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Annual Report to HASC 2010 Cllr Eunice Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Services & Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Report to HASC 2010 Cllr Eunice Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Services & Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Report to HASC 2010 Cllr Eunice Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Services & Health

2 The Last Year has been challenging. A period of change as we restructured at both Corporate and Departmental level to adapt to new ways of working. An ongoing challenging financial situation of having to challenge all of our spending and priorities. An era of transformation including embedding the personalisation agenda.

3 However my 6 top priorities are the same. Ensure that there is appropriate community involvement in the delivery of adult social care Ensure that we deliver affordable services which attempt to meet the needs of older and disabled Nottingham people Ensure that key services, which allow people to remain in control of their independence are delivered successfully Ensure that we maintain and extend services that help people remain fit and healthy wherever possible thus placing prevention and early intervention at the heart of our service offer Ensure that the safeguarding of vulnerable adults in the city is our absolute priority and that I have appropriate involvement in the safeguarding process as the Cabinet member with responsibility for this area. Help lead the campaign to reduce smoking within the city and support tobacco control to ensure that as many people as possible, particularly children, live in a smoke free environment.

4 Ensure that there is Appropriate Community involvement in the Delivery of Adult Social Care Last year: SupportNet has been nationally recognised for its innovation and has helped build capacity in the local community A consultation and engagement strategy has been developed with local residents to support transformation Next Year: SupportNet will be extended to include other areas of the city Refresh of Older People’s strategy

5 Ensure that we deliver affordable services which attempt to meet the needs of older and disabled people Last Year: Despite a tough year we have maintained a range of services whilst delivering appropriate efficiencies. Next Year: We will carry out a review of prevention and cost effective services. We are in the process of looking at how we can work more closely with the PCT to deliver both more effective services and make joint savings through integration.

6 Ensure that key services, which allow people to remain in control of their independence are delivered successfully Last Year: We extended the use of personal budgets with nearly 500 people now receiving them. Next Year: By the end of the year all new service users/carers (with assessed need for ongoing support) and service users subject to review will be offered a personal budget We are determined that we will meet the target of 30% of service users on a personal budget by April 2011

7 Ensure that we maintain and extend services that help people remain fit and healthy wherever possible thus placing Prevention and Early Intervention at the heart of our service offer Last Year: We have developed and extended prevention and early intervention services. For example, our intermediate care service has been revamped and early intervention work is being carried out in our dementia, learning disability and mental health services. A strategy has been developed to create universal information and advice services. Next Year: Universal information and advice service in place and public aware how they can access this information including development of a Service Directory.

8 Ensure that the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults in the City is our absolute priority and that I have appropriate involvement in the safeguarding process as the Cabinet member with responsibility for this area Last year: I have joined and am playing an active part in the work of the Adult Safeguarding Board. Next year: Large scale publicity and awareness campaign launched. Targeted awareness raising campaign aimed at vulnerable and socially excluded groups and their carers.

9 Help lead the campaign to reduce smoking within the city and support tobacco control to ensure that as many people as possible, particularly children, live in a smoke free environment Last year: I led the organisation and presentation of the full council debate on healthy weight and tobacco control held in February Next year: A Health and Wellbeing Task Group has been set up to carry forward this work which I chair A major marketing campaign in the coming year aimed at reducing illicit tobacco, an increase in smoke-free homes and smoke-free playgrounds

10 Other Priorities Meet Adult Services manifesto pledges – ALL are currently on track Support Adult Services in gaining excellent judgements from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Positively Promote the good work of the Adult Services and its staff Take a leading role in the roll-out of the Putting People First programme Encourage innovative ways of working to help meet the current challenges


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