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ANTARES sensitivity for Diffuse Fluxes and for 1000 d livetime I. Single flavor (  ) II. All flavors (showering events) M. Spurio 19/06/

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Presentation on theme: "ANTARES sensitivity for Diffuse Fluxes and for 1000 d livetime I. Single flavor (  ) II. All flavors (showering events) M. Spurio 19/06/"— Presentation transcript:

1 ANTARES sensitivity for Diffuse Fluxes and for 1000 d livetime I. Single flavor (  ) II. All flavors (showering events) M. Spurio 19/06/2013 1

2 Sensitivity definition All analyses optimized the sensitivity using the MRF methods from Hill-Rawlins.  90 (n b ) depends on the number of background events. See plot. n s represent the number of signal events. Is the sum of all events in the final step from all neutrino and antineutrino channels The test flux  test represents the sum of the input flux for each and  channel  90 nbnb 2

3 I-   Analyses 1) Paper PLB 696 (2011) 16–22 2) Jutta Analysis Estimate of the sensitivity  (  ) assuming a reference livetime of 1000 d 3

4 1) Sensitivity from the PLB paper nbnb  90 nsns MRF=  90 /n s  test GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1  90%(  ) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Original (334d) 12.77.410.80.68(1/2)x2x10 -7 0.68x10 -7 1000 d38.11232.40.3710 -7 0.37x10 -7 1000 d (no prompt) 32.11132.40.3410 -7 0.34x10 -7 4 It includes the possible contribution from prompt

5 2) Sensitivity from the Jutta nbnb  90 nsns MRF=  90 /n s  test GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1  90%(  ) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Original (838 d) 6.685.73.221.772x10 -8 0.36x10 -7 1000 d (no prompt) -8 0.33x10 -7 5 It does not include the contribution from prompt

6 4 different documents analyzed – Giada Carminati PhD thesis – Qader PhD thesis – Lucia Ambrogi Master Thesis – Thomas Folger, in progress (as at the Marseille meeting) Estimate of the sensitivity  ( e +    ) assuming a reference livetime of 1000 d Common problem: simulation of the  int. missing Two scenarios for the  contribution – Pessimistic = 0 events – Optimistic = 70% of the e (for  e, no Glashow resonance) II- Shower analyses (all flavors) 6

7 1. Giada Carminati thesis Discovered a lot of bugs in the MC Some numbers from wrong MC (Glashow events for upgoing events, NC bugs, etc…) corrected “by hand” The analysis was supposed to be valid for 4  sr (no dedicated cuts to remove down going events) Sensitivity computed for 365 days 7

8 Sensitivity from Giada nbnb  90 n sh nn n s = n sh +n  MRF=  90 /n s  test GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1  90%(all flavors) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Original (365d) 0.272.674.40 0.6110 -7 0.61x10 -7 (single fl.) Pessimis0.743.212.00 0.266x10 -7 1.6x10 -7 Optimis0.743.212.04.8*16.80.196x10 -7 1.2x10 -7 8 * Removed the events in the Glashow resonance

9 2. Qader PhD (unblinded) 656 d livetime up to 2011 Upward going events only (<2  sr) Unblinded: no survived events (signal =0) Upper limit can be set (better that sensitivity) 9

10 Sensitivity from Qader (KNN) nbnb  90 n sh nn n s = n sh +n  MRF=  90 /n s  test GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1  90%(all flavors) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Original (656d) -7 ( e+  ) Pessimis2.34.05.20 0.776x10 -7 4.6x10 -7 Optimis2. -7 2.7x10 -7 10

11 3. Lucia Ambrogi Master Based on the reconstruction of Qader Different cuts to include also the downward going events (however mostly rejected at level of MVA) Sensitivity computed for 1000 days Slightly better than Qader 11

12 Sensitivity from Lucia nbnb  90 n sh nn n s = n sh +n  MRF=  90 /n s  test GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1  90%(all flavors) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Original (1000 d) 1.633.55.1805.20.674x10 -7 2.7x10 -7 ( e+  ) Pessimis1.633.55.1805.20.676x10 -7 4.0x10 -7 Optimis1.633. -7 2.4x10 -7 12

13 Florian Folger (Dusj in progress) See presentation at the last coll. meeting 13

14 Sensitivity from Florian nbnb  90 n sh nn n s = n sh +n  MRF=  90 /n s  test GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1  90%(all flavors) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Original (88 days) 3.684.50.92+ 0.07 00.994.54x4.5x10 -8 8x10 -7 ( e+  ) Pessimis421311.30 1.156x4.5x10 -8 3.1x10 -7 Optimis421311.37.2*18.50.706x4.5x10 -8 1.9x10 -7 14 * I cannot evaluate the contribution of Glashow resonance, if any

15 Summary for all flavor AnalysisPessimisticOptimisticNote E 2  90%(all flavors) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Giada1.6x10 -7 1.2x10 -7 4  Some extrapolations. Glashow resonance contribute 40% to the signal. Florian3.1x10 -7 1.9x10 -7 Lucia4.0x10 -7 2.4x10 -7 Qader4.6x10 -7 2.7x10 -7 15 A reasonable value to be quoted seems to be E 2  90%(all flavors) = 3x10 -7 GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 This corresponds to a single flavor: 1/3xE 2  90%(all flavors) = 10 -7 GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1

16 Summary for all flavor AnalysisPessimisticOptimisticNote E 2  90%(all flavors) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 Giada1.6x10 -7 1.2x10 -7 4  Some extrapolations. Glashow resonance contribute 40% to the signal. Florian3.1x10 -7 1.9x10 -7 Lucia4.0x10 -7 2.4x10 -7 Qader4.6x10 -7 2.7x10 -7 16 AnalysisSensitivityNote E 2  90%(  ) GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 PRL paper+Biagi0.37x10 -7 Prompt contribution included Jutta0.33x10 -7 and single flavor from 

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