of report you want to create and select the table or the query you want to be the data source for the report.

3 Creating a Report (Cont) 3.Or click on the Create report by using wizard on the Reports tab.

4 Creating a Report with Subtotals and Totals –One of the advantages of using reports is that they can provide activity summaries. Clearly, sales activities are of great interest to most users. Therefore, various sales reports are generated periodically. –The simplest way to create the subtotal/total report is to use the Report Wizard.

5 Reports Based on Crosstab Queries –Crosstab queries are wonderful tools that provide very useful summary results. Unfortunately, if you select row totals in the crosstab query, you cannot also select column totals, thus limiting the summarizing capability. You can overcome this limitation by using the crosstab query as the data source for a report. You can then create a report footer in which you use the Sum() function to generate the appropriate column totals. In addition, the report will provide the advantage of making the output conform to your presentation standards, rather than those imposed by the Access query layout.

6 Using Report Graphics –Access makes it easy to add graphics to a report. All you need is a data source, which is usually a select query or a table, and the Access Chart Wizard will handle the rest.

7 Mailing Labels –Like paper clips and Post-it notes, mailing labels are very handy and, yes, they are taken for granted. Yet many daily business activities require frequent use of mailing labels. Products must be shipped, products must be ordered, vendors must be paid, customers must receive notification of new products and/or special sales, employee notices must be mailed out periodically, and so on.

8 Mailing Labels (Cont) –Although most of these activities are now accomplished via the Web, the so-called snail mail still keeps the postal service busy. In any case, book, model, and similar product shipments cannot be done via the web, so package mailing labels will remain an important applications development item for end users.

9 Form Letters –Although using the mail-merge option in Microsoft Word may create form letters, they may also be made a part of the database itself.

10 The END

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