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Reentry and Employment: An Overview Sherri Moses The Council of State Governments Justice Center Workforce Reintegration Employer Forum Kansas City, Missouri.

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Presentation on theme: "Reentry and Employment: An Overview Sherri Moses The Council of State Governments Justice Center Workforce Reintegration Employer Forum Kansas City, Missouri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reentry and Employment: An Overview Sherri Moses The Council of State Governments Justice Center Workforce Reintegration Employer Forum Kansas City, Missouri September 23, 2016

2 The Council of State Governments Justice Center National nonprofit organization that serves policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels from all branches of government Provides nonpartisan advice and evidence-based, consensus-driven strategies to increase public safety and to strengthen communities Council of State Governments Justice Center2

3 How does reentry impact our communities?What does reentry have to do with business?What are best practices in reentry and employment?Next steps Overview Council of State Governments Justice Center 3

4 How does reentry impact our communities?What does reentry have to do with business?What are best practices in reentry and employment?Next steps Overview Council of State Governments Justice Center 4

5 Reentry is a major challenge for communities across the country Council of State Governments Justice Center5 10 million people in the U.S. are returning from incarceration each year * 70 million people nationwide have an arrest or conviction record SOURCES: National Employment Law Project (2013) “The Business Case – Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Talent: Hiring People with Records”; The Pew Charitable Trust (2010) “Collateral Costs: Incarceration’s Effect on Economic Mobility”; The Pew Charitable Trust (2009), “1 in 31 U.S. Adults Are in Jail or Under Supervision” * 600,000 people released from state and federal prisons, plus 9 million people released from jails

6 Involvement in the criminal justice systems impacts individuals, families, and communities 2.7 million children (1 in 28) have a parent behind bars. Family income is reduced 22 percent while a father is incarcerated. SOURCES: The Pew Charitable Trusts (2010), “Collateral Costs: Incarceration’s Effect on Economic Mobility”; Bucknor & Barbor (2016), “The Price We Pay: The Economic Costs of Barriers to Employment for Former Prisoners and People Convicted of Felonies”; Schmitt & Warner (2010), “Ex-offenders and the Labor Market” 6 Our economy loses $78-87 billion in annual GDP when people with records can’t work. One in 15 working- age adults has a criminal record. For men, serving time reduces annual earnings by 40 percent.

7 How does reentry impact our communities?What does reentry have to do with business?What are best practices in reentry and employment?Next steps Overview Council of State Governments Justice Center 7

8 Businesses are increasingly concerned about finding the workers with the right skills Council of State Governments Justice Center8 SOURCE: Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Center on Education and the Workforce (2013) “Recovery: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2020” “Chances are, if you are an employer.. you are struggling to find good workers.” – WI Lt. Governor Kleefisch

9 EEOC released guidelines on consideration of a criminal record in hiring decisions in 2012  Prohibits blanket bans on hiring people with criminal records  Employers must consider:  Nature and gravity of offense  Time elapsed since offense  Nature of job sought Council of State Governments Justice Center9

10 24 states and over 100 cities and counties have fair hiring policies Council of State Governments Justice Center10 SOURCE: The National Employment Law Project (2016) “Ensuring People with Convictions Have a Fair Chance to Work”

11 Employers are hiring people with criminal records Council of State Governments Justice Center11 “Because it’s difficult to find employment, when someone finds a workplace with an equal chance of success, they become more committed employees.” – Butterball Farms (Grand Rapids, MI) As of 2015, 55% of Butterball Farms employees reported having a criminal record, and retention rates are the same, if not better, than employees without records.

12 Business leaders and policymakers convened at White House in 2014 to discuss hiring concerns Council of State Governments Justice Center12 U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez ; Secretary John Wetzel, PA Department of Corrections Derek Bottoms, Vice President of Associate Relations, The Home Depot; Daniel Hardiman, CEO, True North Companies, Inc. “Call to Action” to hold similar conversations at the local level

13 White House calls on businesses to eliminate barriers to work for people with criminal records

14 How does reentry impact our communities?What does reentry have to do with business?What are best practices in reentry and employment?Next steps Overview Council of State Governments Justice Center 14

15 Integrated Reentry and Employment Strategies (IRES) white paper released in 2013 Council of State Governments Justice Center15 Goal: Bridge the workforce development and corrections/reentry fields by connecting people to appropriate services based on their individualized needs

16 Promote sector-based approaches and career pathways  Similar industry, similar needs  Develop sector-based approaches, including job readiness standards and required skills  Establish career pathways  Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds individual and group training  One-stop center staff help employers find qualified workers Council of State Governments Justice Center16

17 How does reentry impact our communities?What does reentry have to do with business?What are best practices in reentry and employment?Next steps Overview Council of State Governments Justice Center 17

18 What can businesses do to support reentry and employment?  Examine your hiring practices  Partner with the workforce and criminal justice systems  Collaborate with other employers in your industry  Hire qualified workers with criminal records Council of State Governments Justice Center18

19 To receive newsletters and other announcements, please visit our website: Sherri Moses, 240-482-8580 The presentation was developed by the Council of State Governments Justice Center staff. The statements made reflect the views of the author, and should not be considered the official position of the Justice Center, the members of the Council of State Governments, or the funding agency supporting the work. Council of State Governments Justice Center Questions? 19

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