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Megan Villano Independet Research GT Product TEACHING AROUND THE WORLD.

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1 Megan Villano Independet Research GT Product TEACHING AROUND THE WORLD

2 What are the strengths and weaknesses of the different education systems in China, Finland, and the United States? RESEARCH QUESTION

3  In the next ten years, where will the United States education system compare against other nations? In the past few years the United States has been falling further back in rankings, and as a result other nations such as China and Finland have been surpassing the United States in mathematics, science, and reading categories in a worldwide standardized test known as pragramme for international student assessments. Nations and teachers all around the world have been searching for the best strategies to teach their students. China focuses on standardize testing and memorization, whereas Finland focuses on creativity and problem solving. For the United States to remain a world power, the country must be up to par with the best education strategies and techniques to allow its students to compete on global level. INTRODUCTION

4  China has some of the highest test scores, on the Programme for International Student Assment. This test asses the skill levels in the area of reading, mathematics, and science. China scored number one in reading, mathematics and science in 2010.  The Chinese are very dedicated to education, it is the number one priority and they work hard every day to do their best. CHINA

5  Relaxing Environment for students to learn and prosper in.  There is more than one teacher in the classroom, so each student gets that one on feel, with their teachers.  A child will have the same teacher all throughout school  Teachers are very highly respected, and are given a high salary.  All teacher have a masters degree, in the area of study they are teaching.  The teaching programs are among the most selective in the world. This prepares teachers in the art of conveying knowledge and inspiring curiosity. FINLAND

6  Today, more than ever, our cultures and economies are changing because of globalization. Previous physical boundaries designating one country or state from another have disappeared with the rapid expansion of technology. The internet and social media tools have enabled people to communicate, trade, and/or provide goods and services across nation states as easily as if they resided in the house or apartment next door. Countries across the globe are competing to find solutions for local and world problems; whether it is the cure to cancer or trying to create a faster and easier way to make brownies, world collaboration and competition has accelerated. People all over the world are competing to do the best! While people are competing in a world economy, the ability to compete is still owned by the individual nations. One of the biggest factors in protecting a country’s future prosperity is the education they are giving to their young. In order for the United States to ensure they are up to par in their education system, the U.S. should adopt strategies that already work for other nations. PURPOSE

7  Removing Tenure  Having more than one teacher in each classroom  Having society as a whole prioritize education to be the most important  All teachers must attain a masters in the area of study they are teaching REFORM FOR THE UNITED STATES

8 QUOTES FROM IMPORTANT PEOPLE Dr. Kaufman, principal of Marriotts Ridge High School, states, “The students of China see education as a privilege, and work hard everyday to do their best”. Principal Mckinnly at Mount View Middle school responds to whether or not tenure is hurting the U.S, “I would say yes, and I know some teachers in this building may get disturbed by my answer, but if you are doing your job effectively what do you have to worry about? And it makes us think who tenure was really made for.”

9 Thank you Ms. Burke for allowing me to come in today and take time out of your class for my presentation. Questions? QUESTIONS?

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