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LAUREN KOSTURIK Health Assignment. Case Study #2 (Tobacco) I- The problem in this situation is that I have pressure put on me to smoke with my best friend.

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Presentation on theme: "LAUREN KOSTURIK Health Assignment. Case Study #2 (Tobacco) I- The problem in this situation is that I have pressure put on me to smoke with my best friend."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAUREN KOSTURIK Health Assignment

2 Case Study #2 (Tobacco) I- The problem in this situation is that I have pressure put on me to smoke with my best friend but I know smoking is detrimental to my health B- Other choices are to say politely no. I can tell my friend there are other ways to get fit other than smoking. I can tell her it would be fun to do a palates class together, or eat healthier without starving ourselves. E- Smoking may seem like the quickest and easiest solution to the problem and a “stress reliever” but I know its terrible for my health. A fun, easy and healthy way to go about loosing weight or toning muscles is exercise classes to do with a friend. That would be the best choice in this situation

3 Cont. Case Study #2 A- I tell my friend my decision not to smoke the cigarettes but to workout with her instead. She agrees. R- I know I made the right choice because this decision does not risk my health, and is a fun think to do with a friend.

4 Case Study #6 (Alcohol) I- The problem is that my friends brother comes to pick you up from the party but he's clearly drunk so I don’t want to be in an unsafe environment. B- There are several options in this scenario. One is to call my parents for them to pick me up. If my friends parents are around and sober, ask them if they wouldn’t mind dropping me off. This can avoid a potential disaster. E- The best choice is to call my parents for them to pick me up, rather than going with people who aren’t stable at the moment. This decision can protect the safety of myself by not situating myself in an unsafe area where I could be harmed.

5 Case Study #6 Cont. (Alcohol) A- I call my parents for them to pick me up from the party and tell my friend that my parents will also drop her off for the safety of herself. R- This problem does not need to be revisited because a potential disaster was avoided and the right choice was made.

6 Case Study #7 (Tobacco) I- My friends want me to go to a party where there will be smoking but I’m allergic to second-hand smoke. B- There is a very easy way out in this scenario. I can simply say no to my friends and try not to let peer pressure get to me. I can tell them that I’m allergic to second-hand smoke and its not healthy to be in a smoke-filled environment anyways. E- This is the right choice because being around something that I’m allergic to and something that is terrible for my health anyways, triggers health problem which I don’t need. This is just one party that I could miss, and its not a big deal if I miss it.

7 Case Study #7 Cont. (Tobacco) A- My decision was not to go to the party because I don’t want to risk my health. I’m proud that the influence of peer pressure didn’t influence the decision of going to the party where I’m allergic to a drug. R- Looking back, I think I made the right decision by not going to the party firstly because there was no health risk in this decision, and I’m proud of myself for making the overall right choice.

8 Case Study #9 (Alcohol) I- My friends want me to help pay for their booze when I don’t drink alcohol, and my friendship is at risk if I don’t help pay for the booze. B- There are several options in this scenario. One is to reluctantly pay for their booze (but loose money for your snowboard you want to purchase) and keep the friendship, and another is to standup for myself and refuse to pay for their alcohol. If I do stand up for myself I could potentially loose this “friendship” but in the long run it doesn’t matter because their truly not your friends. E- My decision is to walk away from this scenario and refuse to buy my “friends” booze. I’m not wasting my money for their booze so I know this friendship is worthless.

9 Cont. Case Study #9 (Alcohol) A- I walked away from this awkward situation but was happy with this decision. My friends weren’t happy with my choice but I did it anyway because I saw their true colours come out. I know their not my friends if their pressuring me to pay for their things. R- Looking back, this was the right decision. I may have lost my friends but I know I will find some that will appreciate me. I’m proud of myself and will try to find a better group to hangout with so this situation wont happen again.

10 Case Study #11 (Alcohol) I- I’m at my friends house with a group of people and there is pressure on me to drink a beer which makes me feel uncomfortable B- In this situation, I could just say “why not?”, and try to look cool and casually grab a beer like the rest. Or I could get a ride home or walk home to avoid this situation without making it awkward. In private, I could tell my friend that I don’t feel comfortable coming to her house anymore if there will be constant pressure to drink. E- My decision in this scenario is to just quickly avoid this situation and walk home. I can even lie to my friends that I have another commitment, because telling the truth could make the group awkward and I don’t want to be judged.

11 Cont. Case Study #11 (Alcohol) A- This was the right decision because I didn’t have any guilt on me that I drank, because if I did end up staying, there would be a possible chance that I would drink because of peer pressure and looking cool to my friends. In this case, avoiding the situation was right. R- Looking back on this scenario I have no regrets and I’m happy with the decision made.

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