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Published byBennett Hancock Modified over 8 years ago
Y EAR 4 M ISS C ROSS Information Evening
W ELCOME ! Welcome to everyone and I hope all the children have now settled in to Year 4. Class routines- all bags in cloak room, can have 1 pencil case and everyone has own tray. Toast 20p per slice and money brought in to school daily. Lunchtime from 12.15pm so lunch usually at 12.30pm. Class timetable -morning break at 11am. Worship 10.15am.
Our class timetable 8.50-9.20 Registration 9.20-10.15 10.15- 10.30 10.30- 11.00 11.00- 11.15 Break Time 11.15 – 12.15 12.15- 1.15 Lunch 1.15- 1.30 1.30 – 2.302.30 – 3.30pm Monday Registration RWI Spelling Phonics Literacy JW HH Whole School Assembly Spelling Test Maths JW HH Guided Reading (1) ICT HH RE HH Tuesday Registration Guided Reading (2) Literacy JW HH Reading comprehe nsion KS2 Assembly 10.45am Duty LC JW Maths ICT suite JW Library books changed Music (Hall) HH Topic (Geography) HH Wednesday Registration Guided reading (3) Literacy JW HH Hymns French JW ICT suite Maths JW HH PPA JC cover ART/DT HH Thursday Registration RWI Spelling Phonics Maths JW HH 10.00-11.30 Swimming Maths 11.30 HH JW Guided Reading (4) Topic (Science) HH Friday Registration Diary Check RWI spelling Phonics Literacy JW HH School Assembly 10.15 SPAG/times tables Maths JW HH Guided Reading (5) PE Nurture group HH PSHE HH Golden Time 2.50- 3.15.
R OUTINES - INDEPENDENCE Homework diaries, reading books and reading diaries should be in school every day and taken home each night. Homework- homework is given out on a Wednesday and expected back on Monday/Tuesday. Please make sure that a full P.E. kit is in school at all times - P.E. will be on Friday afternoon. Pumps inside and suitable outdoor trainers. Swimming on Thursday morning.
R OUTINES - H OMEWORK /R EADING /S PELLING Spellings –given out every Monday in homework diaries and tested on the following Monday. Words taken from our RWI spellings books so children are already familiar with the words each week and will practise at school too. Reading- Encourage your child to read every night, at least 3 times per week minimum. Please sign your child’s diary every time they read. Books will be changed at least once a week at school. The reading of books from home or independent reading is also great and please write in the diary if you are reading a book from home. Homework – Maths and literacy homework once per week. Discuss the homework task with your child and ensure the homework is completed to a good level. Please let me know if there are any problems. Times tables – Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. The maths homework for the week may often involve times tables recall or activities. Please sign homework diary each week, feel free to write any notes about homework or other issues.
T HE INDEPENDENT W RITE The Independent write is similar to a Big Write, however it will not take place every week and there is more flexibility. We will plan and prepare during literacy lessons. Writing independently for around two lessons (flexible). Proof-reading and editing is encouraged throughout and at the end of the piece of writing (purple polishing pens). Stars and wishes marking for independent writing to help children with next steps. Children are given time to respond to their writting feedback.
P RESENTATION High expectations of the children in Year 4 Handwriting - apply joins to all writing. All children will use pencils and will be given pens for literacy writing when they are ready. School handwriting pens only. No graffiti on or in any books.
R EADING IN Y EAR 4 Reading will be part of homework every week. The children should continue to try and read for a short period every night. It would be great if you could ask your child questions about the book they are reading. They will also read 1:1 at school. Guided reading – Guided reading groups once per week. Encourage children to help each other, discuss the text, respond to questions and using the text to answer accurately.
M ENTAL M ATHS /T IMES T ABLES Essential to every day life Rapid recall of facts. Application to real life problems. Times tables –x2,x5,x10,x3,x6,x4,x8,x9,x11,x12 will be a focus in mental maths starters during numeracy lessons. 118 Times Tables challenge per week. Times tables in Maths starter activities. Times tables facts recall.
Y EAR 4 M ATHS Number and place value Children should be confident working with 4 digit numbers including decimals to one decimals place. Addition and subtraction Children should be able to use the column method for addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers. Children should confidently add and subtract simple 3 and 4 digit numbers mentally (jotting or number lines) Multiplication and division Multiply 3 digits by 1 digits using the grid method and the formal written method. Divide using short and long division. Fractions and decimals Measurement Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence. Geometry (Properties of shapes/position and direction) Statistics Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.
Y EAR 4 L ITERACY Explanations Fantasy Film and Play scripts Fairy Tales Poetry Newspaper Reports Persuasive Texts Story Writing (Plot based) Novels Reports Information Texts Stories with a Theme Debate Folk Tales
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