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Español 2.  Middle: Your name as you want to be called  Top left: Last year’s school name  Top right: A symbol that represents you  Bottom left: What.

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Presentation on theme: "Español 2.  Middle: Your name as you want to be called  Top left: Last year’s school name  Top right: A symbol that represents you  Bottom left: What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español 2

2  Middle: Your name as you want to be called  Top left: Last year’s school name  Top right: A symbol that represents you  Bottom left: What grade you are in  Bottom right: Last year’s Spanish teacher’s name  We’ll pass them forward when I tell you to.

3  Me llamo ______  Soy de ____  Vivo en ____  Tengo ____ años.  Mi cumpleanos es el ____ de ____.  Me gusta ______  Soy ________________

4 Ahora lea su syllabus solo. No hablen.

5 Rally robin/30 segundos ¿Cuáles son los puntos principales que leiste en el syllabus?

6  Trae la porción más abajo con las firmas de tú y tu padre o madre.  5 puntos  Por viernes  “Turn in Box”

7  RAMS  Respeto para nuestros mismos y para otros  Actúa con responsabilidad  Modela la seguridad  Se esfuerza por excelencia

8  Behavior that lends itself to learning Maintaining a positive learning environment Distractions kept to a minimum Risk taking encouraged Put downs prohibited (verbal, physical…) Professional environment One person speaks, others listen Respect property and time (food, scents, phones)

9  Ready to learn when you enter the classroom  Sleep/Nutrition  Bathroom  Absences/tardies  Be helpful  Don’t get in others’ way  Leave drama elsewhere  Materials used appropriately  Electronics policy  Tool  Not a distraction (for you or others)

10  Backpacks under desk  Hands off each other and each other’s stuff  Class materials used appropriately


12  STAMP  Spanish focus  Track speaker  Ask and Answer Questions  Mind active (goal)100%  Proper Posture  Knees under desk, feet on the floor, backbone on back of chair, hands on desk, head and eyes tracking speaker

13  Draw a picture on the provided paper of a place you went this summer. (Even if it is just your bedroom, that is okay.)  Include details like with whom, when, how, what you did, etc.  No words necessary  Due at beginning of class tomorrow.

14  You need to go to the bathroom during class  Discuss some options:  Check: does it solve your problem without creating other problems for you or someone else?

15  Your phone keeps buzzing because your friend is texting you.  Discuss some options:  Check: does it solve your problem without creating other problems for you or someone else?

16 ______1. You can “go to the bathroom” during direct instruction by the teacher. ______2. It is appropriate to “go to the bathroom” during partner sharing or small group work. ______3. It is fine to leave the room nearly everyday to “go to the bathroom” as long as it is on your own time. _____4. It is perfectly acceptable to “go to the bathroom” before class starts and be a few seconds late if your materials are on your desk, you get started on the do now immediately upon return and you let the teacher know you might be a few seconds late.

17  ______1. There is a time and place for use of personal electronic devices. (PEDs)  ______2. It is appropriate to send quick text messages to people during class downtime.  ______3. It is acceptable to take selfies or video tape or photograph others during class time.  ______4. It is okay to use appropriate sites at appropriate times.  ______5. It is okay to use PEDs and say that its your mom that texted or called you.  ______6. If you are using your PEDs inappropriately on a regular basis, there will be consequences. Sorry!

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