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What is the subject about ? Parkour: portrait of an emerging discipline Parkour: portrait of an emerging discipline.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the subject about ? Parkour: portrait of an emerging discipline Parkour: portrait of an emerging discipline."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the subject about ? Parkour: portrait of an emerging discipline Parkour: portrait of an emerging discipline

2 Parkour: portrait of an emerging discipline I. Basis: Definition Jargon II.History: Early beginning Spreading Free-running III.Philosophy Values Thoughts of an enthusiast IV.Controversies Main arguments Debate

3 I. Basis: Definition : Parkour is a physical activity consisting in moving as quickly, efficiently and as safely as possible over obstacles to go from one point to another, only using the human body skills, in various environments.

4 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves that can be combined (kong to cat vault)

5 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves that can be combined (kong to cat vault)

6 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves that can be combined (kong to cat vault)

7 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves that can be combined (kong to cat vault)

8 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves that can be combined (kong to cat vault)

9 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves that can be combined (kong to cat vault)

10 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves that can be combined (kong to cat vault)

11 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves can be combined (kong to cat vault)

12 I. Basis: Jargon: Someone who practices Parkour is called a “traceur”. Moves: Saut de précisionPrecision Passe-murailleWallpass Saut de brasCat leap PlancheMuscle up Saut de chatKong vault Tic-TacTac vault Passement fluideUnderbar Saut de fondDrop Basic moves can be combined (kong to cat vault)

13 I. Basis: Video example: Excelsior, Blane Put a name on each move.

14 II History : Early beginning: David Belle (1973), brought up by his grandparents. Heard about his father, a fire fighter as a hero. Using his athletic, gymnastic and martial skills an getting inspired from hebertism (méthode naturelle), he started to train on a new way: Going from A to B, straight ahead and as quick as possible. Aim: being useful By the way, trained the Yamakasis.

15 II History : Spreading : Spotted by France2  report on his practice.  Discipline quickly spread (Internet, films…) Number of tracers skyrocketed in France, then in the whole world Overcoming what David Belle expected. Which has both advantages and drawbacks…

16 II History : Difference with Free running: First an English translation proposed to Parkour. Then English people slightly changed the practice and added some stunts which were fun, but useless in an emergency situation. Nowadays, generally admitted that Parkour stresses above all on efficiency whereas free-running places more emphasis on the aesthetics of movement.

17 II History : Difference with Free running: Video: Out of time, Oleg Vorslav

18 III Philosophy : Values : Parkour remains riskier than chess  Values had to be implemented An intense physical conditioning is mandatory Moves must be repeated in various conditions, first at a low level of difficulty Competition and showing-off are banned Respect of others is implicit Respect of environment goes the same

19 III Philosophy : Thoughts of an enthusiast: The most complete sport I’ve ever practiced: each part of the body and each functioning mode of muscles are involved (power, endurance, accuracy…). It develops self-awareness, confidence and creativity for only the price of a pair of shoes. Values of Parkour are seductive but it remains extremely funny. “It's as if your body has always been on autopilot, and you've discovered for the first time that you are able to control it!”

20 III Philosophy : Video : Chose not to fall, Daniel Ilabaca

21 IV Controversies: Main arguments: Environment: A wall on which we run get obviously damaged quicker. Risks:For tracers as for children who want to do likewise (Yamakasi) Burgle: A method to break easy into flats?

22 IV Controversies: Video: Moreton Parkour ban

23 IV Controversies: Debate: You all are representative who noticed that Parkour is being more and more popular. You are divided into two camps: Parkour has to be banned That’s a move that must absolutely be exploited Develop arguments for your camp, then debate with the opposite. Keep in mind that a compromise must be found.

24 IV Controversies: Conclusion of the debate: Many unsuccessful attempts to structure this young discipline: National Association, FNCU, Central Parkour… Local associations are now working with town councils, providing regular trainings etc and are the major players of the discipline. A new very promising project : PKIA, a global association is for a few time working with the Ministry of Youth and Sport.

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