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Aim: How and why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat delta, Barcelona? Data Analysis, Conclusions & Evaluation Discuss data presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How and why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat delta, Barcelona? Data Analysis, Conclusions & Evaluation Discuss data presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How and why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat delta, Barcelona? Data Analysis, Conclusions & Evaluation Discuss data presentation techniques are included in revision guide / click to discuss further & likely exam questions & diff of command words e.g. desc & outline

2 Theoretical background Discuss specific trends & click to reveal

3 Theoretical background Expectations: High wind and high pH values to develop the embryo dune. Grasses such as lyme grass and sea couch grass then appear. A humus layer builds up which traps both water and nutrients. Marram grass is the most common species. Vegetation reaches 100%. Sand sedge and sea spurge start to dominate and small shrubs appear for the first time. Shelter from winds and a true soil begins to develop. Dune slacks. Climatic climax vegetation is reached at the mature dune. Develops a soil which can support shrubs and trees.

4 Debrief from their sheets and show / see end of teacher pack

5 How do our results compare to ‘textbook’ theory? Task: In groups, identify the trends and anomalies from our results when compared with textbook theory. Add these as labels onto the A2 sheet. Annotate each label to suggest reasons for these trends & anomalies. Be prepared to present your findings to the rest of the class. Groups – identify trends & anomalies get ws – allow 20 mins & feedback

6 How do our results compare to ‘textbook’ theory?

7 Aim: How and why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat delta, Barcelona? Evaluation

8 ‘Evaluate the success of your investigation in light of its aims’ - you should include all of the aspects highlighted below: Task: To do this, complete an A3 SWOT analysis sheet for one of the ‘aspects’ Be prepared to feedback to the class Dist A3 sheets / in pairs complete / give e.g. for each as start / L-familiar / DC-sampling/DP-see trends/DA-Site 1 to 10 ok/T-each study individual/PI-skills & uses

9 Evaluation: How & why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat Delta? StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Location: SWOT Analysis

10 Evaluation: How & why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat Delta? StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Collection of data: SWOT Analysis

11 Evaluation: How & why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat Delta? StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Data Presentations: SWOT Analysis

12 Evaluation: How & why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat Delta? StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Data Analysis (incl stat techniques): SWOT Analysis

13 Evaluation: How & why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat Delta? StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Theory: SWOT Analysis

14 Evaluation: How & why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat Delta? StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Practical importance: SWOT Analysis

15 Aim: How and why does vegetation change across a psammosere at Llobregat delta, Barcelona? Plenary Click Rs if time to do independent Rs on Veg den v diversity

16 Starter lesson 4 Question 1Question 5 Question 2Question 6 Question 3Question 7 Question 4Question 8

17 Evaluate the investigation. In your answer, you should: - Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of different aspects of your study. - Suggest improvements Discuss difference between AS & A2 – A2 will not state what to include / allow 8 mins / click to start timer

18 You have only……….. Evaluate the investigation. In your answer, you should: - Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of different aspects of your study. - Suggest improvements

19 Discuss need to quote place specific facts & figures for L2+ Peer assess mark to level – WWW & EBI Evaluate the investigation. In your answer, you should: - Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of different aspects of your study. - Suggest improvements

20 Need comment on all aspects / Peer assess mark to level – WWW & EBI Evaluate the investigation. In your answer, you should: - Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of different aspects of your study. - Suggest improvements

21 What are other likely opening questions at AS Level? Must include accurate figures, Rs values etc for L2+

22 What are other likely opening questions at A2 Level? Refer to ‘assess / explain / justify’ / assess questions that predominate and distinguish between A2 & AS – MUST have accurate figs otherwise L1 – grade E/U


24 Analysing correlations: How to test the statistical relationship between variables Spearman’s Rank Correlation Co-Efficient Vegetation density v Distance inland along a psammosere

25 Spearman’s Rank Correlation The scatter graph shows the possibility of a positive correlation between the two variables and the Spearman's rank correlation technique should be used to see if there is indeed a correlation, and to test the strength of the relationship.

26 Spearman’s Rank Correlation Click to reveal

27 Ans = 0.67

28 Discuss pairs & 95% & 99% sign / 0.67 = 95% sign


30 Test main Groups discuss & record trends and anomalies- get A2 sheet with group & theory in middle – students annotate and present to class – need expl as well Then do Rs on own to test veg den v diversity Then SWOT – location / methods (incl sampling) / presentations / analysis (incl stat tests) / theory / practical importance – get sheets blown to A3 Then test

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