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9th PERC Summer School 27 th of Sept Victor Hugo Ricco, ACTRAV-HQ ILO.

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Presentation on theme: "9th PERC Summer School 27 th of Sept Victor Hugo Ricco, ACTRAV-HQ ILO."— Presentation transcript:

1 9th PERC Summer School 27 th of Sept - 2016. 1 Victor Hugo Ricco, ACTRAV-HQ ILO.

2 Session 4: The ILO dimensions and processes. ACTRAV’s plan of activities Sergeyus Glovackas, ACTRAV – Subregional Office Eastern Europe Cenrtral Asia - ILO HQ Victor Hugo Ricco, ACTRAV - ILO HQ

3 Objetive of the presentation Describe briefly ACTRAV’s work plan on ILS, on fundamentals and on Labour Migration. Upcoming events. Objetive of the presentation Describe briefly ACTRAV’s work plan on ILS, on fundamentals and on Labour Migration. Upcoming events. 3

4  Global product on ILS. Focus on the tools and mechanisms to promote and defend workers rights, in particular freedom of association and collective bargaining.  Training for lawyer. Tblisissi Georgia from Sept 28-30.  Training for lawyers for other countries in Europe including South East Europe countries. Dates will be defined soon  Promoting empowerment on the strategic use of the ILO ILS and supervisory Machinery for more effective action. Trainings in each región depending availability of funds and upon request.  Support on the SRM – The Standards Initiative, SRM, TWG has its second meeting in October to address the first set of out of dated and needed for more information standards according to the Cartier Working Party revisión.

5  Support on Art 19 survey. Next one to prepare will be on R 202 on Social protection floors. The current one to respond is on OSH instruments and for 2018 working time instruments.  CAS follow up missions will be agreed soon  The country with 3 double foot notes from the CAS is Uzbekistan. 5 2013UzbekistanC182XAssociated status 2011UzbekistanC182XAssociated status 2010UzbekistanC182XAssociated status

6  Àà 6 CAS examination 2010-2016 (PERC) Albania 2015C182 Croatia 2014C 98 (no CC) Czech Republic 2016C111 2010C111** Belarus 2016C29** 2015C87 2014C87** 2013C87 2011C98 2010C87 Georgia 2010C98 Greece 2014C102** 2013C98 2011C98 Iceland 2013C159 Ireland 2016C98 Italy 2015C122 Kazakhstan 2016C87 2015C87 2014C111 (no CC) Portugal 2014C122 (no CC) Romania 2011C98 Serbia 2011C87 Spain 2015C122 2013C122 Turkey 2015C155 2013C98 2011C87 2010C87 UK 2016C87 Uzbekistan (associated status) 2013C182** 2011C182** 2010C182**

7 FundamentalsFundamentals 1.The preparation for the upcoming IV Global Conference on Child Labour in Argentina. There will be regional consultations, not yet a fixed date. 2.The launching of the Alliance 8.7. Consultation are taking place right now. The focus is to merge Child Labour and Forced Labour with Human Trafficking, in light of the SDG and the agenda for the next 10 to 15 years ( child labour 2015 and forced labour 2030) 3.Definition of the ILO integrated strategy on fundamentals for the next 5 years.

8 Target Countries for Ratification of ILO and UN Migration Conventions Central and Eastern Europe: Armenia, Moldova; Serbia: UN Convention; Ukraine. In person meeting with the CGU in Europe. Preparation for the Germany hosting GFMD 2017/8 with Morocco. Training Seminars to prepare for the ILC GD and to build capacity on the already agreed guiding principles on the access of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons to the labour market and the principles and operational guidelines on Fair Recruitment. Publishing materials for ratification campaigns on ILO C 97, 143 and the UN conventions. Publication on Trade Union to Trade Union bilateral or multilateral agreements or initiatives. This is to promote networking and joint action mainly on labour migration corridors. For Europe, again, we need to combine this with the new desk officer. Work on the SDGs in particular Goal 8.8

9 9  ILO Centenary initiatives: The future of work initiativeThe future of work initiative: Initiating and cultivating a global dialogue on the future of work, to build the ILO’s ability to prepare and guide governments, workers and employers to better meet the world of work challenges of the next century. The end to poverty initiative The end to poverty initiative Promoting a multidimensional response through the world of work, labour markets, and social and employment protection to eradicate global poverty. The women at work initiative The women at work initiative Reviewing the place and conditions of women in the world of work and engaging workers, employers and governments in concrete action to realize equality of opportunity and treatment. The green initiative The green initiative Scaling up the ILO’s office-wide knowledge, policy advice and tools for managing a just transition to a low carbon, sustainable future. The standards initiative The standards initiative Enhancing the relevance of international labour standards through a standards review mechanism and consolidating tripartite consensus on an authoritative supervisory system. The enterprises initiative The enterprises initiative Establishing a platform for ILO engagement with enterprises which would contribute to their sustainability and to ILO goals. The governance initiative The governance initiative Reforming the ILO’s governance structures, assessing the impact of the 2008 Declaration as set out in its final provisions, and act on its finding.

10  The Future of Work initiative: ◦ ILO Symposium. ◦ Conferences. ◦ High level Commission. After the national dialogues. ◦ ACTRAV’s work: Agoras, Symposium, Roadmap.  The Standards Initiative: ◦ SRM ◦ A robust and reliable body of standards with a strong and authoritative supervisory mechanisms. 10  Sustainable Development Goals 8.8 protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments of all workers, including migrant workers, particularly women migrants, and those in precarious employment

11 11 Víctor Hugo Ricco ACTRAV - OIT

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