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Theory and Practice in Professional EMT Masters Esther Torres Simón Anthony Pym.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory and Practice in Professional EMT Masters Esther Torres Simón Anthony Pym."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory and Practice in Professional EMT Masters Esther Torres Simón Anthony Pym

2 What is the EMT? The European Masters in Translation A quality label, in partnership with the Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission Launched in December 2009 Currently has 67 member programs “improve the quality of translator training” “enhance the status of the translation profession” “a true framework of reference” “minimum quality profile” Click here to modify the presentation title 2

3 What is the quality profile? Based on the presence of competences in the training program, not product: Click here to modify the presentation title 3

4 Our research Look at the study programs of the EMT members Analyze them according to: – Percentage of hands-on language-pair-specific courses (compulsory and optional) – Internships (compulsory or optional) – Courses on translation as a profession – Presence and nature of dissertation Check the analysis with the program heads Click here to modify the presentation title 4

5 Our research Look at the study programs of the EMT members Analyze them according to: – Percentage of hands-on language-pair-specific courses (compulsory and optional) – Internships (compulsory or optional) – Courses on translation as a profession – Presence and nature of dissertation Check the analysis with the program heads Click here to modify the presentation title 5

6 How many language-specific courses?

7 How many language-specific courses in Spain?


9 How many language-specific courses in the UK?

10 How many internships in the UK?

11 Why can the language-specific level be below 20%? Because the competence model only names language-specific skills in 6 of its 48 components: – Three for “production” (perhaps language-specific) – three for language competence That is, 12.5% of the components to be acquired? Click here to modify the presentation title 11

12 Why can the language-specific level be below 20%? Because the Masters only teaches translation technologies? Because translation can be intralingual and cross-semiotic? Because translation is an object of theorization, and can be taught to monolinguals? Because the Masters teach both professional skills and research methodologies? Click here to modify the presentation title 12

13 Why can the language-specific level be below 20%? Because Masters students already have C1 in their B language? Because translation evaluation is difficult to do and unpopular with students? Because 20% of one year is plenty? Because most of the classes group students with different languages? Because multilingual classes save a lot of money. And the more expensive the program, the more they save? Click here to modify the presentation title 13

14 Let’s be honest… Language trainers are “extremely resource intensive and costly training conditions”. From "Teaching Legal Interpreting in a Multilingual Classroom: Using Technology and Peer Feedback to Optimize Budget Restraints”. M. RUDVIN1, F. GALLAI1, C. SPINZI2 & M. CANDI1 Click here to modify the presentation title 14

15 The problem If we don’t know the reason, how can we expect an employer to know? The EMT label might be condemned to be a weak signal of translator quality. Click here to modify the presentation title 15

16 Plan B1 TransCert: European voluntary certification for translators Click here to modify the presentation title 16

17 Plan B2 Work from product failure, rather than abstract competencies. Click here to modify the presentation title 17

18 Plan B2 Anne Lafeber. Translation at inter-governmental organizations: The set of skills and knowledge required (2012) Click here to modify the presentation title 18

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