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RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi 1 Roles and Activities of RCA-RO Workshop on Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development, 7-9 July,

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Presentation on theme: "RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi 1 Roles and Activities of RCA-RO Workshop on Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development, 7-9 July,"— Presentation transcript:

1 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi 1 Roles and Activities of RCA-RO Workshop on Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development, 7-9 July, 09, ROK Sueo Machi, Adviser to the MEXT, Japan Former DDG of IAEA

2 2 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi I. Partnership Promotion Activities with Other Organization 1. Financial support for specific projects of mutual interests 2. Joint activities of common interests with joint funding

3 3 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi Possible Partners and Fields of Common Interests-1 1. UNEP: (1) Monitoring and analysis of environmental pollution using NAA in Asian region (2) Strategy study of CO2 reduction in RCA MS by the best-mixed energy including nuclear power (2) Strategy study of CO2 reduction in RCA MS by the best-mixed energy including nuclear power

4 4 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi Possible Partners and Fields of Common Interests-2 2. Asian Development Bank: Sustainable agriculture for reduction of poverty; Sustainable agriculture for reduction of poverty; (1) Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), Thailand, (1) Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and others Philippines, Indonesia and others (2) Mutation breeding for disease resistant banana varieties (2) Mutation breeding for disease resistant banana varieties

5 5 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi Possible Partners and Fields of Common Interests-3 3. UNDP: Improving industrial process; Improving industrial process; (1) Electron beam processing (1) Electron beam processing - Cross-linking polymers - Cross-linking polymers - Sterilization of medical supplies - Sterilization of medical supplies (2) NDT (2) NDT - Training courses, basic facilities - Training courses, basic facilities

6 6 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi II. Dissemination of Successfully Achieved Technology by RCA 1. Training courses on the specific success technology developed by RCA in KAERI 1. Training courses on the specific success technology developed by RCA in KAERI 2. Open seminar on RCA success stories for the public, stake holders and potential end-users of technology and products in MS 2. Open seminar on RCA success stories for the public, stake holders and potential end-users of technology and products in MS 3. National TC Projects on the RCA success technology in MS 3. National TC Projects on the RCA success technology in MS

7 7 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi Issues on RCA-RO IAEA Policy on Regional Cooperation: IAEA Policy on Regional Cooperation: - Transfer of management responsibility to the region - Transfer of management responsibility to the region Delegation of authority to RCA-RO; legal status Delegation of authority to RCA-RO; legal status Funding; Host Gov., IAEA and MS Funding; Host Gov., IAEA and MS Demarcation of jobs with RCA-IAEA; Sharing management responsibility Demarcation of jobs with RCA-IAEA; Sharing management responsibility

8 8 RCA-RO Workshop, ROK, Jeju, June 7-11, 09 Machi How to Strengthen RCA-RO 1. Strengthening coordination and cooperation with the RCA focal person and Asia Section 2. Cooperation with IAEA-NA and NE for CRP 3. Enhancement of support by RCA MS; funding and staff 4. Strengthening support by and linkage with KAERI and KOICA

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