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Study of the properties of the superheavy nucleus Z = 117 produced in the 249Bk + 48Ca reaction А.А. Voinov for the collaboration of for the collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Study of the properties of the superheavy nucleus Z = 117 produced in the 249Bk + 48Ca reaction А.А. Voinov for the collaboration of for the collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of the properties of the superheavy nucleus Z = 117 produced in the 249Bk + 48Ca reaction А.А. Voinov for the collaboration of for the collaboration of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad, Russian Federation International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC2013, Firenze Italy, 2-7 June 2013

2 Objective: additional investigation of odd Z=113, 115, and 117 nuclei 249 Cf( 48 Ca,xn) 297-x 118 245,248 Cm( 48 Ca,xn) 293,296-x 116 242,244 Pu( 48 Ca,xn) 290,292-x 114 238 U( 48 Ca,xn) 286-x 112

3 Objective: additional investigation of odd Z=113, 115, and 117 nuclei

4 Gas-Filled Recoil Separator New FPD: 32 strips of 2*(60*60 mm 2 ) SSSSD, 24 strips of 6*(60*60 mm 2 ) side detector And corresponding registering system

5 249 Bk + 48 Ca


7 E*= 37.0 – 48.3 MeV 1 st run with 249 Bk – red lines 2 nd run with 249 Bk – green lines Cross bombardment: 243 Am( 48 Ca,2n) 289 115 – blue lines Excitation function: 4n-evaporation channel

8 E*= 31.4 - 36.4 MeV Excitation function: 2n-evaporation channel Cross bombardment: 249 Bk( 48 Ca,4n) 293 117(  )- 289 115

9 Excitation function: 3n-evaporation channel E*= 30.4 – 37.5 MeV 1 st run with 249 Bk – red lines

10 Excitation function V.I. Zagrebaev and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. C 78, 034610 (2008) - solid lines V.I. Zagrebaev and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. C 78, 034610 (2008) - solid lines K. Siwek-Wilczynska, T. Cap, M. Kowal, A. Sobiczewski, and J. Wilczynski, Phys. Rev. C 86, 014611 (2012) - dashed lines Phys. Rev. C 86, 014611 (2012) - dashed lines

11 V.I. Zagrebaev and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. C 78, 034610 (2008) 249 Cf + 48 Ca 249 Bk (  decay, 330 d) 249 Cf

12 Radioactive properties: (a)  -particle energies Q  for odd-Z nuclei agree with the systematics and have intermediate values between neighboring even-Z nuclei. (b)  -particle energies of the Z=107 and Z=109 isotopes as well as their behavior vs neutron number are in agreement with what is observed for the neighboring lighter previously known nuclei. (c) Decrease of Q  values with approaching N=184 magic number -- increase of stability.

13 Radioactive properties: increase of stability with approaching N=184 magic number

14 Summary of radioactive properties of odd-Z nuclei 59 decay chains, 29 isotopes Summary of radioactive properties of odd-Z nuclei 59 decay chains, 29 isotopes Methods of identification: separation of fusion-evaporation reaction products (DGFRS) cross-section measurements cross bombardments decay properties chemical properties of 268 Db


16 Yu.Ts. Oganessian, 1 F.Sh. Abdullin, 1 C. Alexander, 2 J. Binder, 2 R.A. Boll, 2 S.N. Dmitriev, 1 J. Ezold, 2 K. Felker, 2 J. M. Gostic, 3 R.K. Grzywacz, 2,4 J. H. Hamilton, 5 R.A. Henderson, 3 M.G. Itkis, 1 K. Miernik, 2 D. Miller, 4 K.J. Moody, 3 A.N. Polyakov, 1 A.V. Ramayya, 5 J.B. Roberto, 2 M.A. Ryabinin, 6 K.P. Rykaczewski, 2 D. Miller, 4 K.J. Moody, 3 A.N. Polyakov, 1 A.V. Ramayya, 5 J.B. Roberto, 2 M.A. Ryabinin, 6 K.P. Rykaczewski, 2 R.N. Sagaidak, 1 D.A. Shaughnessy, 3 I.V. Shirokovsky, 1 M.V. Shumeiko, 1 M.A. Stoyer, 3 N.J. Stoyer, 3 V.G. Subbotin, 1 A.M. Sukhov, 1 Yu.S. Tsyganov, 1 V.K. Utyonkov, 1 A.A. Voinov, 1 and G.K. Vostokin 1 1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, RU-141980 Dubna, Russian Federation 2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 3 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94551, USA 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA 5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235, USA 6 Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, RU-433510 Dimitrovgrad, Russian Federation Dubna Oak Ridge Livermore NashvilleKnoxvilleDimitrovgrad

17 Thank for your attention

18 243 Am + 48 Ca

19 E*=42.5 - 47.2 MeV E*= 31.1 - 42.3 MeV Red lines – data from 2003 E*= 31.4 - 36.4 MeV

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