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Ribbon SharePoint 2010 Nguyen Tuan Hai

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Presentation on theme: "Ribbon SharePoint 2010 Nguyen Tuan Hai"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ribbon SharePoint 2010 Nguyen Tuan Hai

2 Ribbon SharePoint 2010 Introducing the Ribbon SharePoint Ribbon Architecture Customizing the Ribbon

3 Introducing the Ribbon Site Actions Menu, Navigate Up and Edit page quick access buttons.

4 Introducing the Ribbon Page tab Browser tab

5 Introducing the Ribbon Item tab List tab

6 Introducing the Ribbon New form

7 Introducing the Ribbon On-demand

8 Introducing the Ribbon Context-sensitive operations with controls status

9 SharePoint Ribbon Architecture


11 Tab Group Control

12 SharePoint Ribbon Architecture Example: 14\TEMPLATE\GLOBAL\XML\CMDUI.XML

13 SharePoint Ribbon Architecture PageManager: a single instance of every page. It’s defined in CUI.js and holds the focus manager (CUI.Page.FocusManager), command dispatcher (CUI.Page.CommandDispatcher), undo manager (CUI.Page.UndoManager) and other supporting objects. Ribbon Communication

14 SharePoint Ribbon Architecture CommandDispatcher: registers all commands for ribbon and keeps the track of PageComponent. When command receive to PageManager, PageManager handovers the command to CommandDispatcher then CommandDispatcher routs the command to appropriate PageComponent. Ribbon Communication

15 SharePoint Ribbon Architecture PageComponent: is the one who has actual implementation of commands. This is inherited by CUI.PageComponent. So Custom PageComponent should always follow the same class structure as CUI.PageComponent has Ribbon Communication

16 Customizing Ribbon -Declaring controls -Handling commands -Make a context-sensitive and associate with tabs

17 Customizing Ribbon Label Menu Menu Section MRU Split Button Spinner Split Button Textbox ToggleButton Controls Button Checkbox Color Picker Combo Box Drop Down Flayout Anchor Insert Table

18 Customizing Ribbon Example:

19 Customizing Ribbon Handling commands -Declare command handlers inline in the XML. -Regist a PageComponent to hande more complex commands.

20 Customizing Ribbon Handling commands

21 Customizing Ribbon Handling commands

22 Customizing Ribbon Make a context-sensitive - Associate with a list template or content type - Use code to bring un-associated tabs to view - Associate web part with contextual group tabs

23 Customizing Ribbon

24 Demo

25 Reference [+] SharePointVietNam Forum: [+] MSDN: [+] SharePoint Blog sharepoint-2010-ribbon.aspx [+] SharePoint videos & e-books:

26 FAQ Q&A

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