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Contact diseases Communicable diseases. Tetanus Contact with tetanus spores in soil instruments and faces.

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Presentation on theme: "Contact diseases Communicable diseases. Tetanus Contact with tetanus spores in soil instruments and faces."— Presentation transcript:

1 contact diseases Communicable diseases

2 Tetanus Contact with tetanus spores in soil instruments and faces

3 Tetanus  It is acute disease induced by exotoxin of clostridium tetani and clinically characterized by muscular rigidity

4 INFECTIOUS AGENT  Clostridium tetanii Incubation period 6 to 10 days

5 Types of tetanus I. Traumatic tetanus II. Puerperal tetanus III. Otogenic tetanus IV. Tetanus neonatorum V. idiopathic

6 Clinical manifestations  Stiffness of muscles of jaw  Lock jaw  Spasm of muscles of face and cheeks  Resp obstruction  Cyanosis

7 complications  Aspiration pneumonia  Pneumothorax  Mediastinal emphysema  laryngeospasm

8 Treatment prevention and control  Bed rest  Good nursing condition  Airway should be patent  Adequate fluids and caloric plans  Antibiotics  immunization

9 scabies Contact disease

10 scabies  It is skin infection caused by sarcoptes scabiei having incubation period of 1 to 2days to 2 weeks


12 Clinical manifestations  Itching  Itchy red papules  Commonly on webs of fingers and skin folds and genitalias rarely on face

13 Rashes on foot

14 diagnosis  Scraping of lesion under microscope

15 treatment  Topical scabicides I. Sulphur oitment II. permethrin III. Benzyl benzonate

16 Prevention and control  Health education  Cleanliness  Closed contact should be treated  Clothes and bedding should be washed

17 leprosy Contact disease

18 leprosy  It is chronic infectious disease caused by myobacterium laprae.characterized by lesions of nerves skin and mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract


20 Types of leprosy  Leperomatous leprosy  Tuberculoid leprosy

21 Clinical manifestations  Skin lesions  Nerve lesions  Superficial nerves involved  Loss of sensation

22 treament I. Medical treatment  Rifampin  Dapsone  Clofazimine ii. Socio and psycho treatment

23 Prevention and control  Health education  Notification  Isolation  Disinfection  Avoid contact  Cleanliness and good sanitation  vaccinations

24 hepatitis

25 Hepatitis B  It is an viral infection caused by hepatitis B virus causing major pathology in liver  Causative agent:hepandavirus family virus HBV

26 Incubation period  45-180 days Period of communicability  6 week to 6 months

27 High risk groups  Recipient of blood transfusions  Homosexuals  Surgeons  Prostitutes  Immuno compromised  Infants of HBV carrier mothers

28 complications  Cirrohsis of liver  Liver cancer  Encephalitis  Ascites  Coagulation disorders  GIT bleeding  Capit medusae

29 Prevention and control  Good personal hygiene  Careful blood handling  Health education  Notification  Disinfection  vaccinations

30 vaccination  1st dose:on ist day  2 nd dose:one month later  3 rd dose:6 months later  4 th dose: booster dose For high risk 0.05-0.07 ml/kg body weight

31 HIV/aids

32 HIV/AIDS  Aids is fatal illness caused by retro virus which breakdown human immune system leading body vulnerable to life threatening opportunistic infections.

33 Incubation period  29 moths in adults  12 months in children causative agent  HIV virus I and II

34 High risk groups  Homo sexuals  Prostitutes  Iv drug abusers  recipients of blood transfusion  Having multiple sex patners  Vertical transmission

35 Clinical features a. Initial infection b. Asymptomatic carrier stage c. AIDS related complex d. AIDS

36 Initial infection  Fever  Sore throat  rashes


38 Asymptomatic carrier stage  Donot show sign of disease except generalized lymphadenopathy

39 AIDS related complex  Has illness caused by damage to immune system but no opportunistic infections


41 AIDS  End stage of HIV INFECTION.  Cancers  Opportunistic infections  Death due to uncontrolled infections

42 diagnosis  Screening test  Virus isolation  Absolute CD-4 lymphocyte count

43 Prevention and control  Notification  Health education  General awareness and behavioural change  Blood and blood product safety  Injection safety  Surveillance and research  Youth  Antiretroviral drugs

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