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K-12 Alliance Exploring Integration at Middle School Please sit according to grade level Writers: Jill Grace K-12 Alliance; Jody Sherriff, K-12 Alliance,

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Presentation on theme: "K-12 Alliance Exploring Integration at Middle School Please sit according to grade level Writers: Jill Grace K-12 Alliance; Jody Sherriff, K-12 Alliance,"— Presentation transcript:

1 K-12 Alliance Exploring Integration at Middle School Please sit according to grade level Writers: Jill Grace K-12 Alliance; Jody Sherriff, K-12 Alliance, Jo Topps, K-12 Alliance 1 #CANGSSRollout #CANGSS #NGSS

2 K-12 Alliance Session Outcome  Define “Integrated” versus “Coordinated”  How the use of phenomenon can be used for integration  Provide an introduction to planning for integrated NGSS middle school  Develop awareness of how the draft CA Science Framework showcased integrated middle school 2

3 K-12 Alliance What is Integrated?  INDIVIDUAL Quick write/draw: What is integrated science?  Then share with your team.  Be prepared to share with others. 3

4 K-12 Alliance Integrated vs. Coordinated Coordinated science (instruction) is defined as an approach that presents each discipline of science independent of the other disciplines, but makes reference to the others. –Adapted from Sherriff, 2015 Integrated science (instruction) is defined as a cumulative approach of scientific study that synthesizes the perspectives of the individual disciplines, and integrates them during all phases of the approach to a question or problem. -Adapted from Gallagher et al., 2008 4

5 K-12 Alliance The Natural World is Integrated. What science do students need to know to understand: Global Climate Change Availability of Natural Resources Safe Storage of Nuclear Waste Discovery of Alternative Energy 5

6 K-12 Alliance The Need to Integrate “The boundaries between traditional scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, and physics are becoming increasingly blurred as the scientific problems we attack are becoming more complex. With this blurring of boundaries, modern science is evolving into a fundamentally interdisciplinary and collaborative endeavor.” -Virginia Tech, Academy of Integrated Sciences 6

7 K-12 Alliance Where does Integration Occur in Instruction? 7 An entire unit is integrated (ideally, all 3 domains) A Learning Sequence Chunk is integrated all 3 domains, often 2, once in a while only 1 A single class period can be, but is not necessarily, integrated

8 K-12 Alliance Integration and Phenomenon The work with 6-8 th grade teachers in the CA NGSS Early Implementers project is teaching us that the use of a phenomenon is key for integration 8 CA NGSS Early Implementers K-12 Alliance@WestEd

9 K-12 Alliance Phenomenon Work as a team  Select a card from the envelop and read the quote  Record:  What observations do you have?  What questions do you have?  You have 5 minutes! 9

10 K-12 Alliance Phenomenon So what’s going on? What sciences are needed to understand the phenomenon? 10

11 K-12 Alliance Phenomenon Defined  What did the experience with a phenomenon do for your thinking?  Based on this experience, how would you define phenomenon? What are it’s key features?  A possible working definition: Things about the natural world that can be observed and cause you to wonder 11

12 K-12 Alliance Thoughts about Instruction So how do you think this might look in instruction? What does a phenomenon have to be in order to be effective for classroom instruction? 12

13 K-12 Alliance How might this look in instruction? One example 8 th grade: Shark Tracking 13 Lesson sequence focuses on understanding use of waves in tracking devices to better understand human impact on shark populations over time

14 K-12 Alliance Integrated Phenomenon What are examples of other phenomenon that might work for integrated 6 th, 7 th, or 8 th grade?  Brainstorm ideas  Use H1a-c 14 Help finding CA NGSS: CA NGSS 6-8 Standards

15 K-12 Alliance Brainstorm Cluster Map  Choose your phenomenon  Start by writing the phenomenon in the center of your chart paper  Use yellow stickies to identify concepts and/or topics students would need to know to understand the phenomenon  Think INTEGRATED ! 15

16 K-12 Alliance DCI Check  Use small orange stickies to tag relevant DCIs  Is it integrated ?  Decide if anything new should be added  Eliminate any branches not appropriate at that grade-level 16

17 K-12 Alliance Brainstorm Cluster Map Repeat for Science and Engineering Practices (SEP’s) and Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) Use blue Stickies to tag relevant SEPs Use green Stickies to tag relevant CCCs 17

18 K-12 Alliance Unit Story Line 18

19 K-12 Alliance Conceptual Flow #1#2#3#4#5 Concept about the Phenomenon 19

20 K-12 Alliance Example from the Draft CA Science Framework 20

21 K-12 Alliance With a Partner  Review the chart Discuss:  what makes sense  what questions do you have  what would you keep? Change? 21

22 K-12 Alliance Vignette  Divide the vignette  Read your section, noting the following:  How does the teacher integrate?  How are connections made?  What about Cross Cutting Concepts?  In your groups, discuss findings  How does this vignette help you think of the whole story? 22

23 K-12 Alliance Taking it Home  Discuss with your colleagues how you will share ideas explored today in your context.  Be prepared to share whole group. 23

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