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Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Briefing Prepared For: Virginia Council of Chapters MOAA VCOC mtg October 5 th 2016

2 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Vision: Provide pathways to success for former military medics and corpsmen from across the U. S. -Employment -Credentialing/Licensure -Education

3 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Mission: The Military Medics and Corpsmen (MMAC) Program provides service members with specialized medical training an opportunity for employment at six Virginia healthcare systems, a pathway to licensure and long-term medical careers, and a solution to acute healthcare staffing shortages in Virginia's healthcare industry.

4 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Goal: The MMAC Program will facilitate and support the hiring of a minimum of 150 former medics and corpsmen by our Partner Healthcare Systems by the end of the pilot program July 1, 2018

5 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our History 2016: - Governor Terry McAuliffe, Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, John Harvey and Dr. Jennifer Lee, former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Resources recognized that staffing needs in civilian healthcare delivery across the Commonwealth can be met by former military medics and corpsmen -Legislation introduced in Virginia General Assembly receives bi-partisan unanimous support -Implementation Team of stakeholders formed

6 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Partner Health System Focus ( Spot 1 - 3:18 ) Veteran Candidate Focus ( Spot 2 - 2:43 )

7 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Statewide Healthcare Partners:

8 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Process: - MMAC Candidates - Goals / Metrics - Reporting - Progress: HR, Admin & Marketing

9 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Quality Candidates – Quality Connect #1 Priority: -Recruiting -Screening -Hiring

10 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Goals/Metrics - Veterans & TSM Contacted - Candidates Recruited/Referred -Candidates Hired -Employees Credentialed/Licensed

11 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Reporting -Weekly Progress Reports to DVS Leadership -Progress Reports to Secretary Harvey - Periodic Partner Roundtables -30-60-90-120 Day Plan of Action

12 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Progress To-Date: Administration - Master Memo of Agreement: Draft in process -Scope of Practice (SOP): Final draft reviewed/approved by OAG, Director Virginia Department of Health, Office of Licensure and Certification(VDH) and DVS -Credentialing/Education: Briefings conducted with VCCS and State Council of Higher Education-Military Education Advisory Committee -Application Process: Online application/data collection in design (final phase)

13 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Progress To-Date: Human Resources -Standard Job Description: In development with healthcare partners -Recruiting/Screening Process: Final revisions with healthcare partners -Begin Accepting Applications: December 1, 2016

14 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Progress To-Date: Marketing -Print: Flyers completed -Videos: Completed -Website: MMAC landing page added -Marketing Plan: Developed -Follow Up: Information request and response system in place

15 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Contact Information: Beverly VanTull, Program Coordinator (804) 297-8783 Mark Whiting, Program Coordinator (804) 624-9559

16 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our Contact Information:

17 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Thank You

18 Virginia Department of Veterans Services: Military Medics and Corpsmen Program Bringing Veterans and Healthcare Employers Together Across The Commonwealth Our History 2016: -June 27, 2016 Governor McAuliffe signs H825 into law amending the Code of Virginia to officially launch and fund the two-year pilot program Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That § 54.1-2901 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted and that the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 2.2-2001.4 as follows: § 2.2-2001.4. Military medical personnel; pilot program. The Department, in collaboration with the Department of Health Professions, shall establish a pilot program in which military medical personnel may practice and perform certain delegated acts that constitute the practice of medicine under the supervision of a physician or podiatrist who holds an active, unrestricted license in Virginia. Such activities shall reflect the level of training and experience of the military medical personnel. The supervising physician or podiatrist shall retain responsibility for the care of the patient.e of signing here/Tina will provide

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