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Kites Group 3: Jake Boyle, Katie Patterson, Mike Marinelli, Stephen Salwocki.

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Presentation on theme: "Kites Group 3: Jake Boyle, Katie Patterson, Mike Marinelli, Stephen Salwocki."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kites Group 3: Jake Boyle, Katie Patterson, Mike Marinelli, Stephen Salwocki

2 Kite Designs Delta Kite Box Kite Parafoil Jake’s design WmG2UrfJi.jpg

3 Box Kite Invented by Lawrence Hargrave in 1893 Platform for developing observation military kites Strong to withstand the forces of the wind and weight, but it must also be light to keep the weight low kites/files/box-kites.jpg

4 Jake’s Design This kite will be able to monitor the weather. Also, this kite will be available for sport.

5 Parafoil Designed by Domina Jalbert in 1964 Air cells capture air and provide lift More lift than a traditional parachute Very controllable because of its slow rate of descent Used to recover space equipment pg

6 Delta Kite Simple Design Large surface area Light weight Horizontal spurs to strengthen outer frame 16-delta.jpg

7 Uses Scientific Meteorology Antennae Measuring Military Target Practice Signaling Aesthetic Photography Display Recreational Kite Fighting Kite Surfing

8 Selection Matrices Least - MoreOption #1Option #2Option #3Option #4 1 to 4Box KiteDelta KiteParafoilJake's Kite Use for Task4442 ^ReasonsKnown to Fly Unknown to Fly Suitable for Task2431 ^ReasonsHard to Build Easier to Fly/Build Semi Difficult to BuildUnknown Helps Managing Resources2324 ^ReasonsWood/Plastic Plastic/Little WoodLots of PlasticVery Simple Technology Feasible2323 ^ReasonsHardEasierHardSimple Possible Cost2323 ^Reasons Lots of MaterialsLess MaterialLots of Materials More Material Saftey2242 ^ReasonsSharp EdgesSharp PointAll PlasticEdges Total14191715

9 Weight Factors and Final Selection Matricie Use for TaskSuitable for TaskHelps Mangae ResourcesTechnology FeasiblePossible CostSaftey Use for Task 010000.066667 Suitable for Task1 10000.133333 Helps Mangae Resources00 0100.066667 Technology Feasible111 010.266667 Possible Cost1101 10.266667 Saftey11100 0.2 Total=15 Option #1Option #2Option #3Option #4 WFBox KiteDelta KiteParafoilJake's Kite Use for Task0.06670.26666667 0.26666670.1333333 Suitable for Task0.13330.266666670.533333330.40.1333333 Helps Manage Resources0.06670.133333330.20.13333330.2666667 Technology Feasible0.26670.533333330.80.53333330.8 Possible Cost0.26670.533333330.80.53333330.8 Saftey0.20.4 0.80.4 TOTAL2.1333333332.66666672.5333333

10 Solid Works

11 Design/ Fabrication

12 Testing After many man hours the delta kite was not strong enough to survive the forces of flight Re-design Stronger frame Also failed Use stronger materials for outer frame More surface area = more lift

13 Testing



16 Findings/Debriefing Flexible but strong Light but strong Large surface area Controllable Re-design of the keel and strings hII/AAAAAAAAANw/g9Du6eZHFGw/s200/ f

17 Works Cited

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