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This presentation was prepared by: Leo Kraunelis, General Manager, Director of Business Development, OASIS.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation was prepared by: Leo Kraunelis, General Manager, Director of Business Development, OASIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation was prepared by: Leo Kraunelis, General Manager, Director of Business Development, OASIS

2 History –Introduced in June 1999 by OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Interoperability Standards to minimize overlap and duplication in XML languages and standard initiatives by providing public access to XML information and Schemas in a centralized repository. – has expanded its reach and has emerged as a centralized XML portal that is a valuable resource and meeting place for technologists, developers and businesspeople developing purpose-built XML languages. –Funded by 8 corporate sponsors developing and servicing XML solutions and seeking marketplace exposure and visibility among technologists and businesspeople within the XML community. –Managed part time by OASIS and advised by a steering committee

3 Future Mission Cultivate an online environment that unites XML technologists, developers and businesspeople alike, fosters collaboration and facilitates the adoption of XML interoperability standards. will achieve this mission by: –Building an online XML community and meeting place –Providing an open registry for XML schemas, specifications and reports –Offering valuable resources such as real time news, information, tools and references about XML, –Promoting teamwork and cooperation within industry sectors by initiating discussion forums, –Utilizing leading technology solutions to support unification initiatives, and –Maintaining a respected profile as a non-commercial, high-quality information base supported by corporate sponsors committed to the advancement of open XML standards that are dedicated thought leaders within the framework for XML.

4 What We Need to Do to Get There Promote site and elevate market perception: –improve our web site usability, functionality and stickiness, –facilitate and foster collaboration, –enhance support and technology infrastructure, and –secure influential sponsorship and funding. 4 major business initiatives in 2001 –Business Development –Technology and Infrastructure –Web Site Enhancements –Market Sponsorships

5 Business Development Initiatives –Create an new and improved identity by building upon brand “The Leading XML Community Portal” –Identify and frequently touch and communicate with site visitors- user registration, data mining, site personalization, targeted news, … –Better manage site content and consistently inform site visitors through daily, weekly monthly news services, products and services, … –Promote and initiate collaboration by facilitating establishing vertical industry discussions groups, vertical industry message boards, chat rooms, e-mail lists, … –Expand editorial capabilities through contributing editors, by establishing relationships with digital media providers, XML content resource providers and web sites, XML industry leaders …

6 Technology Infrastructure Initiatives –Design, develop and implement a database system that supports our existing and future business development requirements –Be able to capture and the apply site visitor information –Implement a enterprise class content/document management solution that supports our requirements: multiple editors working remotely, searching capabilities, … –Develop message boards, e-mail lists, user registrations, e-mail distribution, … –Implement a more user-friendly and more cost-effective solution for XML Registry by developing a solution to submit, store, view, search XML Schemas. –Provide useful site analysis statistics automatically –Provide siteware tools to automate the publishing, and storing and searching of news and events.

7 Web Site Initiatives –Redesign categories, screen frame layout, content flow, graphical presentation, animation – simple, smart, clean and consistent –Pop-up window for user registration with multiple associations capability –Restructure XML Catalogs by by renaming XML in Industry and provide deeper content and news with message boards in each industry vertical –Publish a digital daily news feed in a News section –Create an XML marketplace with company storefronts to promote XML products, tools and services by company –More real estate and better visual promotion for sponsors –Provide permission based access to sections of site –Promote site sponsorship with secure access to site statistics –Improve XML Registry usability and features

8 Sponsorship & Marketing Initiatives Increase sponsorship revenue from $450K to $850K by selling more sponsors an expanded sponsorship program. Market via a road show –$850 K: 45 sponsors among 6 sponsorship categories with varying degree of benefits. –$120K: promotional fees from hosting non- transactional company sponsored storefronts in Marketplace Section. –$18K: Banner ads within the Marketplace, News Section, Events Calendar and Message Boards. –$42K: E-mail Sponsorship fees of daily News, weekly News and monthly Newsletter correspondence. –$13K: Print Sponsorship fees for Weekly News and monthly Newsletter PDF and HTML files.

9 Competitive Advantages –not-for-profit, –non-commercial, –high-quality information base –supported by corporate sponsors committed to the advancement of open XML standards –dignified brand recognition –dominant domain name, and –OASIS affiliation. Combination puts in an ideal position to expand its reach and emerge as “The Leading XML Community Portal” for Technologists, developers and businesspeople.

10 Current Sponsors CompanySponsorship –IBM $100,000 –SAP $100,000 –Sun $100,000 –DataChannel$25,000 –Documentum$25,000 –IDEAlliance$25,000 –Mercator $25,000 –SoftQuad $25,000 TOTAL $425,000

11 Sponsorship Categories (page 1) –Web Site Sponsors Elite Sponsor (4)$100,000 annually Platinum Sponsor (4)$75,000 annually Gold Sponsor (5)$50,000 annually Silver Sponsor (8)$25,000 annually Bronze Sponsor (10)$12,000 annually Contributing Sponsor (15)$2,000 annually

12 Promotional Sponsors –Product and Service Sponsors in Marketplace: Company Logo - $1,500 url link from logo - $1,500 Expanded Product/Service - $1,500 Contact name, number and e-mail - $1,500 –E-mail Sponsors for Weekly and Daily News Feeds: $0.10 per e-mail –Print Sponsors for Monthly Newsletter: $0.20 per print –Advertising Sponsors in Marketplace: $1.75 per 1000 page views

13 Site Stats: Page Views/day in Jan Average Pages viewed per day: 11,708 Average Pages viewed per visit:3 Average Length of visit: 3 min and 16 seconds

14 Site Stats: Visitors/day in Jan Average visits per day: 3,770 Average new visitors per day: 1,787 Number of repeat visitors per day: 882

15 Main Page: News Section

16 Weekly News Summary

17 XML Cover Pages News Syndication

18 Monthly Newsletter

19 News Subscriptions

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