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Society of Women Engineers West Virginia University Mid-September General Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Society of Women Engineers West Virginia University Mid-September General Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Society of Women Engineers West Virginia University Mid-September General Meeting

2 Agenda  Ice Breaker Bingo  Societal SWE  Murder Mystery Lunch  Conferences  SWE-sters Mentor Program  Upcoming Events  Additional Info  Stay for our OCE!


4 Societal SWE  SWE has Sections available for members, whether it be collegiate or professional, as well as being able to participate as a Member-at-Large or an International member  Members-at-Large(MAL) is a member of a region who is not a member of a section. There are areas in the US that are not assigned professional sections  Ali Anderson is our Region G MAL rep!  There are more than 300 collegiate and 100 professional sections  There are 10 regions that SWE sections fall under  We are located in Region G, the Ohio Valley Region (West Virginia, Western PA, Ohio, Kentucky)

5 Murder Mystery Lunch  THIS SATURDAY…We need volunteers!  Girls ages 7-9 have to figure out who committed a murder based on clues given to them after completing STEM related activities  10:00 AM – 1:45 PM  Theme: Zootopia  Need paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls for activities  Sign up!  **Station training will be on Friday at 5pm outside of the ELC

6 WE16 Societal Conference  In Philadelphia, PA  October 27 th -29 th  Will be an excused academic absence  Leave on Wednesday, return on Sunday  **We have 4 open spots for those who are willing to pay for their portion of the room – we will provide transportation for free  ~$300 when split four ways for 4 nights  Region G provides grants! Can provide more information once it is received  Come talk to us at the end of the meeting if interested

7 WE Local Conference  In Pittsburgh, PA  February 17 th -19th  The WE Local Pittsburgh Host Committee is looking for additional volunteers  The Pittsburgh host committee is looking for additional volunteers (Specifically, volunteers interested in communication- primarily through social media, volunteer coordination, and outreach)  If you’re interested or want more information, please contact Rebecca Ciez at or check out  Great way to get involved with SWE on a larger scale and build your resume!

8 SWE-ester Mentoring Program  Over 40 girls already signed up!  Underclassmen paired with upperclassmen based on major and an interest form Group events:  Mentor/Mentee Introduction event  Scavenger Hunt in the fall  Committee to plan another event for spring semester *Last day to fill out form will be Wednesday, September 21 st !

9 Social Events Movie Night: Sully (landing the flight on the Hudson) Tuesday, September 20 th $6 for tickets Trunk or Treat Friday, October 28 th @ 5pm in the Coliseum parking lot (shell building if rain) Coming soon… Going to a haunted house! Check email in the coming weeks for details!

10 Nursing Home Outreach Event  Where: During SWE meeting in ESB G83  Date: October 12 th  Event: Making Halloween goodie bags  Donations needed!  Nail polish/nail art  Soft candies (3 musketeer, Reese’s, etc.)  Halloween-themed ribbon (to tie the baggies with)  Halloween goodie bag donations can be dropped off at Cate’s office by the ELC  “Yard Sale” Donations  Old purses  Craft kits  Bracelets  New/gently used blankets  Fuzzy socks/slippers  Coloring books  Yard Sale donations can be brought to the next meeting or you can meet with Denna:

11 Upcoming Community Service Events Saturday, October 8- STEM Day at Morgantown Public Library (9-2p.m.) Tuesday, October 11- Girl Powered Robotics Expo at Westwood Middle School; SWE guest speaker and potential mentoring program with robotics team (6-8 p.m.) Wednesday, October 12 - Cheat Lake Elementary School Science Fair; Judges and STEM table volunteers needed (6-8 p.m.) Thursday, October 20- Lights on After School at Preston County High School (5-7 p.m.) Friday, October 28- Pumpkin Drop (7a.m.-5 p.m.); volunteers needed for set up, vending, STEM zone, directing, cooking, clean up in drop zone, tear down

12 Professional Development Resume Collection  Still collecting resumes! Get yours in before the career fair next week!  Email to with specified info (in past email, ask if you need it) 2016 Internship/Co-Op Feature  Did you have an exciting summer as an intern/co- op? We want to know! Fill out this survey and email us a photo of you on the job so that we can share on our social media websites!  Survey:

13 Join Societal SWE!  Though you are more than welcome to join WVU SWE and attend our events…  IF YOU ARE NOT A PAID MEMBER, YOU ARE NOT A SWE MEMBER, AND YOU CANNOT PUT IT ON YOUR RESUME!  If you need financial assistance, let us know!  http://societyofwomenengineers.swe. org/index.php/membership http://societyofwomenengineers.swe. org/index.php/membership  Follow us to register if you want to join!

14 Contact Information  E-mail:   Facebook:   Twitter:  @WVU_SWE  Website:   LinkedIn:  WVU SWE  Region Blog: 

15 Stay here for our OCE! * Grab an OCE form from ELC

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