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This Ancient Rome freebie contains slides from the first three chapters of my Ancient Rome power point. I also enclosed the cloze passages that accompany.

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Presentation on theme: "This Ancient Rome freebie contains slides from the first three chapters of my Ancient Rome power point. I also enclosed the cloze passages that accompany."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Ancient Rome freebie contains slides from the first three chapters of my Ancient Rome power point. I also enclosed the cloze passages that accompany those particular slides and their answer keys. I want you to know that the cloze passages included here are easier than those that appear later in this unit. My hope is to be able to provide a teacher with the first resources needed so that they can teach this unit. The freebie should take 1-2 days to teach. Please visit my store to see preview of the entire unit.

2 Ancient Rome: Table of Contents Chapter One: Origins of Rome (Slide 3) Chapter Two: Geography (Slides 4-6) Chapter Three Population (Slide 7) Chapter Four: Government (Slides 8-20) Chapter Five: Economy (Slides 21-24) Chapter Six: Society (Slides 25-27) Chapter Seven: Religion (Slides 28-31) Chapter Eight: Culture (32-44) Chapter Nine: War & Conflict (45-47) Chapter Ten: Fall of the Roman Empire (Slides 48-50) Chapter Eleven: Lasting Impacts (Sides 51-53) Chapter Twelve: Summary & Glossary (Slides 54-57)

3 Ancient Rome: The Origins of Rome According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by twin sons Romulus and Remus who were left in a reed basket and abandoned on the Tiber River. The basket floated to shore and they were raised by a she-wolf until found by a royal shepherd who raised them. When they became teenagers, the circumstances of their birth was revealed to them. The twins decided to build a city near the spot where they were saved which was on Palatine Hill. Location of Rome was an Ideal Place to Settle

4 Ancient Rome: Geography (Location) Absolute Location: 41 Degrees North Latitude and 12 Degrees Longitude Relative Location: East of Spain, North of Africa, Peninsula Jutting into Mediterranean Sea

5 Ancient Rome Geography (Climate & Physical Landscape) Climate in RomePhysical Map Italy

6 Ancient Rome: Geography (Natural Resources) Grapes Olives FishSheep

7 Ancient Rome: Population, Demographics, & Causes of Death Life Expectancy was 25 Years Most Common Cause of Death Was Disease Over 20% of World’s Population Lived in Roman Empire

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