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Unit III Review- Part I- Architecture. Religious Architecture: Christian Cathedral.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit III Review- Part I- Architecture. Religious Architecture: Christian Cathedral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit III Review- Part I- Architecture

2 Religious Architecture: Christian Cathedral

3 Orthodox Church

4 Mosque

5 Synagogue

6 Hindu Temple

7 Buddhist Pagoda




11 Sacred Spaces – holy places Ganges River-Hinduism Ka’ba – Islam Burial Grounds

12 Language


14 Moved with agricultural innovations


16 What is the difference between race, nationality, and ethnicity?

17 Culture Elements of culture: - Architecture - Food - Religion - Language - Ethnicity - Music - Clothing - Dance


19 Unit IV – Political Geography Shapes of states – compact, elongated, prorupted, perforated, fragmented

20 Types of nations and states Nation-state Multi-state nation Multi-nation state Nation without a state Ethnic exclave Ethnic enclave Irredentism





25 Boundaries Geometric – use latitude and longitude Physical – use natural features such as mountains or bodies of water Ethnographic/cultural – language, religion, ethnicity

26 Types of Boundaries Geometric boundary: straight line boundary totally unrelated to physical features Latitude and Longitude e.g. United States border with Canada Western states in the U.S.

27 Types of Boundaries- genetic boundaries A. antecedent boundary: some boundaries were defined and delimited before humans settled  e.g. Malaysia B. subsequent/consequent boundaries: boundaries which developed according to the cultural landscape  e.g. Vietnam/ China

28 Types of Boundaries Genetic continued C. superimposed boundaries: forcibly drawn boundaries across a culturally unified landscape  e.g. Papau New Guinea/ Indonesia d. relict boundary: border that has ceased to function imprints still evident in cultural landscape. N-S Vietnam

29 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Under the law of the sea, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is a seazone over which a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources. It stretches from the seaward edge of the state's territorial seaout to 200 nautical miles from its coast.nautical miles

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