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Navigating Regulation & Misinformation: Advancing the Geophysical Industry in a Complex Regulatory Environment IAGC – SEG Workshop October 20 th 2016 Dallas,

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating Regulation & Misinformation: Advancing the Geophysical Industry in a Complex Regulatory Environment IAGC – SEG Workshop October 20 th 2016 Dallas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating Regulation & Misinformation: Advancing the Geophysical Industry in a Complex Regulatory Environment IAGC – SEG Workshop October 20 th 2016 Dallas, TX

2 2 Introduction to IAGC Global trade association for geophysical contactors since 1971 Members provide geophysical services to the O&G industry – 120+ member companies Standards and best practices with emphasis on HSSE –Safety Manuals, statistics, best practices Government issues - Legislative and Regulatory –Environment – Possible effects of operations on terrestrial and marine wildlife –Access Issues –Protecting freedom to operate

3 3 IAGC Mission/Vision Statement Mission: IAGC optimizes the business and regulatory climate, and enhances public understanding to support a strong, viable geophysical industry essential to discovering and delivering the world’s energy resources. Vision: To be the most credible and effective voice for promoting and ensuring a safe, environmentally responsible and competitive geophysical industry.

4 4 Statutes (Legislative) Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) –Takes; Level A, Level B National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) –Major Federal Actions –Analysis of potential environmental impacts Endangered Species Act (ESA) –Sec. 3(19) "The term 'take' means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct." Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) –Section 12, withdraw areas from leasing – permanently? National Marine Sanctuaries Act –Restrictions on multiple-use offshore –Buffer zones? Antiquities Act –Restrictions on multiple-use onshore and offshore

5 5 Regulations (Administrative) Agencies –Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) –National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) –Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Deference –Federal Agencies are given latitude to interpret laws when no specific direction is provided –Often leads to precautionary rule making Guidance –Intended to direct regulators on applying regulations IAGC Actions –Comments/Meetings/Relationships

6 6 Courts (Judicial) Gulf of Mexico –NRDC settlement includes non-scientific mitigation requirements 9 th Circuit (Western U.S.) –Navy use of LF sonar violates ‘least practicable impact’ standard under MMPA –Applies precautionary principle in ruling

7 7 Environmental NGOs Extreme Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) employ propaganda and use the courts to push an anti- energy agenda Budgets are vast (Millions USD): –NRDC………………………………..$246.72 –Oceana………………………………$39.32 –Greenpeace, Inc. (Intl.)…………….$65.80 –Sierra Club…………………………..$131.70 –CBD………………………………….$17.11 –World Wildlife Fund………………...$289.40 IAGC Actions –Lobbying/Courts/Scientific Research

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