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Explain the importance of selling Develop the attitude of how to assist a customer and help them make wise buying decisions Understand that selling should.

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Presentation on theme: "Explain the importance of selling Develop the attitude of how to assist a customer and help them make wise buying decisions Understand that selling should."— Presentation transcript:


2 Explain the importance of selling Develop the attitude of how to assist a customer and help them make wise buying decisions Understand that selling should result in a benefit or gain to the customer

3 How Julia was dressed? What was she looking at prior to going in the store? How were the salespeople dressed? What did Julia do in the store? How would you describe how the salespeople treated their customer? Why did the sales people treat her that way?

4 Selling: The art of communicating effectively with people to explain how a product or service will benefit the customer. GOALS OF SELLING 1. Assist the customer 2. Help the customer make a wise buying decision.

5 Help locate products or direct them to most useful service Be courteous Be friendly

6 Most important responsibility of any sales person! Customers look for BUYER BENEFITS! Buyer Benefits: gains or personal benefits customer receives from product/service

7 Key to any business’s success Businesses need REPEAT CUSTOMERS Well trained sales people are key to repeat customers Customer Oriented Businesses: They attempt to satisfy the needs and wants of their customers THE ABSOLUTE RULE: THE CUSTOMER IS KING!

8 Number 1 reason people in 1980’s were fired from sales positions--- THEY COULDN’T GET ALONG WITH OTHER PEOPLE!! Sales people MUST develop POSITIVE HUMAN RELATIONS SKILLS! How does technology impact our ability to interact with other people?

9 Want: Items that are a luxury or comfort but not essential to living Need: Basics needed to live (water, food, shelter, clothing) Salespeople have to assist their customers by determining the customer’s needs. Customers often believe that wants and needs are the same thing.

10 Customers… 1. Are the most important people in any business. 2. Are not an interruptions of our work – they are the purpose of it. 3. Are not dependent on us – we are dependent on them. 4. Are people who bring us their wants – it is our job to fill those wants. 5. Do us a favor when they call – we are not doing them a favor by serving them.

11 Customers… 6. Are part of our business – not outsiders. 7. Are not a cold statistic – they are flesh and blood human beings with feelings and emotions. 8. Are not people with whom to argue or match wits. 9. Are deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them. 10. Are the people who make it possible to pay our salaries, no matter what position we are in. 11. Are the lifeblood of every business!

12 Products flow from producer to consumer in a retail business Production: The physical creation of goods and services Consumption: process of using goods and services Many businesses sell the same thing salespeople make the difference that determines if the customer will return

13 When you hear Go, you will have 2 minutes to find a partner and write down as many reasons as you can about why customers don’t return. When time is up, return to your regular seat to share, and we will share answers. What questions do you have? Go. Time’s up! Share what you have…

14 And the top four answers are…. High prices Lack of merchandise Lack of proper facilities #1 reason: lack of courtesy/ help from salespeople

15 True/False: Write True for those statements that are true, and False for those statements that are false. 1. Selling involves persuading others to accept your opinions. 2. Selling involves the art of effective communication. 3. A successful business is based only on repeat customer sales. 4. Sales people should only need to know how to assist customers. 5. The most important function performed by a salesperson is to help the customer make a wise buying decision.

16 6. The benefits customers receive from products or services are called product features. 7. Buyer benefits are the physical attributes of the product or service. 8. The number one reason given for young people losing their job in a 1989 survey was poor attitude. 9. Buyer benefits are not important to salespeople. 10. Customer-oriented businesses attempt to satisfy their customers’ needs and wants.

17 1.False6.False 2.True7.False 3. False8.False 4. False9.False 5. True10. True What questions do you have about any of these answers?

18 Your task tonight: For each of the 11 commandments of Good Business, find an ag business(es) that exemplifies each one AND Explain specifically how/why they exemplify it


20 On the index card, write your first and last name on the top right hand corner. Answer the questions below (You do Not need to write the question) 1. What are the goals of selling? 2. What are buyer benefits? 3. What was the major difference between the salespeople in video 1 versus video2? 4. What qualities did the salespeople in video 2 have, and why is it important to their business?

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