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Published byMarcia Riley Modified over 8 years ago
1 Review 2015-16 District Installation Checklist within MIDATA and update status of any incomplete items Create action items to address any items that are not yet completed Bell Ringer
2 District Fall Data Review Year 1 Fall 2016
3 Be Responsible Attend to the “Come back together” signal Active participation…Please ask questions Be Respectful Please allow others to listen Please turn off cell phones and pagers Please limit sidebar conversations Share “air time” Please refrain from email and Internet browsing Be Safe Take care of your own needs Group Expectations
4 Take a moment to identify the following roles for today’s training: Facilitator Action Plan Recorder MTSS Implementation Plan Recorder Accomplishment Recorder Timekeeper It will be helpful for the recorders to have access to someone’s computer Getting Ready for Today
5 Supporting Communication
6 To determine district supports for implementing MTSS with fidelity at the district and school level with a focus on efficiency, effectiveness, and durability. Purpose
7 By the end of this session, DITs will: Analyze current district-wide data Identify and summarize accomplishments Refine the district MTSS Implementation Plan Intended Outcomes
8 Timeline of Data Reviews ISD & District School Data Review Cycle School Data Review Cycle Fall 2016------------Winter 2017--------Spring 2017--- School Data Review Cycle 1.Coaching Support Session 2.School Level Data Review = District Check In
9 1.0Gather 2.0Study 3.0Plan 4.0Do Agenda
10 1.0 Gather
11 Review assessments utilized in data review Review MIDATA district dashboard Summarize the Context of MTSS professional learning this year In this module, we will…
12 Student Outcome Data: Meeting educational goals and objectives Fidelity Data: Extent that implementation occurs as intended Capacity Data: The ability or power to do Reach Data: Extend the range of contact and influence Recall the Focus of Data Review
13 Individually review the MTSS Assessments at a Glance document and highlight the measures you are not familiar with: Are there measures that no one on our team is familiar with? These are measures that you may need to ask follow up questions about or seek additional support from you trainer regarding data interpretation Your Turn
14 In order to maximize the quality of the data reviews we need to ensure accurate and timely data collection and decision making Your elementary schools will be introduced to the “Reading Assessment System” document during Tier 1 Reading Systems training this fall The purpose is to ensure the timely, efficient, and accurate collection and use of DIBELS Next data Planning for Data Collection
15 There are some decisions that the district needs to make to standardize the process before the schools address contextualizing the implementation Your DIT will need to review the document and determine who will make the district decisions prior to the Tier 1 Elementary Reading Systems training coming up this fall (decisions needed by end of September) Reading Assessment System Document
16 There is also a SWPBIS Assessment System document that will support the collection of data related to Tier 1 SWPBIS Elementary schools and secondary schools that participated in the SWPBIS or PSC trainings last year will need this document at the start of the school year SWPBIS Assessment System Document
17 Determine who will be responsible for identifying the district decisions for the Reading Assessment System document and the SWPBIS Assessment System document Timeline for completion: Reading Assessment System – end of September SWPBIS Assessment System – early September Activity
18 MIBLSI’s primary system used for housing data, training records, and personnel records Provides dashboards and reports that are available to schools, districts, and ISDs for data review Used for project-level problem solving and reporting Recall: MIBLSI’s Database - MIDATA
19 Dashboards and reports are designed for alignment with MIBLSI’s data review process at the school, district, and ISD levels A place to enter and analyze capacity and fidelity data not hosted in any other system A single point of data entry (school-level) that aggregates data up to the district, ISD, and state levels Based on principles for effective display of data and information processing, combined with repeated cycles of usability testing Unique Features of MIDATA
20 “A dashboard is a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives consolidated on a single screen so it can be monitored and understood at a glance” Stephen Few Why a Dashboard?
21 Reach Tab Percentage of schools at each stage of implementation Outcomes Tabs Student Outcome Data for Reading/Engagement and Behavior Fidelity Tabs Reading and Behavior Fidelity Data Capacity Data Tab District Capacity Assessment (DCA) Context Tab Upcoming trainings Implementation Team Members Components of the District Dashboard
Introducing Your District Dashboard!!! There are multiple tabs on your District Dashboard Your Dashboard will always open to the Reach Tab
24 When we put it all on one screen it can be really exciting and maybe a little much all at once The good news… we have a wealth of data to inform our problem solving and action planning and you won’t see it all at once And we will walk you through each tab as it relates to the data review questions! District Dashboard
25 Setting the Stage for the Work That’s Already Happening: Context Tab
26 With an elbow partner: Review the Context Tab of your Dashboard As a team: Review the list of District Implementation Team members and determine if any updates are needed to reflect your team membership Create a brief summary of the plan for professional learning for the current school year that could be shared in a communication update Activity
27 2.0 Study
28 1.Where are we heading with our MTSS work? 2.How close are we to getting there? 3.Will our current work get us there in the designated timeframes and address any barriers related to MTSS? In This Module We Will Answer Two Key Questions For District Data Review
29 Sustainability and Durability are the goal Sustainability: MTSS is embedded into standard practice and is a part of the fabric of the district Durability: MTSS is sustainable and it withstands the test of time Recall…
30 Reach objective Capacity objective Fidelity and outcome objectives for PBIS Recall: MTSS Implementation Plan
31 Measured Through: DIBELS Next Early Warning Indicators (EWI) Discipline Referrals Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) Student Outcome Data
32 Measured Through: School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory (Elementary and Secondary-Level Editions) Fidelity Data
33 Where are We Heading with our MTSS work? Your Objectives tell you what you are aiming for with this work Example Reading Outcome & Fidelity Objective: 75% of schools will implement Tier 1 of School- wide Reading Model with fidelity, as measured by a score of 80% or higher on the Reading TFI, by Spring of 2018. This implementation will result in at least 80% of students at or above benchmark on DIBELS Next measures.
34 Some of your schools worked on installing SWPBIS last winter/spring with a kick-off this fall At this point we have not collected sufficient fidelity or outcome data for data review and action planning In the winter your school teams will be entering into the data review cycle and when you come to the District Mid-Year Data Review there will be fidelity and outcome data from your schools Where’s The Data?
35 Review the fidelity and student outcome objective for behavior developed lasy year during DIT trainings and determine if it needs to be updated Develop a fidelity and outcome objective for reading (elementary) Develop a fidelity and outcome objective for engagement (secondary) Activity
36 Up to this point, your team has: Created a summary of the professional learning occurring in your district this year Reviewed (and possibly revised) the objective for fidelity & outcomes related to SWPBIS Developed the objectives for fidelity & outcomes related to reading & engagement Your next step is to organize your communication around these topics in your MTSS Communication Update Pause for Communication
37 Record the following information on your MTSS communication update: Summary of the professional learning occurring in your district this year Objective for fidelity & outcomes related to SWPBIS Objectives for fidelity & outcomes related to reading & engagement Your Turn
38 Capacity is related to the systems, activities, and resources that are necessary for successful adoption and durable and sustainable use of MTSS It is measured through the District Capacity Assessment (DCA) Capacity Data
39 Start with your Capacity objective Review where you were last Winter compared to where you are now on the DCA Update your MTSS Implementation Plan to include today’s date and the progress towards your Capacity objective Review and update status of your activities in your plan related to capacity Make note of your accomplishments Structure for Examining Your Dashboard
40 Review the Capacity Tab on your dashboard and the Capacity objective in your MTSS Implementation Plan Make note of your progress towards the Capacity objective (be sure to record today’s date with your update) Review the existing activities in your plan related to capacity and update their status Make note of your Accomplishments related to Capacity Your Turn
41 Click on Data Entry Type in your District Name and select the District from the dropdown menu Click Select Click on District Capacity Assessment Click on Print next to the most recent DCA administration date At the top of the screen select PDF as the format and click on Export Generating DCA Items Report
42 We’ve created a listing of the DCA items in order of priority Use this document along with your DCA Items Report and the notes from your most recent DCA administration to assist your team in prioritizing where your activities will target Take a Closer Look at DCA Results
44 Item #24: DIT uses a coaching service delivery plan During the District Check-In in December we will focus on the Coaching System needed to support coaches and the development of coaching service delivery plans Hold off on planning around this item until then State-wide DCA Data
45 Good News! The school-level and district-level data reviews that are beginning this year will explicitly address these items Item 14: Your District Dashboard in MIDATA will provide you with access to the data for the EI of integrated reading and behavior MTSS Item 15: We provide you with a process for reviewing and acting upon the data through the data review DCA Items 14 & 15
46 Generate the DCA Items Report and examine it and the priorities list provided in your workbook along with any notes taken during the DCA Administration Start at the top of the priorities list and identify the top two to three items that your team should focus on for planning Consider what’s currently in your plan to address these items Identify any additional activities that might enhance your progress related to the priority items and record these on your chart paper under the heading Capacity Your Turn
47 Knowing which Stage of Implementation each school is in will allow the district to focus on sustainability and durability by: Matching supports and resources to the stage Planning for how to continue to expand the reach of MTSS across your district Reach Data
48 Scope of the work related to Reach goes beyond schools already in Installation and Initial Implementation Your work needs to also take into consideration the schools in Pre-Exploration and Exploration/Adoption Stages of Implementation While MIDATA is set up to measure Reach in a linear fashion, actual implementation is recursive and a school in one stage may actually need supports typically provided in an earlier stage Considerations When Studying Reach Data
49 Navigate to your Reach Tab Review your Reach Objective in your MTSS Implementation Plan Make note of your progress towards the objective in your MTSS Implementation Plan Make note of any accomplishments that can be shared in your MTSS Update Spend 5 minutes generating possible modifications or additions to your current activities related to Reach and record these on the chart paper Your Turn
50 Recall: role of the DIT is to prepare school staff for the upcoming work related to behavior and reading Last Year: Schools that entered into SWPBIS or PSC were to complete the SWPBIS Readiness activity prior to trainings This year: Schools will need to complete the Reading Readiness activity this fall (if they have not already done so): Elementary: SBRR Readiness activity Secondary: SCAR Readiness activity Schools entering into SWPBIS or PSC need to complete the SWPBIS Readiness activity by December Readiness Activities
51 Some schools will need to determine who will attend the Tier 2 Behavior Supports training that will occur this coming Winter There is a resource in your workbook that outlines the information that needs to be communicated to the School Leadership Teams Readiness Activities Continued
52 Review the summary of professional learning occurring in your district this year to determine which schools need to focus on which readiness activities Use your linking communication protocol from the DIT to the School Leadership Team to plan your communication regarding the readiness activities Activity
53 Since you last worked on your communication update, your team has: Reviewed progress towards Capacity and Reach objectives Identified accomplishments related to Capacity and Reach Your next step is to organize your communication around these topics in your MTSS Communication Update Pause for Communication
54 Record the following information on your MTSS communication update: Progress towards Capacity and Reach objectives Accomplishments related to Capacity and Reach Your Turn
55 3.0 Plan
56 Review existing activities within the MTSS Implementation Plan Determine what needs to be updated or added to the MTSS Implementation Plan Prioritize your work for the first half of the current school year In this module we will…
57 1.Where are we heading with our MTSS work? 2.How close are we to getting there? 3.Will our current work get us there in the designated timeframes and address any barriers related to MTSS? Key Questions for District Data Review
58 At this point you should have: Understanding of the trainings scheduled for the current school year Existing activities previously written into your MTSS Implementation Plan Multiple potential activities generated on chart paper from earlier today when you studied your data Next Steps with Your Plan
59 For everything listed on our chart papers, we will engage in the “list, cross-out, connect and number” activity The end result will be identifying activities that your team is committed to completing during the current school year to move your district closer to achieving the objectives in your plan Now’s the Time to Get to Planning!
60 List: You have existing activities in your plan You have a list of potential activities on chart paper Cross Out: Cross out any existing or potential activities that no longer fit your context or are not realistic, manageable and doable Connect: Logically group any ideas that go together (from existing activities and the chart papers) Number: Prioritize the remaining activities List, Cross-Out, Connect & Number
61 Review the existing activities related to Capacity in your plan along with the ideas listed under reach on the chart paper Cross out any existing or potential activities that no longer fit your context or are not realistic, manageable, and doable Record any barriers that come up and need to be communicated to the ISD Connect any remaining activities that go together Repeat for Reach – connecting activities across sheets as needed Activity
62 You’ll need to come to consensus regarding which items will become the first priorities within your MTSS Implementation Plan Consider activities that can be rapidly accomplished (e.g., quick wins) or activities that, with disciplined attention and focus, will result in significant gains in the long term Time to Prioritize
63 Use the “Hot Dot” voting process described in your participant workbook Identify the top 2 or 3 priorities to focus on during the first half of the current school year Set the timelines for completing these activities during the first half of the school year Be sure these show up in your District MTSS Implementation Plan Your Turn
64 4.0 Do
65 Plan for communication around MTSS Review data coordination capacity within your district and add to your plan as necessary Review next steps for your team In this module we will…
66 Throughout today’s session you’ve been working on an MTSS Update as a way to communicate the work of MTSS across your district In a moment you will have time to further refine your MTSS Update As you are finishing up your MTSS Update, consider how you might use it to gather feedback from others within your district MTSS Communication Update
67 Develop a clear shared understanding as a team of how you are going to use the “MTSS Update” you’ve worked on today Ensure all communication items that were captured throughout the day have been discussed and everyone is clear about the next steps and that those next steps are recording on an action plan Use your Linking Communication Protocols to determine if there are additional topics to add to your update and determine when and how the information will be disseminated Your Turn
68 Individuals with deep knowledge of the measure(s) in order to: Provide initial training to staff on accurate administration, scoring, data entry, report generation, and data interpretation Provide ongoing refresher trainings to staff Support account/system set up and maintenance Conduct data accuracy checks Help school and district staff connect data analysis to instructional decisions at the following levels: classroom, grade, school, district Data Coordination Functions
69 Data Coordination Roles Coordinator Ideal Number of Coordinators Required Endorsement School-wide Information System (SWIS) Facilitator One per DistrictEndorsed by PBISApps PBIS Assessment CoordinatorAt Least One per District Endorsed by PBISApps Early Warning System (EWS) Coordinator One per DistrictEndorsed by MIBLSI Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) Coordinator At Least One DistrictEndorsed by MIBLSI Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory Facilitator One – Two per DistrictEndorsed by MIBLSI DIBELS Next MentorDMG Recommends One per School Endorsed by DMG
Training TopicData Coordination Needs SWPBISSWIS Facilitator PBIS Assessment Coordinator PSCSWIS Facilitator PBIS Assessment Coordinator EWS Coordinator DIBELS Next Data Interpretation DIBELS Next Mentor Tier 1 Elementary Reading Systems Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory Facilitator Tier 1 Secondary Content Area Reading Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory Facilitator Tier 2 Behavior SupportsStudent Risk Screening Scale Coordinator
71 Context Tab
72 Review your district’s existing capacity for various data coordination functions on the Context Tab Consider what trainings will be taking place this year (Context Tab) Identify what additional data coordination capacity your district will need to support upcoming and future trainings Plan for redundancy in case of job turn over Activity
73 Continue to meet monthly Monitor progress of your activities in your District MTSS Implementation Plan Distribute your MTSS Update Communicate any identified accomplishments and barriers to your executive leadership team Next Steps for Your DIT
74 Determine what supports you will need from your ISD to help with your MTSS efforts (e.g., address barriers) Ensure your linking communication protocols are being used to facilitate two- way communication around MTSS efforts Next Steps for Your DIT Continued
75 Use the directions at the back of your participant workbook to update MIDATA records to reflect any changes in your DIT membership Lunch Activity
76 End of Day Evaluation
77 Retrospective Self Assessment Feedback on the Session... both using the responders 2-Part Evaluation
78 Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items at the end of this training.
79 Scale for the Retrospective Self Assessment Questions 4 : I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.
80 1. I can articulate the four types of data that are a part of the district data review. 4 : I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.
81 2. I can summarize our district’s progress towards our Capacity and Reach objectives. 4 : I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.
82 Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items at the start of this training.
83 1. I could articulate the four types of data that are a part of the district data review. 4 : I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.
84 2. I could summarize our district’s progress towards our Capacity and Reach objectives. 4 : I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.
85 Feedback on the Session
86 1. Today’s learning was a valuable use of my time. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
87 2. I am leaving with tools and strategies to successfully complete the next steps (assignments, communication, activities) that were identified in today’s session. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
88 3. The content included clearly defined outcomes for the day. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
89 4. The content and activities are well aligned with the goals and priorities of my District. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
90 5. The trainer(s) presented the content in such a way that promoted active engagement, opportunities for processing, and time for participants to work together. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
91 6. The pacing and amount of material presented were appropriate for the time allocated. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
92 7. The materials for the day facilitated my learning. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
93 8. The training space was acceptable for learning (comfortable temperature, good working space, functional technology). 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree
94 Please also take a moment to provide written feedback. Forms are provided at the back of your workbook. The most valuable part of this planning session was... This planning session could be improved if...
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