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LBRA  Instructor: Ms. Gwen Richard  Office: Northline Library  Telephone:  

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1 LBRA 1191

2  Instructor: Ms. Gwen Richard  Office: Northline Library  Telephone: 713-718-8015  Email:  Office Hours: After class and by appointment  Web page:

3 By the end of the semester, the student who passes with a final grade of “C” or above should be able to:  1. Know where to look for needed information.  2. Distinguish among important kinds of information and information sources  3. Use appropriate tools and methods to find, manipulate, and communicate information  4. Effectively evaluate information and sources of information

4  Determine the extent of information needed  Access the information effectively and efficiently  Evaluate information and its sources critically  Use appropriate tools and methods to find, manipulate, and communicate information  Describe important economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information  Access and use information ethically and legally  (ACRL Standards 2000)

5  Bring a USB drive to class to save your work.  Create & build upon an annotated bibliography based on your exploration of an assigned topic, to be due near the end of the semester.  Submit the three required assignments.  Give a 5-minute class presentation on your research near the end of the semester.

6  Turn in assignments at the beginning of the class on the date they are due.  Late assignments must be turned in at the next class period and will have one grade point deducted if prior approval has not been given.  No make-up for exams.

7 RequirementsPoints  3 Graded Assignments200 (40%)  Annotated Bibliography150 (30%)  Classroom Presentation 50 (10%)  Final Exam100 (20%) TOTAL500 (100%)

8  A(450-500 pts)Exceptional research  B (400-449 pts)Above average quality  C(350-399 pts)Average  D(300-349 pts)Below average work  F(299 pts or less)Failing work  Evidence of plagiarism or cheating in any form is to be graded “F”

9  Contribute to an environment conducive to learning for all students  Respect the opinions of others  Be responsible for your own learning  Know when assignments are due  Silence all devices such as phones, music  Texting will be viewed as talking on the phone

10  Attend class regularly and on time  Attendance checked at the beginning of class, after that, you must check with me after class  If more than 10 minutes late, you may not be permitted to disrupt class  Leaving early may be counted similar to tardiness

11  You are responsible for material covered during your absence  If you miss more than 12.5% of classes (2 classes for this class) you will be subject to administrative withdrawal (DROPPED)  If you choose to drop, it is your responsibility to fill out necessary forms with Registration. Failure to do so may result in a F for the class.

12  ADA/Disability Support Services for accommodations for a documented disability  713-718-8420

13  Oct 26 Syllabus and Class overview/ Choose topic  Nov 02 Assignment 1 (in-class)/Searching the Catalog  Nov 09 Periodicals & Databases/Begin Assignment-2  Nov 16 Assignment 2 due / Databases & Web Searching  Nov 23 First Draft of Bibliography due/ Web Searching  Nov 30 Assignment 3 (in-class)/ Other sources  Dec 07 Completed Bibliography due & Class Presentations!  Dec 14 Final Exam

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