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EEC 688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing Lecture 1 Wenbing Zhao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Cleveland State University.

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1 EEC 688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing Lecture 1 Wenbing Zhao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Cleveland State University

2 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Outline Motivation Syllabus EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

3 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Motivation Why secure and dependable computing is important?*  Increased reliance on software to optimize everything from business processes to engine fuel economy  Relentlessly growing scale and complexity of systems and systems-of-systems  Near-universal reliance on a commodity technology base that is not specifically designed for dependability  Growing stress on legacy architectures (both hardware and software) due to ever-increasing performance demands  Worldwide interconnectivity of systems  Continual threats of malicious attacks on critical systems *Taken from “A high dependability computing consortium”, James H. Morris, CMU, EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

4 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao More Motivation The cost of poor software is very high  Annual cost to US economy of poor quality software: $60B  source: US NIST Report 7007.011, May 2002. Industry needs greater dependability and security  Improved quality of products  Improved quality of development processes  Better system and network security, to avoid: viruses, trojans, denial of service,... network penetration, loss of confidential data,... Improved customer satisfaction EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

5 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Industry is Embracing Secure and Dependable Computing The hardware platforms are changing:  Smartcards  Pervasive computing / embedded systems IBM, Sun “autonomic computing” Major PC dependability and security initiatives under way:  Trusted Computing Group Promoters: Intel, HP, Compaq, IBM, Microsoft  Microsoft’s trustworthy computing push  Intel’s LaGrande dependable hardware EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

6 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao The Cost of Downtime From “Assessing the Financial Impact of Downtime” by Vision Solutions, Inc. 2008 ( 20Impact%20of%20Downtime.pdf ) 20Impact%20of%20Downtime.pdf Typical hourly cost of downtime by Industry  Brokerage Service: $6,480,000  Energy: $2,800,000  Telecom: $2,000,000  Manufacturing: $1,600,000  Retail: $1,100,000  Healthcare: $636,000  Media: $90,000

7 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Course Objectives Have solid understanding of the basic concepts and theory of secure and dependable computing Getting familiar with some basic building blocks (tools and APIs) needed to build secure and dependable systems No attempt to be comprehensive: topics covered are what I am interested in and what I think important EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

8 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Prerequisite Operating system principles  Processes, scheduling, file systems, etc. Java programming language  At least you should know how to write a Hello World program  You don’t have to be a Java expert Computer networks  TCP, UDP, IP, Ethernet, etc. EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

9 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Outline of Lectures Dependability concepts Introduction to computer and network security  Cryptography, Secure communication, Intrusion detection and prevention Dependability techniques  Logging & checkpointing  Recovery-oriented computing  Replication  Group communication systems  Consensus and Paxos  Byzantine fault tolerance EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

10 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Outline of Labs Lab 0 – Getting familiar with Linux Lab 1 – Secure shell Lab 2 – Secure computing in Java Lab 3 – Traffic analysis and intrusion detection Lab 4 – Group communication with Spread toolkit EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

11 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Course Projects Write a short survey paper on a particular topic and make a presentation. The topic must be approved by the instructor. Must be done individually. The project is expected to survey 5-10 research papers, among them at least 2 must be published within 5 years. EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

12 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Exam One midterm on security One final exam on fault tolerance Exams are closed book and closed notes, except that you are allowed to bring with you a one-page cheat sheet no larger than the US letter size (double-sided allowed) There is no makeup exam! EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

13 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Grading Policy Class participation (10%) Lab reports (10%) Project (20%) Exams (60%) EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

14 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Grading Policy A: 90-100% A-: 85-89% B+: 80-84% B: 75-79% B-: 70-74% C+: 65-69% C: 60-64% F: <60% EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

15 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Class Participation 10% of the course credit In general, there is a mock quiz in the beginning of each lecture, so that  I know who is here & I get feedback for my teaching To obtain the full credit for class participation, you must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:  You do not miss more than 2 lectures  You do not miss any exam and lab sessions You will lose all 10% credit if you miss more than 6 lectures/labs/presentations EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

16 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Do not cheat! Do not copy other student ’ s lab report, exams or projects Do not copy someone else ’ s work found on the Internet  Including project implementation and report  You can quote a sentence or two, but put those in quote and give reference  You can build your projects on top of open source libraries, but again, you should explicitly give acknowledgement and state clearly which parts are implemented by you EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

17 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Consequences for Cheating You get 0 credit for the project/lab/exam that you have cheated If the task is worth 25% or more of the course, it is considered a major infraction Otherwise, it is considered a minor infraction For major infraction and repeated minor infractions  You will get an F grade, and  You may be suspended or repulsed from CSU CSU Code of Conduct  EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

18 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Reference Texts Building Dependable Distributed Systems, by Wenbing Zhao, Wiley-Scrivener, March 2014 Security in Computing (4th Edition), by Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Prentice Hall, 2006 Replication: Theory and Practice, Editted by by Bernadette Charron-Bost, Fernando Pedone, Andre Schiper, Springer, 2010 Computer Networks (4th Edition), by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, 2003 Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices (3rd Edition), by William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2003 SSH, the Secure Shell (2nd Edition), by Daniel J. Barrett, Robert G. Byrnes, Richard E. Silverman, O'Reilly, 2005 EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

19 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Reference Texts Reliable Computer Systems: Design and Evaluation (3rd Edition), by Daniel P. Siewiorek and Robert S. Swarz, A K Peters, 1998 Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, and Maarten van Steen, Prentice Hall, 2002 Reliable Distributed Systems: Technologies, Web Services, and Applications, by Kenneth P. Birman, Springer, 2005 Network Intrusion Detection (3rd Edition), by Stephen Northcutt, Judy Novak, New Riders Publishing, 2002 EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

20 11/21/2016 Wenbing Zhao Instructor Information Instructor: Dr. Wenbing Zhao  Email:,  Lecture hours: TTh 2:00-4:00  Office hours: TTh noon-2pm & by appointment Course Web site:  EEC688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

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