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Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft German Research Foundation DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft German Research Foundation DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft German Research Foundation DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016

2 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 2 1. Profile and Tasks 2. Structure, Budget and Programmes 3. The Review and Decision Process 4. International Cooperation 5. Contacts Beispielfolie Inhaltsverzeichnis (mit Bild) The DFG

3 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 3 1. Profile and Tasks 2. Structure, Budget and Programmes 3. The Review and Decision Process 4. International Cooperation 5. Contacts Beispielfolie Inhaltsverzeichnis (mit Bild) The DFG

4 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 4 ► Self governing organisation under private law ► Funding of scientific research in all disciplines based on scientific merit and excellence ► Special focus on supporting young researchers ► Support of international cooperation in all fields of research ► Policy advice, knowledge transfer, equal opportunity ► Strengthen the research system DFG - Profile Germany‘s Largest Research Funding Organisation

5 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 5 ► Ensure the best possible support for outstanding scientists and young researchers ► Make research funding open to all disciplines in accordance with scientific standards of quality ► Keep Germany future-oriented and internationally competitive as a scientific location What are the DFG’s aims? The DFG’s scientific aims are to

6 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 6 From our statutes: „The German Research Foundation serves all branches of science and the humanities...“ This service is based on the following principles througout all DFG actions and programmes: ► Scientific Excellence ► Involvement of Scientific Communities („Bottom up“) ► Transparency (Information, Advice, Explanation) ► Flexibility DFG - Profile An independent association for academic self-governance Trust

7 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 Basic principle of the DFG DFG Illustration: bottom-up 7

8 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 8 1. Profile and Tasks 2. Structure, Budget and Programmes 3. The Review and Decision Process 4. International Cooperation 5. Contacts Beispielfolie Inhaltsverzeichnis (mit Bild) The DFG

9 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 9 67.4% funded by Federal government 32.5% funded by German states 0.1% funded by private sources The DFG's 2014 budget totalled approx. € 2.8 billion Figures refer to revenues in 2013

10 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 10 DFG Budget Actual expenditures 2014 by scientific areas Life Sciences

11 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 11 DFG Funding Programmes Funding Programmes Infrastructure International Scientific Contacts Coordinated Programmes Individual Grants Programme ► Research Grants ► Scientific Networks ► Research Fellowships ► Emmy Noether-Programme ► Heisenberg-Programme ► Reinhard Koselleck-Projects ► Clinical Trials ► Research Units ► Research Training Groups ► Priority Programmes ► Collaborative Research Centres ► Clusters of Excellence Prizes ► Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Prize ► Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Prize ► Communicator Award Promoting Young Researchers

12 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 12 DFG - Individual Grants Programme (funding for a period of up to three years) ► Research project on a specifically defined topic within a limited time period ► A research grant can be used to ●staff ●scientific instrumentation ●consumables ●travel and publications ► No submission deadline ► Funding decision: General Assembly of DFG ► Information on formalities: DFG-Form 50.01 DFG-Scientific Affairs ► funding for a period of up to three years Part in total funding volume: 26,25 % (2014) How does the DFG promote international cooperation? Individual Grants Programme DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich

13 Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 13 1. Profile and Tasks 2. Structure, Budget and Programmes 3. The Review and Decision Process 4. International Cooperation 5. Contacts Beispielfolie Inhaltsverzeichnis (mit Bild) The DFG

14 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 14 How does the decision-making process work? Review  Evaluation  Decision    Reviewers Review BoardsSenate; Joint Committee 1. Threepart process of funding decision: Project quality Applicants qualific. Working plan others Assessment of reviewer selection Proposal + review Comparison of all proposals in that subject; depending on budget for the subject Cross subject comparison. depending on the total budget

15 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 15 Who reviews proposals for individual grants? Peer reviewers in the individual grants programme ► have special knowledge of the fields involved in the proposals ► are unbiased and independent ► are individually suitable and experienced ► Are able to argue evidentiary ► are additionally qualified Reviewers act in an honorary capacity. The DFG receives per year approximately 13,000 proposals for individual grants and solicits reviews from 9,000 reviewers from Germany. Peer reviewers

16 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 16 ► members: ●48 DFG review boards with 613 members ●act in an honorary capacity ●elected by the scientific communities for 4 years ●are assigned to a subject area according to the focus of their own research ●Election 2015 Nov: 150.000 researchers voted; 1.707 candidates Who reviews proposals for individual grants? The Review Boards Review Boards (Fachkollegien) ► tasks: ● monitor the selection of reviewers, make recommendations and comparatively assess all proposals and reviews in the individual grants programme ● are involved in panel reviews for coordinated programmes ●ensure that comparable high-quality standards and criteria are applied equaly in all DFG-programmes

17 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 17 1. Profile and Tasks 2. Structure, Budget and Programmes 3. The Review and Decision Process 4. International Cooperation 5. Contacts Beispielfolie Inhaltsverzeichnis (mit Bild) The DFG

18 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 18 Special Instruments ► Funding of the Initiation of Bilateral Cooperation ► Postdoctoral Fellowships ► International Research Training Groups ► Mercator Module for Visiting Professorships ► Joint Calls with Partner Organisations ► International Scientific Events How does the DFG promote international cooperation? Special Instruments Scientists can apply for international funding like travel costs, exchange of researchers in all DFG-Funding Programmes.

19 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 19 How does the DFG support international cooperation? Initiation of bilateral cooperation Research Stays (in Germany / in the Partner Country) ► Preparatory visits (up to three weeks) ► Consultative visits (up to three months) For participants from Germany: international travel, transportation costs, maintenance allowances For participants from partner country: maintenance and, in justified cases, also international travel costs Funding is available for a maximum of 1 year Photo: D. Ausserhofer How does the DFG promote international cooperation? Initiation of bilateral cooperation DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich

20 Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 20 DFG - Individual Grants Programme (funding for a period of up to three years) ► Research project on a specifically defined topic within a limited time period ► A research grant can be used to ●staff ●scientific instrumentation ●consumables ●travel and publications ► No submission deadline ► Funding decision: General Assembly of DFG ► Information on formalities: DFG-Form 50.01 DFG-Scientific Affairs ► funding for a period of up to three years Part in total funding volume: 26,25 % (2014) How does the DFG promote international cooperation? Individual Grants Programme DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich

21 Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 21 1. Profile and Tasks 2. Structure, Budget and Programmes 3. The Review and Decision Process 4. Good Scientific Practice 5. International Cooperation 6. Contacts Beispielfolie Inhaltsverzeichnis (mit Bild) The DFG

22 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 22 DFG Head Office in Bonn DFG Office in Berlin DFG Head Office Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. Kennedyallee 40 53175 Bonn Tel.: +49 (228) 885-1 Fax: +49 (228) 885-2777 DFG Office Berlin WissenschaftsForum (Gendarmenmarkt) Markgrafenstr. 37 10117 Berlin Dr. Christian Schaich Director International Affairs Tel: +49 (30) 206121 - 4329 E-Mail:

23 DFG, Dr. Christian Schaich Tbilisi, September 19, 2016 23 For more information ► on the DFG: ► on DFG-funded projects: ► on over 17,000 German research institutes: Thank you for your attention!

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