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University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout.

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Presentation on theme: "University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout."— Presentation transcript:

1 University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout. @nclroblib NC Learning Exchange on Embedding OA 12th May 2016 Amanda Boll Head of Research Publications and Data Management Services Newcastle University APCs – availability and management

2 University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout. @nclroblib Pathways to Open Access  UCL (Lead), Newcastle University, University of Nottingham

3 University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout. @nclroblib APC Survey  How do different UK institutions manage their APC funds and determine eligibility for OA funding?  60 completed surveys were received  19 questions in total, 12 applied to all institutions and 7 to institutions who also had access to a central institutional OA fund.  Full report available from the UCL project blog

4 University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout. @nclroblib Key findings  53% respondents apply strict embargoes in the RCUK policy; 41% apply the transitional embargoes  If both Gold and Green options comply 34% advise the author to chose whichever one they consider most appropriate; 31% advise Green; 23% advise Gold

5 University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout. @nclroblib Key findings  23% determine funding eligibility on where the award or PI is based; 17% on where the corresponding or lead author is based; 38% treat papers as eligible regardless of where the author is based  68% participate in publisher prepayment schemes

6 University Library  You can add your own images on top of these default ones if you wish. It’s recommended to stick to the 3-box layout. @nclroblib Next steps  Greater convergence of policies and processes Comments: ‘Alignment of policies/rules would be helpful, eg over page charges/colour charges.’ ‘Harmonisation of processes & policy across the different bodies would help greatly, as would consistent unambiguous advice on multi-centre/multi-funder outputs.’ ‘The lack of clarity over who should pay when multiple institutions are involved - and particularly when authors move institutions - creates uncertainty and means that articles are likely to slip through the cracks.’ ‘Even the less well funded institutions have to address these issues. [Our policies will] be different from those of the research intensives, but they shouldn't be forgotten.’

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