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Core Maths. THE NEED - Statistics The government has set out an ambition for the overwhelming majority of young people in England to study mathematics.

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1 Core Maths


3 THE NEED - Statistics The government has set out an ambition for the overwhelming majority of young people in England to study mathematics at least to age 18 by 2020. 40 per cent of students each year do achieve a grade C or above at GCSE but do not continue with any form of more advanced maths after age 16 – over 250,000 each year in total.

4 THE NEED - Research About 250 000 undergraduates each year are reported by their HE institution to need some mathematics or statistics in their course, but have not done any mathematics since age 16 A large number of primary school teachers, responsible for the next generation’s success or otherwise in mathematics, have done no mathematics since obtaining a weak pass in GCSE Mathematics at age 16 Many students following Level 3 courses need more mathematics to support their studies Employers report a ‘skills gap’ in mathematics among their new recruits

5 Core Maths Designed for post 16 students who achieved grade C or above in GCSE 180 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) (cannot be AS) Must be graded using A to E grades First teaching in September 2015 (‘early adopters’ to start in September 2014) Minimum of 80% external assessment Internal assessment should be assessed by external moderation

6 Core Maths Content will include material from the Higher tier of revised GCSE content, published on 1 st of November 2013, specifically the content targeting higher attaining students shown in bold, and appropriate Level 3 material No intention for there to be completely common content across all Core Mathematics qualifications Courses will be required to include challenging material, some of which may be optional Content to focus on:  the application of mathematical knowledge to address problems;  representing situations mathematically;  use of mathematical and statistical knowledge to make logical and reasoned arguments in a variety of contexts

7 What do we already have Introduction to Quantitative Methods Critical Maths

8 Quantitative Methods ACCREDITED Ready for teaching from September 2014 Level 3 Certificate in Quantitative Methods (MEI), which comprises the single unit Introduction to Quantitative Methods(IQM) AS in Quantitative Methods (MEI) which comprises three units: IQM and two existing units from the GCE Mathematics (MEI) suite - Statistics 1 and Decision 1

9 Critical Maths The DfE is funding MEI to investigate how Professor Sir Timothy Gowers's ideas might inform a curriculum that could become the basis of a new course for students who do not currently study mathematics post-16. The curriculum will be based on students engaging with realistic problems and developing skills of analysing problems and thinking flexibly to solve them. Such problem-solving skills are highly valued by higher education and employers.

10 What are we planning to do?

11 OCR’s Vision for Core Maths OCR’s qualifications place emphasis on mathematical and statistical problem solving and are aimed at: students taking level 3 courses, for whom GCE Mathematics is not appropriate; students who need support for level 3 or HE; students who need to continue with some mathematics because they intend at some stage to enter a teacher training or health professional training course; students who do not intend to continue in full-time education and will be moving on to do apprenticeships or straight into employment.

12 OCR’s Vision for Core Maths OCR’s central aim is to develop a coherent mathematics syllabus (curriculum plus assessment plus support) that emphasises and encourages the following widely recognised desirable outcomes: sound understanding of mathematical concepts, skills and techniques from GCSE and beyond; fluency in procedural skills, common problem solving skills and strategies; confidence in applying mathematical thinking and reasoning in a range of new and unfamiliar contexts to solve real life problems; competency in interpreting and explaining solutions of problems in context.

13 OCR’s Vision for Core Maths It became clear from our research that one Core Maths qualification will not satisfy needs of all students from the target group. Based on those conclusions OCR decided to design two different Core Maths qualifications: one which concentrates purely on real life problem solving (Quantitative Reasoning) and one that has a distinct statistical flavour (Quantitative Problem Solving).

14 OCR’s Core Maths Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning Critical Maths Statistical Problem Solving = = Quantitative Reasoning H866 Quantitative Problem Solving H867

15 OCR’s Core Maths QualificationQuantitative ReasoningQuantitative Problem Solving Paper 1Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning Weighting50% Duration2 hours Marks72 marks Assessment method Examination at the end of the course with pre-release material Paper 2Critical MathematicsStatistical Problem Solving Weighting50% Duration2 hours Marks60 marks Assessment methodExamination at the end of the course with pre-release material

16 Features of OCR’s qualifications Modelling The unifying concept in the use of mathematics to solve real problems is modelling, so it is at the heart of our qualifications. The statistical problem-solving cycle, the use of technology During the course learners will use the problem-solving cycle to plan how to solve a problem of their choice, identify and collect the data needed, process it and interpret the results. Several styles of examination questions can be designed to ensure that students do some practical work involving statistical problem-solving cycle during their course. The financial problem-solving cycle The financial problem-solving cycle has been designed to give young people a structure which they can use when making complex financial decisions.

17 Features of OCR’s qualifications Critical Maths This new curriculum is based on Professor Sir Timothy Gowers’s ideas for teaching mathematics to non-specialists. It is designed to motivate students to take mathematics post-16 by engaging them in solving interesting, realistic problems. Statistical Problem Solving The content and approach of our qualifications are designed to give students the statistical skills which are useful to support their other AS/A levels, for Higher Education and subsequent employment.

18 Features of OCR’s qualifications Pre-release material and the examination paper One feature of this new course is the emphasis on transferable skills. Some of the contexts introduced in the examination paper may well be unfamiliar to candidates and sometimes pre-release material will be used to introduce the context and so ease the burden of reading lengthy introductions in the examination. This enables, for example, candidates to show that they have learned how to solve problems in familiar contexts in their classroom and then to transfer those skills to solve problems in less familiar contexts in the examination.

19 Resources and support Core Maths Support Programme (CMSP) Large resource package developed by MEI Support from OCR  access to Subject Specialist  network meetings  forums  and more

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