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Web2.0 Services and the Management of Academic Libraries Dr. Christian Hänger Christine Krätzsch.

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Presentation on theme: "Web2.0 Services and the Management of Academic Libraries Dr. Christian Hänger Christine Krätzsch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web2.0 Services and the Management of Academic Libraries Dr. Christian Hänger Christine Krätzsch

2 Outline About us: University of Mannheim Learning from Web 2.0 Reviews in the online catalog Blog for library news Collaborative Tagging Conclusion

3 About us: University of Mannheim


5 Learning from Web 2.0 Challenges for Academic Libraries The changing expectations of future students Financial pressure Libraries as communities

6 Learning from Web 2.0 What do we want to do?  Improve the library's (online) marketing  Learning from Web 2.0

7 Learning from Web 2.0




11 Learning from Web 2.0

12 tags

13 Reviews in the Library's Catalog Review

14 Reviews in the Library's Catalog rate comment login save

15 Reviews in the Library's Catalog Review

16 Reviews in the Library's Catalog Outcomes

17 Reviews in the Library's Catalog User participation

18 Blog for library news New E-books for economics recent posts recent comments

19 Blog for library news Objectives of the blog Communication between library and customer Rapid response to the needs of the customers Evaluation of services

20 Blog for library news

21 User acceptance Dialog between users and library Average of 6 comments per post Blog can be used for library management

22 Collaborative Tagging Initial position Growing amount of electronic documents available No subject indexing Financial pressure

23 Collaborative Tagging Last posted bookmarks Last posted BibTeX entries Tagcloud

24 Collaborative Tagging Automated document indexing Concept-based indexing by Collexis search engine Project “Automated indexing and semantic search applications for economic journal articles” (2007 - 2009)

25 Collaborative Tagging Automated document indexing Concept-based indexing by Collexis search engine Project “Automated indexing and semantic search applications for economic journal articles” (2007 - 2009)

26 Collaborative Tagging Collaborative tagging of electronic documents Collaborative tagging: users add metadata in the form of keywords to shared documents Combination of automated indexing and tagging

27 Collaborative Tagging Intentions of the project Tagging as a new service for the customers of academic libraries Reference for document annotation – automated or tagging

28 Collaborative Tagging

29 Librarian Annotation Automated Annotation Tagging Distance 0100 %52 % ? Distance 1-3 -27 % ? Distance >3 -21 % ?

30 Collaborative Tagging


32 Geographic terms


34 Conclusion Community building as a new role for academic libraries Using the collaborative intelligence of our customers

35 Collaborative Tagging Thank you for your attention! Contact:

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