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Or what you need to know in order to have a successful booster organization!

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Presentation on theme: "Or what you need to know in order to have a successful booster organization!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or what you need to know in order to have a successful booster organization!

2 First things first Thank-you for all you do! Truly know that you have the respect and support from all of the staff here at South Dade. Without you our programs could not exist and deliver the level of services that our students deserve.

3 With that said let’s talk booster guidelines

4 What is a booster A booster club is a group of parents/guardians and/or interested adult community members who are authorized by the school principal to form an organization to enhance a program, activity, or athletic team through fundraising and services. The booster club must have approved by-laws or a statement of purpose. Each booster club will submit its bylaws to the principal for review and approval per Board Policy 9211 - Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs, and Other Fund-Raising Activities.

5 Insurance Each booster club shall purchase liability insurance (riders – self insured) to protect the entity against claims resulting from damage or injury resulting from any act or omission of any school support entity per Board Policy 9211 - Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs, and Other Fund-Raising Activities. See handout

6 Planning for the next year By the end of each year, each group shall submit its tentative goals and objectives along with its fundraising plans for the next school year to the principal for review. Should the goals and objectives or fundraising plans change during the school year, the principal is to be advised before any final revisions are made. All activities must be approved by the principal per Board Policy 9211 - Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs, and Other Fund-Raising Activities.

7 Advertising The principal should approve all publications that booster clubs send to parents and/or the community.

8 Who is responsible for the group/students? All decisions related to the day-to-day operations of the school group are the sole responsibility of the faculty advisor/coach under the supervision of the principal. These decisions include but are not limited to, show content, music selections, field trip destinations, routine/play selection, staff selection, participant selection, and chaperone/volunteer selection.

9 EMERGENCY!!!! Fund Raising Forms All forms are on line. Please make sure that you submit paperwork in a timely manner. On Campus: 10 days Community: 20 days I am here to help so come and see me. (See handouts and website)

10 Name School name may not be used in the title of a booster club.

11 Meetings All general meetings must be on school site. Executive board meetings may be held off campus. Coach/Teacher/Faculty Advisor must attend the meetings as well. Minutes must be submitted to the Activities Director and kept on file.

12 Money The coach/sponsor/faculty advisor is not allowed to handle money, be named on the booster account, and absolutely no debit cards!

13 Donations Money for fieldtrips, awards, banquet costs must go in the schools internal funds account. A check may be written with a letter of donation.

14 Tax Exempt The booster club may not use the school’s tax exempt number. The club must file for their own.

15 Do I need to register as a volunteer? Any Booster Club and/or PTA/PTSA member who will come into contact with students must complete the School Volunteer Program registration and clearance process. Only approved volunteers will be allowed to assist in activities where students are present. All volunteer applicants will undergo a background check and some will need to be fingerprinted. Until the volunteer clearance process is complete, the person will not be allowed to provide assistance for the school or any school group.

16 What happens? Failure to follow these guidelines may result in dissolution of the booster club by the principal.

17 Contact Charmaine Underwood (305) 247-4244 2220

18 Questions

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