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The Crossley Heath School. Welcome Mrs Moffat – Head Teacher Mrs Gallimore – Executive Leader Y7 Achievement Leader – Mrs Griggs Anna Jowett – Student.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crossley Heath School. Welcome Mrs Moffat – Head Teacher Mrs Gallimore – Executive Leader Y7 Achievement Leader – Mrs Griggs Anna Jowett – Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crossley Heath School

2 Welcome Mrs Moffat – Head Teacher Mrs Gallimore – Executive Leader Y7 Achievement Leader – Mrs Griggs Anna Jowett – Student Wellbeing and Support Mr Moore – Second in Department for Mathematics (KS3 Lead)

3 GCSE Success! In 2016 students in Y11 achieved excellent results: 98% of students 5+ A*-C including English and Maths 60% of all grades were at A/A* 48% of students achieved at least 8 grades A*/A Average point score per entry 51.7 (52 is a grade A)

4 High Standards and Expectations

5 Assessment Unit assessments on-going throughout the year End of year 7 exams: w/c 22 nd May 2017 Opportunity to demonstrate the progress they have made in year 7 Practice for ‘real thing’ (Significantly more exams in KS4) Importance of planned revision

6 KS3 Reporting Reporting on Knowledge, Skills and understanding (specific content from departments). In addition staff will award a Learning Attitude grade. Developing Secure Exceeding Expectations All based around the challenge of our year 7 and year 8 curriculum

7 Progress Reporting Autumn w/c 14 th November – progress update Monday 22 nd November – Meet the Tutor Day Spring w/c 3 rd April 2017 – progress update 27 th April 2017 Parents’ Evening for 7ABC 2 nd May 2017 Parents’ Evening for 7DEF Summer w/c 19 th June – progress update

8 Yr 7 Literacy Why it is so important… Students are becoming more exposed to abbreviated and non-standard linguistic forms in their everyday communication on social media and via texting. Although this is a valid style of writing which they are becoming very accustomed to, they need to have a sound control of the basic mechanics of language first.

9 Yr7 literacy Passport All Yr7 students are issued with their own personal passport. Students are expected to have their passport with them at all times. Every student has the responsibility to utilise their passport as a record of their literacy developments. Rewards will be issued at regular intervals, known as ‘checkpoints’.

10 readerboard It has been researched and proven that reading helps to improve intelligence and thus has a direct impact on the overall level of success and performance in a students’ exams. Book Reviews Names will fluctuate throughout the year as part of the competition to read and score the most points; the librarians will monitor the activity and keep the board up to date. The readers at the end of the year in 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd place will receive recognition during the KS3 Prizegiving and Graduation ceremony.

11 The chronicle The Chronicle will be issued to you every 2 months. It is a game booklet filled with word games that will help to enhance and develop your literacy skills and your acquisition of language.

12 Weekly Tutor time – Tuesday On Tuesday mornings, during tutor time, students will get to play word puzzles and games as part of your literacy skill development. This is a fun and interactive way to learn and practice language.

13 Weekly Tutor time – Friday This will cover all aspects of punctuation, from the very basic to the more complex and will ensure that students will have the skills and confidence to use all forms of punctuation correctly and accurately.

14 House literacy YEAR 7 & 8YEAR 9, 10 & 11YEAR 12 & 13 There are several ways in which Yr7 students can contribute to the success of their House through the literacy schemes. Students will do this by proactively completing their passport and achieving the checkpoints; merits = House points! Finally, around March time, we have a House Literacy contest called Spelling Bee.

15 Key Stage 3 Mathematics Christopher Moore Second in Department for Mathematics (Key Stage 3 Lead)

16 ⇒ Six hours of lessons per fortnight ⇒ Reinforce the students knowledge from primary school whilst developing skills needed for future mathematical learning and introducing key topics such as algebra. ⇒ Assessment ⇒ One or two year group tests per term ⇒ One 20 – 30 minute homework per week ⇒ Self/Peer/Teacher Assessed ⇒ Intervention for weaker students throughout the year ⇒ Intervention lunchtime and afterschool classes after assessments ⇒ Sixth form mentors assigned for those needing one to one Year 7 Mathematics

17 Term 1 ⇒ Number ⇒ Fractions ⇒ Decimals ⇒ Percentages ⇒ Ratio ⇒ Standard Form ⇒ Algebra ⇒ Manipulating expressions ⇒ Solving linear equations ⇒ Factorising ⇒ Geometry ⇒ Area and Perimeter ⇒ Circles Term 2 ⇒ Algebra ⇒ Linear Graphs ⇒ Geometry ⇒ Angles ⇒ Isometric Drawing ⇒ Constructions ⇒ Transformations ⇒ Symmetry ⇒ Probability ⇒ Chance ⇒ Mutual Exclusivity Term 3 ⇒ Year 7 Project ⇒ Number ⇒ Number Patterns ⇒ Algebra ⇒ Simultaneous Equations ⇒ Application to investigations ⇒ Quadratic Graphs ⇒ Geometry ⇒ Loci ⇒ Probability ⇒ Venn Diagrams ⇒ Statistics ⇒ Scatter Graphs ⇒ Pie Charts ⇒ Surveys Year 7 Syllabus

18 ⇒ An investigation into the history of mathematics ⇒ Previous topics include ⇒ Famous Mathematicians ⇒ Egyptian Mathematics ⇒ Number Systems Year 7 Project

19 Maths Clubs ⇒ Two Clubs ⇒ Maths Club ⇒ Imagineers (STEM Club) ⇒ Maths Club ⇒ Mrs Cartmell ⇒ Forum for fun topics that cannot be in the syllabus (e.g. codebreaking, puzzles ) ⇒ Imagineers ⇒ Mr Moore / Miss Johnson, Dr Jackson (Science) / Mr Barber (Technology) ⇒ Mixture of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths topics (e.g. forensic science, kit car)

20 ⇒ Year 8 ⇒ Continue to develop knowledge and skills from year 7 ⇒ Introduce new topics including vectors and trigonometry ⇒ Form a solid foundation for GCSE study ⇒ Year 9 - 11 ⇒ Streamed into 3 sets ⇒ All students sit GCSE in year 11 ⇒ High performing students sit an additional GCSE in ‘Further Mathematics’ and a free standing mathematics qualification ‘Additional Mathematics’ ⇒ Year 12-13 ⇒ Mathematics ⇒ Further Mathematics Future Years

21 Supporting Your Child Tell us about any issues by contacting tutor or AL Avoid leave of absence during term time Check planner and be encouraging with homework Discuss targets and assessment grades with your child. If they are not on target, do they know how to rectify the situation?

22 Supporting the School Please ensure you let us know if your child is absent on a school day Please avoid using the school driveways and car parks for dropping off and picking up at the start and end of the school day (other than in exceptional circumstances) Please avoid parking in or near areas designated for school buses or in the area immediately behind the school Please let us know of any changes to medical conditions or medications that affect the student in school Please ensure that the school has up-to-date contact details in case we need to contact you quickly

23 Enrichment Opportunities Trips and visits and events Art trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park -Wednesday 28 th September Y7 Clubs Fair - Thursday 29 th September at lunchtime History trip to Fountains Abbey - Thursday 20 th October Science trip to Chester Zoo - June

24 Financial Support We at CHGS recognise that there are significant expenses associated with school life: Uniform and specialised sports kit Classroom equipment and ICT access Lunches Trips and Visits The government makes financial support available via the Free School Meals and Pupil Premium initiatives (apply through school) Further financial support is available to students of Crossley Heath as required For information about financial support please contact Mrs. L. Sharples, PA to the Head teacher. All enquires will be treated in the strictest confidence

25 School Events this term. CHA- Sing along Grease – Friday 30 th September Swimming Gala – Friday 21 st October CHS Christmas Fayre – Saturday 19 th November House Drama Final Monday 5 th December Carol Service – Friday 16 th December.

26 Thank you for coming All information, including dates, will be on the school’s website: If you have any questions, please see us after the presentation Join us for refreshments in the dining hall provided by the CHA

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