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Municipal Management Association of Northern California October 10, 2016 Dave Mora, ICMA State Liaison.

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Presentation on theme: "Municipal Management Association of Northern California October 10, 2016 Dave Mora, ICMA State Liaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Municipal Management Association of Northern California October 10, 2016 Dave Mora, ICMA State Liaison

2 Organizational Leadership Dave Mora, ICMA State Liaison

3 Successful public sector organizational leadership requires a combination of core competencies and unique characteristics reflecting the individual organization and its mission. The ICMA Leading Ideas Series is a resource that has captured the insights of authors and innovative thinkers on leadership and management topics. Jim Collins bestseller Great by Choice will be the focus of our dialogue on the topic of Organizational Leadership. Participants will discuss and identify practical applications of the core concepts from Great by Choice with the objective of strengthening the ability to lead from wherever they may be in their organization.

4 Some Questions Why do you work in local government? Why are you at this conference? Why are you at this session?

5 ICMA Leading Ideas Series Jim Collins – Great by Choice Municipal Management Association of Northern California October 10, 2016 Dave Mora, ICMA State Liaison

6 Leading Ideas Series Daniel Pink Rebecca Ryan Tim Brown Bill George Peter Block Frans Johansson

7 Jim Collins Built to Last Good to Great Social Sectors Monograph How the Mighty Fall Great by Choice

8 Continuation of research of successful organizations Focus on comparisons What it takes to achieve superior performance amidst unrelenting uncertainty

9 Great by Choice – 10Xers Different Behaviors, not Different Circumstances

10 Great by Choice – 10Xers Understand we face continuous uncertainty beyond control Reject idea that forces outside control will determine results Accept full responsibility for the future

11 Great by Choice – 10Xers Level 5 Leader – Incredibly ambitious, but their ambition is first and foremost for the institution and its greatness, not for themselves

12 Leadership Levels Level 1 – Individual Capability Level 2 – Team Skills Level 3 – Managerial Competence Level 4 – Leadership, as traditionally conceived

13 Level 5 Leader Possesses skill levels 1 to 4 Extra dimension – paradoxical blend of humility and professional will

14 Level 5 Leader Level 5 Leader -- Ambition –Ultimately ambitious for what you are in service to –What you are going to contribute –Results, not credit –Produce great results; yet not in the spotlight

15 Great by Choice – 10Xers Level 5 Leaders with Three Core Behaviors: –Fanatic Discipline –Empirical Creativity –Productive Paranoia

16 Fanatic Discipline Consistency of action: –Consistency with values –Consistency with long-term goals –Consistency with performance standards –Consistency of method –Consistency over time

17 Empirical Creativity When faced with uncertainty, look primarily to empirical evidence – direct observation, practical experimentation, direct engagement with tangible evidence

18 Productive Paranoia Hypervigilance, staying highly attuned to threats and changes in their environment, even when – especially when – all is going well

19 Productive Paranoia Building buffers Controlling Risk (as much as possible) Zoom Out (when faced with the unexpected) / (then) Zoom In Restore / Renovate

20 Great by Choice Underlying the three core behaviors is a motivating force Passion or ambition for a cause or company larger than themselves

21 Fantastic Discipline Twenty Mile March –Constant, systematic, consistent –Self-control; especially required in an ever changing environment –Applicable to the basics as well as initiatives

22 Empirical Creativity Innovation in a changing (or static) environment Fire Bullets, Calibrate, then fire Cannonballs (Empirical Validation)

23 Empirical Creativity Managing the pressure to produce Recognizing what is already empirically validated Applying bullets, calibration, cannonballs, 20 mile march

24 Productive Paranoia Underlying the three core behaviors is a motivating force Passion or ambition for a cause or company larger than themselves

25 Great by Choice SMaC Specific, Methodical, and Consistent Critical in a fast changing, uncertain, unforgiving environment

26 Great by Choice -- SMaC Durable operating practices that create consistent success formula Clear guidance on what to do and what not to do Developing/adhering/amending

27 Great by Choice -- SMaC Empirical Creativity – for developing and evolving Fanatic Discipline – for sticking to it Productive Paranoia – for sensing necessayr changes

28 Great by Choice Return on Luck – luck happens –Event/circumstance you did not cause –Potentially significant consequence –Surprise / unanticipated

29 Great by Choice Luck happens – so what to do? –Great leader maximum return on luck events – both good and bad events –Need and use fantastic discipline, empirical creativity, and productive paranoia

30 Great by Choice “Good to Great” – Flywheel Incremental Revolutionary Progress / Build over time Continuity of Leadership Discipline/Paranoia/Creativity

31 Great by Choice Local Government Management Level 5 Leadership Fanatic Discipline Empirical Creativity Productive Paranoia

32 Great by Choice Local Government Management –Stockdale Paradox oFace the facts oRetain long-term strategy/vision oConsistency is critical –A Useful Life – Peter Drucker

33 Great by Choice Local Government Management –Can happen; does not require labeling –Does happen; it is the vocation that we (local government management) have chosen –Let is happen

34 Great by Choice Rank order core behaviors strongest to weakest – discipline/creativity/paranoia What can you do to turn your weakest to your strongest?

35 Great by Choice What is your 20 mile march, something that you commit to achieving in 15 – 20 years?

36 Great by Choice Which behaviors do you most need to increase? –Firing enough bullets –Resisting temptation to fire uncalibrated cannonballs –Converting bullets into cannon- balls only when there is empirical validation

37 Great by Choice Threats and dangers facing your organization – how much time before the risk profile changes? What is your SMaC recipe and does it need amending?

38 Great by Choice What significant luck events have you experienced? Did you get a high return on luck? Why or why not? What can you do to increase your return on luck?

39 Theodore Roosevelt: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly…who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails with daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

40 Athenian Oath: We will never bring disgrace to this our city by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks; We will fight for the ideals and sacred things of the city, both alone and with many; We will revere and obey the city’s laws and do our best to incite to a like respect and reverence those who are prone to annul or set them at naught; We will strive unceasingly to quicken the public sense of public duty; That thus and in all these ways we will hand on this city, not only not less, but greater, better, and more beautiful than it was given to us.

41 Great by Choice Jim Collins Dave Mora, ICMA State Liaison / 831-737-8133

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