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A Project proposal: The « four pillars » and e-Education for all Prof. Bernard CORNU La Villa Media Grenoble, France.

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Presentation on theme: "A Project proposal: The « four pillars » and e-Education for all Prof. Bernard CORNU La Villa Media Grenoble, France."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Project proposal: The « four pillars » and e-Education for all Prof. Bernard CORNU La Villa Media Grenoble, France

2 The « four pillars » and e-Education for all « Education for All » in Knowledge Societies ---> « e-Education for all » Access Quality

3 “Learning: The Treasure within” Jacques Delors (1996) (a report to UNESCO by the Commission for Education in the XXIst Century) The four pillars of Education : Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together, learning to live with others Learning to be The four pillars of Education : Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together, learning to live with others Learning to be The « four pillars » and e-Education for all

4 Towards an « e-Education for all », taking into account the « four pillars » ICTs as an object and a content ICTs as a mean and a tool

5 The « four pillars » and e-Education for all Towards a project: create tools and resources create strategies create « e-educational » services success stories

6 The « four pillars » and e-Education for all Towards a project: Tools and resources for e-Education e-Education for enhancing Education for all e-Education for the « four pillars »

7 The « four pillars » and e-Education for all « Networking for all »: Create virtual communities taking into account the « four pillars » and developing a collective intelligence for e-Education for all

8 The « four pillars » and e-Education for all Design and experiment educational tools usable in any country Produce recommendations for developing « e- Education for all » Experiment concrete actions - a local action - a « distance-action » - an action at the decision-makers level

9 The « four pillars » and e-Education for all Results generalisable and disseminated a cooperation between different countries including developing countries a precise contribution to the aims of the Dakar framework for action a possible focal point: La Villa Media partners: SAWT, international bodies, universities and schools, private partners, etc.


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