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Youth Suicides Causes and Preventions By: Anita Lor.

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1 Youth Suicides Causes and Preventions By: Anita Lor

2 Youth Suicides Youth suicides are persons between the ages of 10-24 who take their own lives. Although there hasn’t been a significant finding of why youth suicides happen, there has been a phenomenon amount of research done to provide some clarity. Even though research is conducted, we will never know the true reasons behind it, because the reasons leave with the victims and questions are left unanswered.

3 Why do some teens choose suicide? Biological Family history of mental illness Depression Family history of alcohol/drug use Learning disorder Physical Appearance Disability or illness Sexual orientation Anxiety Sociological Drug and alcohol abuse No one to talk to Exposure to suicide Relationship problems Academic stress Expectation of others Pregnancy Divorce Death Abuse Access to a fire arm Bullying Peer pressure Psychological “I am stupid” “ I am not worthy” “Things would be better if I wasn’t around” “I am a burden to everyone” “I hate myself” Existential “Life is useless” “Things will never get any better” “What’s the point of trying” “The whole world is empty”

4 Protective Factors Family Encouraging parents Family support Someone who is available Siblings who show concern Involved extended family Community Neighbors who tell me when I do well Supportive church members Friends of the family who listen A safe community After school activities School Friends to talk to A teacher or coach who notices my progress Somebody who believes in me A counselor who cares A safe learning environment Individual/peer Self-esteem Prayer Sense of control Sense of responsibility Problem- solving/coping skills Supportive friends A way to express myself Fear of death

5 Watch for Warning Signs A previous suicide attempt Current talk of suicide or making a plan Strong wish to die or preoccupation with death Giving away prized possessions Signs of depressions; such as moodiness, helplessness or withdrawal Increased alcohol and/drug use

6 How You Can Help Get Help “I know where we can get some help.” ”Let's talk to someone who can help...let's call the crisis line, now.” “I can go with you to get some help.” Show You Care “I'm worried about you, about how you feel.” ”You mean a lot to me. I want to help.” ”I'm here, if you need someone to talk to.” Ask the Question “Are you thinking about suicide?” ”Do you really want to die?” “Do you want your problems to go away?”

7 Statistics Youth suicides outnumber youth homicides. Boys and young men are more likely to die by suicides than Girls and young women. Girls and young women attempt suicide more than boys and young men but survive because they choose less lethal methods, and are more frequent to ask for help. Of the reported suicides in the 10 to 24 age group, 81% of the deaths were males and 19% were females. Native Americans is the highest among all ethnic groups for fatalities with suicide being the cause. A nationwide survey of youth in grades 9–12 in public and private schools in the United States (U.S.) found that 16% of students reported seriously considering suicide, 13% reported creating a plan, and 8% reporting trying to take their own life in the 12 months preceding the survey. The three highest causes of suicide fatalities are firearms, hanging and suffocation. Suicide is the third leading cause of death.

8 Resources/ Help Lines Mind Your Mind (website) Mind Your Mind Reach Out (website) Reach Out A Parent's Guide for Suicidal & Depressed Teens (A book by Kate Williams) A Parent's Guide for Suicidal & Depressed Teens 1-800-273-TALK 1-866-4-U-Trevor

9 References Youth Suicide Prevention Program (2001) WHY? Why do some teens kill themselves? Youth Suicide Prevention Program (2001) Statistics about Youth Suicide Youth Suicide Prevention Program (2001) How to Help? Youth Suicide Prevention Program (2001) Websites Youth Suicide Prevention Program (2001) Resources: Books Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) Youth Suicide Suicide Prevention

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