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© 2016 Presence of IT – Confidential & Proprietary The Urgency to Organise for Change Keynote / Michelle Clyde / NZSUG / 8 September 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2016 Presence of IT – Confidential & Proprietary The Urgency to Organise for Change Keynote / Michelle Clyde / NZSUG / 8 September 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2016 Presence of IT – Confidential & Proprietary The Urgency to Organise for Change Keynote / Michelle Clyde / NZSUG / 8 September 2016

2 The Urgency to Organise for Change Digitization Leaders Transform Purpose

3 12 Week Program

4 The Urgency to Organise for Change Digitization Leaders Transform Purpose

5 The Digital Economy: Opportunity or Threat? Moore’s Law. Rapid Automation of Jobs. Language translation apps. Paperless office. Self driving cars. Humanity will change more in the next 20 years, than in the previous 300 years combined. Digitization

6 Mobility in the Enterprise Mobility is driving innovation. Mobility is at the heart of digital transformation. Smartphones will become the primary channel for business. Rethink mobility initiatives and shift from being reactive to more strategic. Reference: Bersin, J.2014 The Top 10 Disruptions in HR Technology Digitization

7 Internet of Things & Innovation Software, Hardware and Services Innovation Invent new Services Turn Data into Insights Transform your Community Create new Experiences Change Lives Reference: Digital Futurist, Steve Sammartino Digitization

8 The Urgency to Organise for Change Digitization Leaders Transform Purpose

9 Network Leaders Be a network entrepreneur. Move beyond functional expertise. Tell people how to collaborate with you. Mentoring across the isle. Have Social Media Skills. Have Passion and clear Purpose in what you do! Reference: Stamford Social Innovation Review Leaders

10 Leaders & Culture Prepare your culture for a new strategy. Fill the tanks! How can you have a lasting impact on your culture? Reinforce with meaning, not money! Culture is interested in emotional meaning & purpose. A manager's emotional commitment is worth more than their financial, intellectual and physical commitment combined. Leaders Reference: Stan Slap Company

11 The Learning Culture Digital Transformation of Learning Analysing Learning and Competencies Leaders

12 The Urgency to Organise for Change Digitization Leaders Transform Purpose

13 Transform Reference: BCG Research 1. Re-imagine in a digital world 2. Adapt in uncertain world 3. Seek simplicity 4. Leaders must be purpose- driven Digital Transformation Steps

14 The Urgency to Organise for Change Digitization Leaders Transform Purpose

15 “I think anybody who sets up a business sets it up with a purpose. I think just being in business itself, you’re almost definitely creating something to make a difference to other people’s lives. Otherwise, you won’t have a successful business.” Quote Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group has put it:

16 In Closing Business Transformation Lead Sharing steps in her own journey… LinkedIn Michelle Clyde Twitter @Michelle_Clyde


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